Westwood Elementary Newsletter
APRIL 2023
WWES Families,
Hello! We have another busy Month here at Westwood Elementary! Spring break starts on Friday, April 7th, and we return on Monday April 17th.
This month we had music concerts for grades Kindergarten, some 1st, 2nd and 4th grades. I am so proud of these amazing performers- I hope you were able to be there to watch. If you were not able to attend, there are some video clips on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/westwoodelementaryecsd/
Last month, we started the Ohio State Tests in reading, and we will take the math portion at the end of this month. It is important that your child attend school, on time, each and every day as the skills they learn each day will lead into the next day. Here is our testing schedule:
ELA Makeups April 3-6
Gr. 3 Math part 1 Tuesday April 25
Gr. 4 Math part 1 Wednesday April 26
Gr. 3 Math part 2 Thursday April 27
Gr. 4 Math part 2 Friday April 29
Makeups May 1-5
Thank you for taking the time to read this digital newsletter! There is important information and dates included, to help you plan ahead. We also will have printed copies of this newsletter in the main office, should you need one. Please make sure you have an email listed in PowerSchool that you check regularly- we frequently communicate electronically.
Please continue to check their child’s progress on PowerSchool. If you need your login or password information, please contact Mrs. Carey in the front office. Even as we finish out the year, it is important to know your students academic progress. Thank you for your support this year!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Your Partner in Education,
Ms. Stacey Gatten
Happenings this Month
3rd- 3rd grade to PAC for Beauty and the Beast
4th- IOWA test for 3rd grade
6th- Opening Day, wear baseball sports wear
7th- Spring Break Begins
17th- Food drive begins
25th- Math Grade 3 OST Part 1
26th- Math Grade 4 OST Part 1
27th- Math Grade 3 OST Part 2
28th- Math Grade 4 OST Part 2
Bus info
You can also find more information HERE.
Follow us on Facebook!
ECSD Webpage
Firstview Bus information
You can sign up here:
Building Information-
School hours are 9:10am-3:10pm.
Doors do not open until 8:55- please do not drop off early or allow students to walk early.
If you are dropping off, please hold your child in the car with you until 8:55am.
Please call the office to report your child(ren)’s absence at 284-8002 before 9:30AM. Our phone has 24-hour voicemail so that you may call and leave a message anytime. Please leave a voicemail if no one answers the phone in the office; voicemails are frequently checked and the office will receive your message.
Please make sure you always have a photo ID with you, when you come to the school, this is for the safety of our students.
The Main Office of any school building is a hub of activity. Students and staff are always on the go, in and out of the space throughout the school day.
It’s an active place for regular check-ins and meetings with students, as well as staff conferences and daily interactions with school principals and counselors. The Main Office is also a confidential space at times for conversations and interactions between school personnel and students.
Parents and caregivers are part of the equation, too. For any number of reasons, parents may be asked to come to their child’s school during the day. When that happens, parents should follow the district’s visitor procedures by using the school’s main entrance buzzer and intercom system to gain entrance to the school, and then signing in at the front desk.
If parents/caregivers do not have a meeting at the school but still need to come to the school during the day to see their child or to speak to a staff member, call-ahead notice or an appointment is required.
This ensures parents will be seen in a timely manner and upholds the safety practices of the school. To contact the Main Office, please call 440-284-8002
Our school address is: Westwood Campus, 42350 Adelbert St, Elyria, OH 44035
Our phone number will stay the same: 284-8002
Information is Just a Text Away!
Have you opted in to receive text messages from Elyria Schools?
If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to receive automatic text messages from Elyria Schools.
This is a valuable tool in an emergency or when there's important, time-sensitive information to share.
The service is free and opting in is easy. Parents or guardians simply need to send a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our district's short code number at 67587.
Just as simple, you can opt out at any time by replying to one of our messages with “Stop.”
The text feature and the robocall system are tied directly a student's contact information that is on file with your child's school. Please make sure this information is kept up-to-date to ensure you continue receiving calls or texts from Elyria Schools.
April News from the School Nurse
Immunization Schedules: Check with your health care provider to make sure you are properly immunized, especially children entering Kindergarten and rising 7th graders. All 11 year old students are required to have a TDap booster (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) and Meningococcal prior to entering 7th grade. Please do not wait until school starts as most places are hard to get into during the last minute rush. Please send the new immunizations to the clinic with your student, fax, email, in person etc. so we know the student got them.
A Word About Head Lice : This can happen to anyone, it’s not uncommon. Most head lice are transmitted from head to head contact by crawling, they can not fly. Check your children regularly, and if head lice are found, consult a healthcare provider regarding treatment options. Follow package directions and comb out lice and nits thoroughly. While this is a time consuming task, it is also very effective at preventing repeat cycles. Clean all items that may have been in contact with your child’s head (combs, brushes, linens, stuffed animals, coats, hats). Let your child’s close friends and parents know so they too can check regularly. Report all cases to the school.
Please call Mrs. Hess, Licensed School Nurse for any ideas or questions about health related matters. Clinic 440-284-2853
Thank you and have a wonderful spring break!
Thank you,
Rose Hess
Westwood School Nurse
Student Birthday Treats
Families may bring in prepackaged treats (with ingredients listed by the company that packaged it) BUT we are really encouraging non-food items. We have to be very careful of food allergies, to keep all students safe. Birthday treats ARE not required or encouraged, but okay, if you choose.
Birthday treat ideas include:
Pencils, bookmarks, fidgets, pop-its, bracelets, crayons, squishes, pencil toppers or erasers, glow sticks, play dough, slinkies, stickers, prepackaged snack with ingredients listed (from the company that produces it).
Drop off and pick up procedures
To ensure drop-off and pickup run smooth and effective:
· You may ONLY at 42101 Griswold to enter the car line. We will no longer be using Adelbert for drop off- Adelbert is only for Preschool now.
· Please do not plan to arrive earlier than 8:55 for Elementary School drop off in the morning. If Elementary students arrive early you will need to keep your student(s) in the vehicle with you until staff comes out to unload students at 8:55am.
· Please do not plan to arrive earlier than 3:00pm for Elementary pickup in the afternoon.
· Once in the lot, please pull up to the car in front of you, as this will allow more cars to enter the lot, and keep cars off the street.
· Please be ready and prepared so that we can keep cars moving efficiently in the lot.
· Follow all directions from staff, they are there to help.
· Please drive safe and slow- this is a school zone and we need to keep all students and staff safe.
· You will exit at Griswold also.
We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe.
March Madness Family Night
Stay Connected
Website: https://www.elyriaschools.org/domain/30
Location: 42350 Adelbert St, Elyria, OH 44035, USA
Phone: 440-284-8002