OP Newsletter March 2023
Go Orioles!
Message from the Office
The OP Reading Challenge has reached it's official end - and we suggested the week of Winter Break as the 'catch-up' week of reading. We had almost 260 students participate in the FIRST week of the challenge - which equates to 44,100 minutes - or 735 hours of extra reading in the FIRST WEEK ALONE!!! WAY TO GO ORIOLES!!!!! We are planning our WHOLE SCHOOL Hot Dog, juice box & cookie lunch on March 8th. We will have both regular and halal hot dogs for our students that day. Please ensure you send enough other food for your child that day as they will still need a morning snack (and perhaps more food at lunch if one hot dog is not enough). We'll wrap up all other weekly prizes for the students this week (Feb 27 - March 3) and then celebrate together on March 8.
Although we haven't quite hit our spring thaw yet, it is coming - and with that comes a very wet and often muddy playground. Please double check the fit of your child's rubber boots as they will be a necessity very soon. Extra socks in the bottom of the backpack might also be a good idea - 3 recesses and outdoor Phys Ed can mean wet feet if the student's aren't dressed for the thawing snow & ice.
March brings the end to our second term of instruction and with it our next reporting period. OP will provide parents with the opportunity to do either Student Led Conferences (held on Wednesday March 15 from 4 - 6 pm) or you can come in (or phone in or google meet) for an in-person interview on Thursday March 16 from 10 am - 5 pm. Student Led Conferences on Wednesday afternoon provides an opportunity for your child to show you their work and demonstrate their learning. The teacher will be there to help facilitate, but since there could be 2-4 other students & parents in the room at the same time, there will not be an opportunity for specific interviews on Wednesday. If you prefer individual interview time, there will be plenty of spots available for that on Thursday and you can book through schoolinterviews.ca. Instructions for booking interviews will follow in the newsletter.
We look forward to continuing our focus on literacy and numeracy as we approach the final four months of the 2022/2023 school year! Keep reading Orioles!
Reading Challenge - Hot Dog Lunch!
Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023, 12:45 PM
OP School
Student Led Conferences
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023, 04:00 PM
5 Oldbury Street, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023, 10:00 AM
5 Oldbury Street, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Staff Learning Day (No School for Students)
Friday, Mar 17, 2023, 12:00 AM
OP School
OP School Council Meeting
Monday, Mar 20, 2023, 03:45 PM
5 Oldbury Street, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Hot Lunch Day - State n Main
Thursday, Mar 23, 2023, 12:45 PM
5 Oldbury Street, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Grade 5 Basketball Wrap Up Tournament
Tuesday, Mar 28, 2023, 04:00 PM
École Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School, 58 Street, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Cross Country Ski Loppet - OP Places in top 5!!!!
Deadline Extended to March 17!
Parent Teacher Interviews / Student Led Conferences
If you want to bring your child to Student Led Conferences and have them demonstrate their learning - please book a 20-minute slot on Wednesday March 15 from 4 - 6 pm.
Log into schoolinterviews.ca and use the code: vbuea to log in to OP's Student Led Conference times to book a slot for you & your child.
If you prefer the traditional Parent-Teacher Interview, please book a 10-minute interview (in person, phone or google meet) on Thursday March 16 from 10 am - 5 pm.
Log into schoolinterviews.ca and use the code: wa8wr to log in to OP's Parent-Teacher interview times.
Interviews will OPEN on Thursday March 9 to begin bookings. We suggest you set a reminder in your March calendar to remember to book an interview time or a student-led conference slot.
If you have any problems booking or need any assistance, please call Jacki or Sandy in the office.
Grade 5 Basketball
STEP Energy - $5000 Donation
VALUES FOR LEARNING & LIFE: OP Student Certificate Winners
VALUE: Respectful
Grade K: Nev (Ms. Baird)
Grade 2: Youseff (Mme Konan)
Grade 5: Willow (Mme Beebe/Mme Rudge)
Grade 5: Sofia (Mme Beebe/Mme Rudge)
VALUE: Responsible
Grade 2: Amalia (Mme Konan)
Grade 4: Jackson (Mr. Hart)
VALUE: Curious
Grade 4: Lamar (Mr. Hart)
VALUE: Resilient
Grade 2: Braxton (Mme Konan)
Grade 2: Hendrick (Ms. Stemmler)
Grade 2: Khing Harry (Ms. Stemmler)
Grade 2: Mahmoud (Ms. Stemmler)
Grade 5: Nya (Mme Beebe/Mme Rudge)
VALUE: Collaborative
Grade K: Otto (Ms. Baird)
Grade K: Jacob (Ms. Baird)
Grade 2: Freyja (Ms. Stemmler)
Grade 4: Kaylee (Mr. Hart)
Grade 5: Keinan (Mme Beebe/Mme Rudge)
VALUE: Healthy
** Student name not listed due to FOIP
Ecole Oriole Park
Email: op@rdpsd.ab.ca
Website: https://www.rdpsd.ab.ca/oriolepark
Location: 5 Oldbury Street, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Phone: 403-347-3731
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrioleParkElementaryRDP
School Council Information
Monday March 20, 2023 @ 3:45 pm in the OP Library
Please join our Oriole Park School Parents & Council Facebook Group - Linked here
If you have any questions or would like to connect with OP School Council, please email us:
Please support our School Council Fundraiser by ordering Hot Lunch once/month through Healthy Hunger!