Let's Talk TPS
District Communication - April 20, 2022
TPS Families -
Welcome Back! I hope that you had an enjoyable and relaxing spring break. We are off and running into a host of activities and events that define our spring schedules.
Our THS spring musical is The Little Mermaid. It is sure to be an incredible production and we do hope that you will be able to join us. See below for showtimes and ticket information.
Next Monday, the Board of Education will vote to give back one of our unused snow days. This will change the district calendar, making May 26th a Schools Closed day and May 27th a District Closed day. Please be sure to mark your calendars.
This Friday is Earth Day and it should be a beautiful spring day. We hope that you have a chance to get outside and enjoy the weather. Our students will be participating in a host of Earth Day activities and plantings, so be sure to ask your student how they spent the day!
As always, please be sure to read the entire newsletter for important reminders, recognitions, and events; and follow us on social media for timely updates. There is so much to share, and we want to ensure that you are aware of all of the wonderful things happening in our schools.
Yours in Education,
Shauna C. DeMarco
Superintendent Tenafly Public Schools
Change to District Calendar - Schools Closed on May 26th
Each year, our district builds several snow days into the school calendar. At the April 25th BOE Meeting, the Board will vote to approve changing the 2021-2022 school district calendar to give back an unused snow day, making Thursday, May 26th a Schools Closed day and Friday, May 27th a District Closed day.
The website calendar will be updated following next week's approval of the change.
Registration for Summer Enrichment 2022
Registration for the TPS Summer Enrichment Program is now open! Visit the TPS website to view the Summer Enrichment catalog for Summer 2022 and peruse the incredible variety of course offerings from art to sports, math to music. We hope that you will consider joining us for one or more of them this summer.
Tickets Are Going Fast! THS Presents Disney The Little Mermaid
Tickets for the THS spring musical Disney The Little Mermaid are on sale now and going fast!
Purchase tickets at www.thstheater.com
Show Dates: April 28th, 29th, and 30th
Show Times: 7:30p.m.
2:00pm matinee on Saturday, April 30th
THS Collins & Tall Auditorium
We hope to see you "Under the Sea"!
College Success for Students with Learning Differences
“Did you know that all the accommodations you received in high school through your IEP or 504 plan do not automatically transfer to college?” A college disability expert will discuss accommodations and supports available to college students, key, non-academic skills needed for college success, and unique aspects of the college search and application process.
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2022
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2703818907
Presenter: Scot Marken, EdRedefined LLC (www.EdRedefined.com)
Join Us on Saturday for Trash-a-Thon 2022!
Tenafly's town-wide Trash-A-Thon takes place on Sunday, April 24th, from 1-4 PM and we hope that many TPS families will participate! In partnership with Tenafly’s Nature Center, Green Team, Environmental Commission, and Tenafly High School’s Green Team, the Trash-A-Thon welcomes everyone to help clean up our community and raise donations for the Tenafly Nature Center. Volunteer to participate in filling up garbage bags or pledge to sponsor a volunteer. Visit the Tenafly Nature Center website to register and for more information. We look forward to seeing you on April 24! Meet at Huyler Park for assignments and supplies.
Registration link: https://www.tenaflynaturecenter.org/event-4680381
Applause! Applause! TPS Receives Best Communities for Music Education Award
The NAMM Foundation has recognized TPS for the outstanding efforts of teachers, administrators, parents, students and community leaders who are making music part of a well-rounded education for every child in the community. Bravo to our entire music team and the families that support it!
Elementary: Michael Carolan (Smith and Stillman), Mark Ahramjian (Smith), Dana Rizzo (Stillman), Alecia DeJoseph (Mackay and Maugham), Lorraine Cassidy (Mackay), Cordelia Bergamo (Maugham)
TMS: Nick Rzonsa, Donna Girvan, Kimberly Burja, Andrew DeJoseph
THS: James Millar and Michael Jacobetz
CarePlus Presents Parenting: Life after High School
Care Plus presents “Parenting: Life after High School" on Wednesday, April 27th from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Your student will be a legal adult, but you remain their parent in this new phase. Attend this presentation to learn about the developmental stage of early adulthood and reflect on communication skills and parenting strategies for parents of adults. Join the conversation via Zoom.
THS Science Research Students Kai Song and Harrison Banks Earn Honorable Mention
Congratulations to THS Science Research students Kai Song and Harrison Banks for their Honorable Mention in the TOSHIBA Exploravision for their project Gladstone: A Quantum Dot Powered Point of Care Testing System. Great job Tigers!
THS students Leo Besen and Ryan Tully Invited to 38th Young Musicians Concert
Congratulations THS Louis Spohr ensemble, Leo Besen (left) and Ryan Tully, selected to appear at the 38th Annual Young Musicians Concert following their regional performance on March 16th. The Concert will be on Thursday May 5th at 11am in Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center! Bravo and congratulations!
THS Students Qualify for DECA ICDC Awards
Congratulations to THS DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) students Ava Miller and Jayden Ko who qualified for the National DECA competition with their high finishes at the NJ DECA competition with DECA advisor Fabian Alesandro and asst. advisor Frank Manziano. At this year's DECA International Career Development Conference Achievement Awards Session on Tuesday, April 26th, DECA will recognize top performers in the preliminary competition. Silver-ribbon medallions are awarded to top performers and blue-ribbon medallions are awarded to the overall competitive event finalists who will compete in the final round of competition. Way to go Ava and Jayden!
First Annual Art and Essay Contest “A Celebration of Diversity”
7 Weeks & Counting! TEF 5K Run & Dog Walk
SEPAC Meeting - May 4th at 8:30AM
The next Special Education Parent Advisory Committee Meeting (SEPAC) will be held on Wednesday, May 4th at 8:30am via Zoom. Pre-registration required.
The H.S.A. Needs You!
Consider volunteering options with your Home and School Association (H.S.A.). Whether you have a little time to give or a lot, your H.S.A. has a variety of ways in which you can help! Contact your H.S.A. today to find out how you can get involved!
Tenafly High School: tenaflyhighhsa@gmail.com
Tenafly Middle School: tmshsa17@gmail.com
Mackay Elementary: mackayhsa@gmail.com
Maugham Elementary: maughamschoolhsa@gmail.com
Smith Elementary: smithschoolhsa@gmail.com
Stillman Elementary: stillmanhsa1@gmail.com
Moving? Don't forget to let us know!
Moved or plan to move within Tenafly? Please remember to share your new address with us! Contact registrar@tenafly.k12.nj.us with updates or questions.
Registration - 2022-2023 School Year
2022-2023 School year registration forms can be found on the TPS website's Student Registration page.
Need Technology Support? Visit our Help Desk.
For instructions on how to enter a ticket, visit the TPS website.