Dolphin Family News
September 16, 2022

April 21, 2023
Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, April 25- Family Survey DUE- link below
Thursday, May 4th- Love & Logic Workshop Spanish Series starts- information below
Monday, May 29th- No School- Memorial DAY
Reminder: Family survey deadline, April 25
We strive to provide the best possible education for all students. In doing so, feedback is critical in helping our schools continually improve. On April 11, the District emailed all families a link to a survey, inviting your sharing of perceptions about the job we are doing in providing a quality education for your child(ren).
Your survey responses, along with other research and analysis, play an important part in the development of each school’s annual improvement plan, which includes goals that are specific, data-driven and measurable.
Families with multiple children may complete one survey per child. If you don’t have an email address on file with the district, or if you didn’t receive the email message, use this link to access the family survey. Hard copies are also available at your child’s school.
Thanks, in advance, for your time and participation. The survey deadline is April 25.
Family Art Night
Mark your calendars! Daffodil will be hosting a Family Art Night on Tuesday, May 9th from 5:30-7pm. The school will be filled with student's art. Each class is working on projects for this special evening and we know you won't want to miss seeing your students displayed artwork. There will also be an opportunity to create art at this event! Hope to see you there.
DVE Loves Popcorn FRIDAY!
A special THANK YOU to all our parent volunteers that make Popcorn Friday avaliable to every student every FRIDAY!
Register for the Love and Logic Workshop Spanish Series
Love and Logic parenting represents a “how-to” practical approach to parenting that has been successfully taught over 25 years. The Love and Logic approach is fun! Participants will receive a free workbook while attending.This FREE training is provided by the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District and will use Love and Logic videos.
This training is available to any parent or guardian regardless of the age of their student. The training will be capped at 30 participants. SBLSD families will be given first priority for registration.
Participants will learn how to:
Avoid un-winnable power-struggles and arguments (Putting an end to arguing, backtalk, and begging)
Set enforceable limits
Empower kids
Help kids learn from mistakes rather than repeating them
The series will be offered on the following days:
Thursdays, May 4 - June 1, 5:30-7 p.m. at Daffodil Valley Elementary (1509 Valley Ave, Sumner)
Daycare for children/youth 5 years and older. Water and snacks will be provided at each session.
Child care for children/youth 5 years and older. More information: sumnersd.org/loveandlogic.
New voice, video intercom systems add extra security
We’re thrilled to announce the completion of a greatly-enhanced safety and security measure at our buildings’ front entrances — a voice and video intercom system.
Most buildings districtwide* are now operating the new system, which features a remote door release function. As these intercoms bring about an extra layer of security, so are there extra steps you may have to take before entering the building. After pressing the intercom button, please be prepared to:
- Give your name
- State your purpose for visit
- Show your photo ID
We thank all visitors for being a partner in helping ensure a safe teaching and learning environment for all. This intercom project was made possible through the voter-approved 2018 Technology Levy.