September 2022 Board Meeting Recap
Fremont School District 79
FY23 Budget Public Hearing
The evening began with a Public Hearing regarding the FY23 Final Budget. The District budgeted $34,438,774 in revenues and the expenditures are budgeted at $34,314,199. It is estimated the District will have a surplus of $124,575 for FY23.
Regular Board Meeting
Gabriela Whipple, Board President, welcomed all in attendance. She thanked the bus drivers for all that they have done to open the school year in spite of the strain due to driver shortages; Fremont PTO for jump-starting the school year with a number of events, including the successful Back-to-School bash; and the principals, teachers, and students for a positive start.
President Whipple also emphasized that communication is a priority for the Board. Recaps and previews of Board meetings are now being posted in the Fremont Focus e-newsletter. Live streaming of regular Board meetings will be available soon.
Dr. Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent of Schools, remarked on the following items:
- It was enjoyable seeing the Fremont Middle School eighth-grade band and color guard participating in last week's Mundelein High School Homecoming parade.
- FSD79's Board of Education is one of 33 in the state to earn the School Board Governance Recognition. They will be formally recognized next month.
- From a strategic recruitment standpoint, the District is partnering with Buddyz Pizzeria. The restaurant will be including flyers on its pizza boxes that promote the District's employment opportunities.
- On September 26, the District hosted its annual safety summit with District staff as well as members of the Lake County Sheriff's Office, Mundelein Police Department, and Countryside Fire Protection District.
- As part of the Superintendent's Entry Plan, Dr. Kocanda has been visiting with students and staff during their lunch periods. She also has met with the Grayslake District 127 Superintendent, the Fremont Township supervisor, and Wauconda Village Manager. Parent focus group meetings are underway and staff focus groups start this week.
Board of Education Recognition
The Board of Education continued a new agenda item in which it recognizes a group or individual for their service or an accomplishment. The first students of the year to be recognized are Maddy B., Penley D., and Andrew G. who are serving as Junior Office Assistants at Fremont Middle School. They have done a tremendous job contributing to the school community in meaningful ways.
2022-23 District Communications Plan
Nick Brilowski, Director of Public Relations, provided the District's Communications Plan for the 2022-23 school year. There are six primary areas of focus for the 2022-23 school year:
1. Focus communication efforts across the themes of:
- Safety & Security;
- Student Growth & Achievement; and
- Social, Emotional Health & Wellness
2. Branding and Enhancing Communication
3. Increase transparency between School Board and the community
4. Increase two-way communication opportunities across the District
5. Enhance District's personalized learning practices through an emphasis on partnerships
6. Coordinate District communications audit
Informational Items
The Board reviewed the draft resolutions that will be presented at the IASB Joint Annual Conference. At the October 24 Board meeting, board members are expected to share input to inform FSD79’s delegate voting.
Allison Stempien, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services, stated that the State requires posting of an annual salaries and benefits report for all licensed personnel. The FY22 report was shared and will be posted on District's website.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Adopt Proposed Policies (Second Reading)
Resolution Authorizing Disposal of School District Personal Property
Adoption of FY23 Final Budget
Purchase of Two-Way Radios
To view the Board Packet materials from the September 26, 2022 Meeting, click here.
Fremont School District 79
Address: 28855 North Fremont Center Road, Mundelein, IL
Phone: (847) 566-0169
Twitter: @FSD79
Instagram: @FSD79