Slaybaugh School Complex
Week of February 21, 2021
Principal's Message
As we move toward providing our students with more in-person learning, this week the EHT School District has announced the next steps in the "Road Forward." As a result of the District Pandemic Response Team Meeting, the district will be switching to a 4-1 Model, with 4 days of in-person instruction, with Mondays remaining virtual, beginning the week of March 22nd. In order to move forward, accurate student data will be needed. Therefore, there will be a survey released via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Since this survey will be connected to a parent/guardian of an Egg Harbor Township student, this survey will be deemed relevant and reliable to our data collection and decision making for increased in-person instruction. Please note, you will always receive notification from us if and when we send out an official District survey. Surveys posted on social media sites are not official District surveys and they will not be considered by the school district. You will receive direct district communication when the survey is posted and ready for your response. Please make sure that you have access to your Parent Portal in preparation for completion of the survey.
The survey will require a selection of one of the following:
Choice 1: In-person Learning. This will entail in-person instruction within the school building.
This choice reflects a commitment for your student to attend school in-person, 4 days a week (Tuesday through Friday).
Students will attend in-person where adherence to 6 feet social distancing, to the greatest extent practicable, will occur.
In areas where we cannot adhere to 6 feet social distancing, additional PPE will be provided. At the secondary (grades 6-12) level that may include being required to wear a face shield and at the elementary (PK-5) level that may include desk shields/face shields.
Students MUST be committed to attending school in-person; and will be marked absent when they do not. An in-person student will only be eligible to live stream virtually, when their parent/guardian has communicated to their child's school nurse that they are sick and/or are in quarantine.
Choice 2 :Remote Learning. This will entail your child learning from home via Google Classroom. This choice reflects a commitment by your student to engage in virtual instruction.
Student learning from home via Google Classroom and Google Meet for live teacher instruction. The Virtual learning option is being provided pursuant to Executive Order 175
Virtual learning students will still have the ability to fully participate in live streamed teacher instruction, which includes: whole group instruction, mini-lessons, collaboration through breakout rooms, small group instruction and the completion of formative assessments and learning activities.
This choice reflects a commitment to virtual instruction pursuant to Policy 1648.02, which will allow for one additional window to transition to in-person instruction at the conclusion of the 3rd quarter in April.
As always, we appreciate your cooperation and patience as we navigate this uncharted territory. We look forward to welcoming your students back more days a week, should you choose to send them. If you have any questions or concerns leading up to this change, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Joe Marinelli
Student Achievement
First Grade Learning is Out of This World!
3-2-1, Art!
Science is a Roller Coaster!
Climate and Culture
Character Education
Character Education Students for the Month of January!
Wig out Wednesday
Community Pride
Spring Virtual Book Fair
Public Schools Week
Contact Us!
Email: ehtsd@eht.k12.nj.us
Website: sl.eht.k12.nj.us/
Location: 11 Swift Drive, Egg Harbor Township, NJ, USA
Phone: 609-927-8222
Facebook: facebook.com/EHTNJSlaybaugh
Twitter: @EHTNJSlaybaugh