Wiggin Street Parent Update
May 13, 2022
Better Together
This update is full of pictures and videos from all of the exciting events that happened this week! We had a beautiful day for the End of the Year Picnic today. Thanks to all the volunteers that came out to help! We even had a hummus cart served by MVCSD Food Service Director, Mark Kime. I saw kids going for seconds and even thirds of celery, peppers, pita bread, hummus, and spicy feta dip.
We look forward to camp at Heartland for our 5th graders next Monday, Field Day on Wednesday, 3rd Grade History Field Trip on Friday, and our Senior Breakfast for graduating high school seniors that are Wiggin Street alumni.
Lastly, we are so thankful that Gambier's Strategic Plan Steering Committee approved $35,000 in funding for Wiggin Street Elementary to improve our playground! Small's Asphalt will resurface our playground and pave the strip gravel path. This will allow are staff to paint sensory paths and kinesthetic lab activities including 4 square, hopscotch, etc.
Great things are happening on Wiggin Street, and we love to share! Have a great weekend!
Christy Grandstaff
End of the Year Picnic
Ryan's Case for Smiles
Kenyon Computer Science Students Collaborate with Wiggin Street 5th Grade Students
Staff vs. 5th Grade Hockey Game
5th Grade Field Trip to Kenyon College Farm
An American Studies class at Kenyon College, Theory and Practice of Urban Education, learned this semester about nontraditional teaching and experiential learning. For their class project, they wanted to make use of the Kenyon Farm to combine what they learned about experiential learning. They designed a field trip for elementary school students at the Kenyon Farm and invited our 5th grade students to test it out!
Through four categories–sustainability, indigenous practices, livestock, and agriculture, they crafted experimental lessons students could explore. Students learned about soil testing and soil health, sustainability, and indigenous attitudes and practices surrounding agriculture. They also practiced some math skills as they figured out how much space needs to be allocated for animals and other things on a farm, and they had an opportunity to read & write poetry or draw art inspired by nature. As you can see by the pictures, our students had a great time!
Thank you 3rd Grade Recyclers!
2nd and 4th grade students sharing Cinderella stories
Kindergarten Getting the Wiggles Out after the Hockey Game
Senior Breakfast at Wiggin Street
Middle School Music Opportunities
5th Grade Families:
Choir, Band, and Orchestra are offered as classes beginning in 6th grade. On April 29th, the 5th grade students traveled to the high school to learn about these music opportunities. Students also tried instruments during their music class this week!
Please add the below date to your calendar for more information and to sign up to BE PART OF THE MUSIC!
Parent Information/ Sign Up Meetings : Thursday, May 19 @ MVMS
6pm: Pleasant Street & Twin Oak
7pm: Dan Emmett & Wiggin Street
8pm: Columbia & East
Fun Summer Learning Opportunity
Last Day of School
Upcoming Important Dates
16 5th Grade to Heartland Camp for the day with Pleasant Street
18 Field Day
19 Field Day Rain Date
20 NWEA MAP Window closes
20 3rd Grade History Field Trip 9:15-2:00
22 High School Graduation
23 4th Grade Hygiene Talk w/Knox Public Health, 1:55-2:35
23 5th Grade Puberty Talk w/Knox Public Health, 2:40-3:30
24 Talent Show, 2:00
26 End of 4th 9 weeks/Last Day of School
26 KDG Graduation, 9:30 am
26 5th Grade Graduation, 10:30 am
26 5th Grade Clap-out, 11:45 am
26 Final Report Cards go home
26 2-hour early dismissal, 1:30
27 Teacher Work Day
30 Memorial Day
Idle-free Zone
Principal- Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: (740) 427-4262
Twitter: @LCGrandstaff