Parent Partnership
A Note from Your Success Coach and School Counselor
Dear Parents,
Thank you for stopping by to view our Parent Partnership Newsletter. We hope you find the information here useful and helpful. We know that Comprehensive Distance Learning is a challenge in many ways--and our goal is to work to support you as you support your children on this journey.
Please contact us anytime to connect via email, phone, or zoom. We're here to problem solve, listen, plan, and partner with you.
Emily Gotfried emily_gotfried@beaverton.k12.or.us -School Counselor
Susan Hargrave susan_hargrave@beaverton.k12.or.us - Student Success Coach
Take good care, Findley Community.
Emily Gotfried and Su Hargrave
Wednesday Social Emotional (SEL) Learning with Mrs. Gotfried and Mrs. Hargrave!
Here's a look ahead at their Wednesday SEL schedule, topics we will be covering, and a few updates:
October 21st
3rd-5th Grade
Live lesson on Zoom and Seesaw Lesson for 3rd-5th Grade
We will continue to focus on Self Awareness and Diversity and Inclusion. Students will have an opportunity to get know each other in breakout rooms by finding commonalities.
Students will then have a chance to share something they are good at on Seesaw and teach about how to do that activity!
1st and 2nd Grade:
No Live Lesson on Zoom this week for 1st and 2nd Grade. They will have a lesson on Seesaw!
We will continue to focus on Self Awareness and Diversity and Inclusion. Students will watch and listen to a story called "Perfectly Norman" for their Seesaw Lesson. Students will reflect on what makes them special and unique for their activity.
No Live Lesson on Zoom this week for Kindergarten. They will have a lesson on Seesaw!
Kindergarten students will continue to practice and learn about the Zones Of Regulation on Seesaw. Please see below for some important Kindergarten information and resources for parents!
Many of your student's teachers are posting the SEL Zoom link in their schedules and linking the Seesaw Lesson. We also want you know that we will post an announcement each Wednesday morning in your student's SEL Folder on Seesaw. This announcement will let you know if there is a live Zoom or not. If there is a live Zoom, we will post the link there for you to access.
Each Wednesday, regardless of a live zoom, your child will have a Seesaw Lesson in their SEL folder.
If your child misses a lesson and you'd like them to view the lesson, just email us and we will send you the link!
Thank you again for your amazing support of SEL!
Attention Kindergarten Parents!
Zones of Regulation for Kindergarten
It was wonderful to see so many beautiful kinder faces at our first live Zoom SEL lesson on Wednesday. I was sad to hear that some families from 2 classes were unable to get into the Zoom lesson. I'm checking with our technology support to see if it is a problem on my end.
In the meantime, here is a link to the lesson.
Our focus this week was on The Brain and Zones of Regulation. The Zones of Regulation curriculum is used schoolwide at Findley. You may have noticed in the most recent packet of supplies that you received from your child's teacher we included a Zones Chart with a Breathing Strategies poster on the back (thank you Mrs. McNamara). We would love for your child to have this chart at each of our lessons. We will be focusing on the Zones and strategies that your child can use when they are in the blue, yellow, or red zone.
Attention 5th Grade Parents!
Options School Information for 5th Grade Students:
Can you believe your 5th grader will be in middle school next school year?!
Students completed a lesson on Seesaw this week explaining the Options for Middle School. Students viewed a presentation from Mrs. Gotfried and were directed to the Options School Portal to explore the Options School Websites and view more information.
If your child and/or family is considering filling out an application for an Options School, please take a look at the Options School portal and talk with your child about Options Schools:
This portal includes links to:
Learning Options Website
Learning Options Application
Mrs. Gotfried's presentation on the Learning Options
Copy of Mrs. Gotfried's Slides from the presentation
Links to all of the Options Schools websites and to Stoller Middle School Website
Email Emily Gotfried with any questions you have at emily_gotfried@beaverton.k12.or.us
or contact the Options School you are interested in directly.
Resources for Families:
Nature Fun and Family Activities from THPRD
Nature Fun!
THPRD is hosting Recreation and Nature mobile activities for families. There is a weekly Rec Mobile at Hansen Ridge Park-- a great way to get outside with the family!
Mondays at 11am at Hansen Ridge Park: http://www.thprd.org/facilities/recreation/rec-mobile
Drive in Movie!
Another fun opportunity is the free Drive In Movies they are hosting. However, you must register ahead of time and it fills quickly!
Don't forget your masks at home and have fun Findley Families!
Parent Mental Health
Between work, errands, managing your child and their zoom schedule--it's all too much sometimes. Take a look at the graphic below to think about how you can 'take a break' for a moment of self care.
Be well, Findley Community.
Thank you for stopping by!
Susan Hargrave, Student Success Coach: susan_hargrave@beaverton.k12.or.us