Sawnee Elementary
May 2023 Newsletter
A Note from Mrs. Davis
Dear Sawnee Families,
Entering the month of May means we are entering the final stretch of the school year. This has been an amazing year and I am so grateful for all of the support each of you have provided to make sure this year has been successful. Even though we are winding down, the activities seem to be winding up.
Next week we will have our Field Days and look forward to all of the visitors and volunteers who will help make these days a success. Yearbooks will be distributed on May 9th. We also have our final Chief Leader Award night on May 11th. Fifth Grade has several exciting days to close out the month including their step up ceremony. We will celebrate our retirees on May 17th. So much fun!
If you are coming to have those final lunches in the cafeteria, please remember this is a time for you and your student only. We cannot have friends join the lunch date and appreciate your understanding. When you are here, please check the lost and found in both buildings in order to get these items returned before the summer break. There is a lot to look through!
Over the summer, Sawnee will host Summer School for rising 3rd and 6th graders. We will have limited office hours, which will be posted and recorded on our phones. Please note the building will be closed June 26th – July 7th.
Please check our website over the summer for information about our annual Ice Cream Social to welcome new Chiefs and greet friends we missed over the summer. Thank you to our fabulous PTO for helping make this event happen.
Summer time will go by fast, so I hope you enjoy some beautiful weather. Our Open House events will be August 1st. We will send out more information when the teachers return from the summer holidays.
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to give feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. It is a pleasure to work with all of our families.
Kimberly Davis
Car Line Procedures
Morning Car Line
The school day begins at 8:20 AM each day. Our morning car line takes between 6-8 minutes to get from the entrance to drop off. In order to have all students in the building at 8:20 AM, please plan to be in line by 8:12 AM to ensure your child is in class at 8:20 AM. Once car line is closed at 8:20 AM, you will need to check your child in at the office of either the front or back building depending on their grade level. Thank you for your support!
Please review the Car Line Procedures. Please follow the blue arrows all around the back of the building to ensure the safety of all cars and students.
What's Happening at Sawnee?
2023-24 Kindergarten
5th Grade Information
Below you will find updated information on the upcoming 5th grade activities and Moving Up Ceremony. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any further questions. We are so proud of our 5th Graders!
Field Day
May 9th : Kindergarten - 9:00-11:00; First Grade- 12:00-2:00
May 10th : Third Grade - 9:00-11:00; Second Grade- 12:00-2:00
May 11th : Fourth Grade- 9:00-11:00; Fifth Grade- 12:00-2:00
Pre-K and SBA - Please check with your homeroom teacher for event dates and times.
Parent Volunteers Needed! Click Here to volunteer.
Library Books
Tutoring Information
Important Information from the Office
**Please send in excused Doctor or Parent notes no later than 5 days after the missed school day.
Reminder to make sure you have your I.D. with you when coming into the school or checking out your child.
~Thank You from the Sawnee Office Staff
Cafeteria News
- Blueberries contain a plant compound called anthocyanin. This gives blueberries both their blue color and many of their health benefits.
- One cup of blueberries provides 24 percent of a person recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
- Blueberries contain iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin K.
Clinic News
**Just a reminder- Field Day is right around the corner. Sunscreen is considered a medication, so please apply in the morning before school. We will not be able to apply unless the sunscreen is brought to us and a medication form is signed.
**It’s hard to believe, but it is about time for end of school medication pickup. If your child has medication in the clinic, please pick it up by 2pm on May 25th. Any medication left in the clinic will be disposed unless arrangements are made to keep medication in clinic. Also keep in mind that care plans signed by physicians need to be resubmitted yearly at the start of the school year. Summer is a great time to request the care plans from your pediatricians. It has been a pleasure taking care of your children and we wish everyone a happy and safe summer!!
We always welcome your calls and emails. Nurse Robyn (PreK-1) and Nurse Kate (2-5)
Counseling Information
"The Place" Food Pantry
Need help with food? Order with a simple click-list when you qualify. Click application link to apply online or for more information call 770-887-1098.
~ Parents, it’s back! And it’s FREE!
A free online conference for parents with children of all ages! Discover time-tested, research-backed, practical ideas for raising resilient, confident kids and becoming a more peaceful and effective parent.
FREE Online Positive Parenting Conference is coming back for the 7th year on May 18, 2023!
Early Registration Begins May 1, 2023
Positive Parenting Conference 2023 COMING SOON <- Click link to sign up.
Sawnee Elementary has a “Strive for Less than Five” unexcused absence per year policy. We support every student in reaching his/her greatest potential and encourage parents to support children in maximizing academic instruction opportunities. Some of the potential consequences of absenteeism are listed below. We understand that injuries and illness occur. As such, parents should send in a doctor's note for necessary absences.
Computer Science
Computers of the Future Presentation
Computers of the Future Presentation
Computers of the Future Presentation
Code and Go Mouse
Working on
Playing Chess
Quick Links
My Payments Plus - online payment program. If you have any questions, contact Allison Taylor
Celebrating Birthdays with Ice Cream - Birthday Ice Cream Packs are available for $25 for the entire class including the teacher. These must be ordered 3 school days prior to the day you want the ice cream pack served. You may bring in store bought treats for your child’s birthday, but we cannot allow homemade items due to student allergies. The last day we will serve birthday ice cream packs will be May 19th. We will not be able to serve birthday packs on the last week of school. The ice cream packs may be purchased under "activities" through If you have questions, you may contact Allison Taylor by email at We look forward to celebrating your child's birthday.
Sawnee Zone Information - Our Sawnee Zone pick-up location is located in the front of our Back Building. Please make sure to bring your ID with you as we will follow all procedures that we do for student check-outs. For any questions or more information about Sawnee Zone, please click here.
Important Dates to Know
May 1 - Ga. Milestones 4th Grade Begins
May 8 - 5th Grade Aquarium Field Trip
May 9 - Field Day - KK (9a-11a) and 1st (12p-2p)
May 10- Field Day - 3rd (9a-11a) and 2nd (12p-2p)
May 11 - Field Day - 4th (9a-11a) and 5th (12p-2p)
LSC West Cluster Meeting 8am at Vickery Creek Elementary School
May 22 - 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony at FoCal
May 24 - 5th Grade FUN Day and Walk
Partners In Education
Caddyshack Golf Carts of Georgia
World Champion Tae Kwon Do
At Home Medical
Mathnasium of Coal Mountain
Dulce Luna's Mexican Tavern
4335 Bethelview Rd. Suite 120 Cumming, Ga. 30040
Jason Hipps Homes
Moohan Martial Arts Academy
Dental Town
Troncalli Subaru
Foam South
Southern Skies Doodles
In the Community
The Cumming Recreation & Parks Department has released their 2023 Summer Programming Brochure.
Kids Sports Camp
We are also working on setting up our Instagram account and will be coming very soon!
Contact Sawnee Elementary
Location: 1616 Canton Highway, Cumming, GA, USA
Phone: 770-887-6161
Twitter: @SawneeElem