Jaguar Journal
December 2023 Edition
Dear Jaguar Families,
We have accomplished much together in the first semester at Willis Jepson Middle School. We very proudly share in this newsletter our students’ accomplishments in our classrooms, clubs and activities, and on our athletic teams. Our staff members are engaged in collaborative efforts every Friday working in Professional Learning Communities to develop essential academic standards, common instructional pacing guides and assessments, and ways to meet the needs of all students. Additionally, teachers are participating actively in our Task Forces this year designed to improve our school: Grading for Equity, Supporting Our Emergent Bilingual Students, New English Textbook Piloting, Student Supports, and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
We hope you will enjoy seeing our Jaguars actively showing their spirit during our winter sports season and we look forward to joining you at our upcoming music performances.
Go Jags!
Tom McHale, Principal
Joe Cooney, Assistant Principal
Jackie Carmona, Dean of Learning Support
Para los padres/tutores que hablan español
Important Dates
- 12/4 - 12/8: Holiday Spirit Week
- 12/6: Club Fair during lunch
- 12/8: Winter Glow Dance, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
- 12/12: Jepson Choir Concert at Vaca Comm Presbyterian Church. 5:30 PM & 7:00 PM
- 12/19: Instrumental Winter Showcase (all bands, orchestras, mariachi and drumline) in the Jepson gym at 6:00 PM
- 12/21 & 12/22: Minimum Days ending at 1:03 PM
- 12/22: 7th Grade Winter Social
- 12/25 - 1/5: Winter Break
- 1/8: Late Start Monday
LATE START: 1/8/2023
On the first day we return from Winter Break, we will have a late start schedule with school beginning at 10:50 AM. This is part of the school calendar for all VUSD schools. We wanted to notify you in advance so drop-off arrangements can be made.
In order to attend Jaguar activities, students must have fewer than 10 discipline demerits, have no debts with the library, and be eligible by the Rule of 90.
No large bags or outside food/drinks are allowed in the dance.
Athletic Information
Our talented sports teams earned more championship banners for Jepson this fall. Congratulations to all of our student athletes for their dedication and spirit and representing WJMS very well. We celebrated our success at a festive awards night with Joe Cooney serving as master of ceremonies. We are very fortunate to have our fantastic coaches, Jeff Maghoney, Luis Velasquez, Tony Delgado, Clint Birch and Tammy Campbell and Athletic Director Chris Marino who mentor our kids and keep our Jaguar sports and traditions of excellence strong!
The boys and girls basketball teams are partnering with the CHP to host a toy drop off location at our home basketball games! The following games will have a toy donation bin where you can drop off an unused and unwrapped toy:
Thurs Dec 7
Thurs Dec 14
Our goal is to fill the bin up!
Hi there Jags!
Counseling Groups:
The Counseling Department will be offering the stress and anxiety management counseling group per grade again in January for those students that were not able to participate in the Fall group. Students in this group will learn coping strategies to help manage stress and anxiety! Counseling Groups meet weekly for a short period of time to help students gain skills in order to be successful here at school.
This group will be held once a week for 5 weeks on Wednesday’s during study hall (non-instructional time). The groups will begin Wednesday, January 17th. If your student is interested in joining the group, please complete the form below. After you fill out the form, we will call students into counseling the first week when we come back from Winter break to provide them with a consent form that a parent/guarding will need to sign.
Form Link: https://forms.gle/sQGRhBFQWzyE4Zms8
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at aclopez@vacavilleusd.org or stop by the counseling office.
8th Grade Students:
- AVID applications for Incoming 9th graders at Vacaville High School will be open December 11. Information will be posted in the Counseling Google Classroom
- Spanish Placement tests will be given soon to all Dual Language History 8 classes. Students not in Dual Language but fluent in Spanish should watch for more information in Counseling Google Classroom on how to take the placement test for high school.
Spring TA Application:
TA (Teacher Assistant) applications to replace Spring electives are open until Friday, December 8. If you want to be a TA during your Spring elective period, pick up an application in the counseling office. The form needs signed by guardian and teacher, and then returned to the counseling office. 7th graders can only TA if they have completed Health/AVID. Don’t Delay!!
Take Care,
Counseling Department
Medical Equipment
We've had some questions lately about how to support students with crutches and other devices. To ensure everyone has the information about what to ask from doctor's when receiving medical notes for injuries, we are including the guidelines below. If you have any questions, please reach out to our front office. We are happy to help!
Vacaville Unified School District Administrative Regulations are what govern our response to student injuries. AR 5142 (e) reads as follows:
Durable Medical Equipment
A student returning or entering school with Durable Medical Equipment (crutches, wheelchair, canes, splints, etc) must present documentation from a physician with the following information:
1. That the use of the DME has been authorized by the physician.
2. The diagnosis and duration of the use of the DME.
3. That the student has received training in the use of the DME.
4. Anticipated length of time the student will be excused from PE
If students have restrictions from PE, they may be asked to work on an alternate assignment in the counseling office during their PE period.
The student will not be allowed to attend classes or school events until this documentation is received. In addition, students returning to school after surgery, hospitalization, receiving a cast, stitches, or orthopedic appliances require a doctor’s note which states the following:
1. The date the student is cleared to return to school.
2. Any restrictions to school participation
3. Date of follow-up appointment.
If students have mobility issues due to their DME/injury, they should check in with the front office and counseling office. The counseling office will help with getting a pass for the student and their backpack buddy.
Get your yearbook!
The Deluxe yearbook will be sold through December. This includes the engraved nameplate and extra autograph pages for $40.
Regular yearbooks are on sale for $35, and yearbook ads are available right now as well!
E-Sports Team
Congratulations to Mr. Lee and our talented E-sports team for being selected as an exemplary program by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Our Jaguars applied for a “build a lab” program last year and received six new gaming PCs for our E-sports team this past Friday. Our E-sports team will enjoy new computers, monitors, keyboards, mice, and headsets to enhance our program. We are proud of our Jaguar team!
Quarter 1 All Stars
Congratulations to our 1st Quarter Jaguar All Stars! Students were selected for their academic improvement and positive contributions to our school. We are very proud of their efforts. Thank you to everyone for celebrating these fine students.