Forest Ave Weekly Announcements
Week of 2/6/2024
Winter Walk and Bike to School Day is Tomorrow!
Valentine's Day Reminder
This is a reminder as Valentine's Day approaches, we do not allow food/treats to be sent in to share. Please do not send in food related Valentine's with your student. Thank you!
HGT, Jr is February 9th!
See below for more information about this event!
Early Dismissal for February
On Wednesday, February 14th, there will be an Early Dismissal at 11:45 AM for Professional Development. Breakfast will be available, but lunch will not be served.
School Council Meeting
There will be a School Council Meeting held on Monday, February 12th at 6 PM in the School Library. All are welcome to attend.
Freaky Friday- Color Explosion!
Home & School
Bingo Night is back! Please join us on Friday, March 15th at 6pm. There will be prizes, raffles and pizza for sale!
February Monthly Appreciation for Staff!
It's time for another monthly appreciation! This month we are doing Valentine's treats on the morning of February 14th. Treats will be due Friday February 9th. You can bring non-perishable items to the front office. All perishable items must be dropped off by 8:30am on February 14th.
Here is the SignupGenius link.
Thank you families for helping make this possible!!!
Book Fair Information
Please save the date for this year's fair. It will be held March 25th - 28th. We will be open for night conferences on Wednesday March 27th. More details to follow. Please read the attached flyer for an important update.
February Lunch Menu
Please see below for the February Lunch Menu. A reminder that lunch options are subject to change.