Buffalo Community Bulletin
Blackshear Elementary - April 2023
Message from Mrs. Baker
Hello Blackshear Families!
As we start STAAR testing for grades 3rd - 5th and End of Year MAP for our younger grades this week, we need your help making sure students get to school every day by 8:05 and stay all day as we don't want them to miss any testing groups or instructional minutes. Thank you so much for your help! We are incredibly proud of the hard work our students put in to their learning, and can't wait to see the amazing growth they have made this year!
Reminder to sign up for our Annual Culture Night on May 11th from 6:00 - 7:00. One of the highlights of my first year at Blackshear was seeing so many families come out last year to share about their beautiful heritage. CLICK HERE to Sign Up for a table.
We use REMIND to regularly communicate with families. If you have not been getting the weekly messages, please make sure to join now. BLACKSHEAR REMIND LINK
Please reach out if you need anything abaker1@kleinisd.net
Ashley Baker
Parents must walk in with students if dropping off after 8:10
Important Dates
- 4/26 - Administrative Assistant Day
- 4/26 - ELA STAAR Test - Closed Campus
- 5/2 - Math STAAR Test - Closed Campus
- 5/4 - Science STAAR Test - Closed Campus
- 5/4 - PTO Meeting - 6:00 PM - Library
- 5/5 - School Lunch Hero Appreciation Day
- 5/8-5/12 - TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK - Click Here to Write A Note of Gratitude for your child's teacher
- 5/10 - School Nurse Appreciation Day
- 5/11 - Blackshear Cultural Night - 6:00 - 7:00 PM
- 5/12 - Kinder- 5th Grade Field Day
- 5/17 - Kindergarten Musical - 2:00 PM
- 5/18 - Speech Pathologist Appreciation Day
- 5/25 - Fifth Grade Appreciation Ceremony and Party
- 5/26 - Last Day of School
23-24 Blackshear School Supply Packs are available for online ordering!
Don’t miss out on the most convenient and easy way to obtain your students school supplies
School ID: BLA143
Have you heard about the HERD choice board?
The HERD choice board is an opportunity for students to earn additional Buffalo Bucks by giving sharing their ideas about HERD, Buffalo Cart, and Boot Camp. Our students work very hard learning and following our HERD expectations every day. Completed choice boards can be turned in to Mrs. Crosetto each morning in front of the Library.
Blackshear PTO Updates
Thank you to our latest Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer, Dr. Foster! We appreciate your time and loved having you on campus for the day!
Library Updates
It is A Week.
The students who will take the STAAR test on Wednesday may come in and exchange their books Monday and Tuesday so that they will have fresh reads to grab after finishing the test. Classes are normal this week with the exception of STAAR day in which the library will be closed.
On another note, all books are due back May 12. Some students have said they are still looking for some books in their houses. Please go through personal bookcases where Blackshear library books may have accidentally gotten placed. 🙂 Starting this week, I will print due slips for any books that show lost in the system.
Klein ISD Camps and Events
Summer Art Opportunity for Students who will be 6th, 7th and 8th graders next school year!
For questions, contact Keri Lenard klenard1@kleinisd.net .
Arrival - Doors OPEN at 7:45
Doors will open at 7:45 for all students, please do not leave your child unsupervised before this time. Please review the procedures for drop off and reach out with any questions.
Car Rider Drop Off:
- Use Red Lot ONLY
- Follow staff direction for the safety of all.
- Drive through lanes, pull all the way up to stop sign.
- Cars will split into TWO lanes at the last turn, by the buffalo statue.
- Students stay in car until all cars are stopped in the drop off zone.
- Parents do not move car to leave until stop sign drops.
- NO walk up parents.
- Please do not release students from your car until 7:45
Breakfast and Lunch
We encourage families to apply for Free and Reduced Meals, by visiting https://www.schoolcafe.com/KLEINISD and complete the application.
Front office will not be accepting any drop off lunches.
Blackshear Lunch Visitor Days 2022-2023
Kindergarten - Monday
4tht grade and 1st Grade - Tuesday
2nd Grade - Wednesday
Pre - K and 3rd Grade - Thursday
5th Grade - Friday
ALL visitors must check in in the front office. Please bring ID to receive your temporary badge.
Reach out to Ashley Baker, abaker1@kleinisd.net, if you are interested in joining this council
Walker/Bike Rider:
- Students should be walking/riding off property, NOT to a car in the parking lot. The only cars moving in our parking lots at dismissal are following the car rider procedures.
- PreK - 1st grade walkers will be held in the students area until their parent comes to pick them up. Parent will need to have the transportation Tag or photo of it to pick up child from walker area.
- 2nd-5th Grade Walkers will be escorted from the building and walked to the crossing guards by a Blackshear teacher.
- Please keep pets at a distance from students on property. An accidental bite or scratch can be a liability for Blackshear.
If you are driving to pick up your child, we encourage all parents to use the car rider line and yellow tags. It is safe, organized, and has become more efficient with practice.
If you choose to park off campus, please follow these safety measures:
- state law states that you cannot park within 30 feet of a stop sign.
- parking in front of a drive way is liable to be towed or ticketed.
- pedestrians, especially our amazing students, always have the right of way
- drive slower than the posted speed limit to be able to keep watch for students
Car Rider:
- Please pull in the middle of the lane when turning into parking lot to get in line.
- Every car rider must have a Car Rider number and tags. Please attach small tag to your child's backpack to help us find car tag numbers quickly while students are still learning their car tag numbers. If you need a tag, you can come up to the front office to get one or email lcollins1@kleinisd.net or call the front office, we will deliver one to your child.
Parents who pick students up in bus lot must have a YELLOW SIGN to park in bus lot. All other parents picking up students in a car will need to get in car rider line and get a Neon Green tag. Thank you for following our dismissal procedures.
Klein Cain Events
Is there an Amazing Blackshear Staff member you'd like to celebrate?
Blackshear Elementary
Email: abaker1@kleinisd.net
Website: blackshear.kleinisd.net
Location: 11211 Lacey Rd, Tomball, TX 77375, USA
Phone: (832) 375-7600
Twitter: @BlackshearKISD