Lamont High Weekly Update
June 23 2023
Weekly Message
Dear Parents, Students, and Staff,
Welcome to our last weekly update. It has been a tremendous year with so much excitement and learning. We couldn't have done it without parents, students, and teachers working together towards a common goal. As we bid this year farewell, we thank you for being active members in the learning journey of Lamont High's 340 students. Wishing you all a great summer and a fantastic 2023-24 school year.
Greg, Marlis, and the LHS Team.
Upcoming Important Dates
- June 26: Physics 30 Exam, Social 9 PAT, Social 7 and 8 Exam
- June 27: Science 9 PAT. Science 7 and 8 Exam. Last day of classes
- June 28: Operational Day for Staff
- August 24: Office re-opens
- August 24: Grade 10 course changes 9:00-2:00
- August 25: Grade 11-12 course changes 9:00-2:00
- August 31: First day of classes
- September 11: Meet the teacher and School Council AGM 5:00
Timetables 2023-24
Students who wish to change an option based on preference or who need to to adjust a class based on academic performance may do so in August.
We will be back August 24 for Grade 10 course changes and August 25 for Grade 11/12 changes. After those dates please wait until the first date of school as we will not be available August 28-30 for changes.
School Supplies 2023-24
Lamont High Staff 2023-24
Sawatzky- Principal
Marler- Assistant Principal
Bartz- LINKS
Best- Math/Science
Blades- SEAS
Bordato- Social
Derewienka- CTS
Dussault- Science
Kokotailo- PE
LaFrance- Math/Science
Laslo- CTS
Patmore- ELA/Drama
Ram- Science
Shaw- CTS/Art
*Teacher TBD- Jr. High
Tonge- ELA/Social/ CTS
Vandelannoite- Counsellor
Weppler- Math/CTS
Wyman- ELA
Gillingwater-Social Worker
Noppers-Business Manager
Wendorff-Library Technician
Summer Contacts
During the summer break, EIPS Central Services will remain open to complete year-end activities and prepare for the 2023-24 school year. While schools are closed, EIPS-related questions or concerns can be directed to Central Services during the following business hours. Contact us
Central Services and Student Transportation buildings
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Student Transportation resumes its regular office hours—7 a.m. to 5 p.m.—on Monday, August 28.
NOTE: All EIPS offices will be closed on the following dates:
- Monday, July 3
- Monday, August 7
- Monday, September 4
Lamont County Programming
Follow Us
Instagram - @lhseips
Facebook - Lamont High School - EIPS
LHS Clothing
Find the store by following the link at https://lamonthighschool.entripyshops.com/ or find the website from the menu bar on our school website!
About Us
Email: general.lhs@eips.ca
Website: www.lamonthigh.ca
Location: 4811 50 Avenue, Lamont, AB, Canada
Phone: (780)895-2228
Facebook: facebook.com/lamonthighschool
Twitter: @lamonthigh