WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
We will continue our "Winter Fun" next week as we enter the final stretch before winter break. Here is the Winter Fun Student Calendar . We find that spirit weeks are touch-and-go at this age level and hope you will encourage your child to join the fun such as Mrs. Leick did this week on "Vacation Day" (see below for a photo...I think she was hoping for warmer weather)! ☺️
As a reminder, WJHS is hosting a warm clothing drive for those in need. The drive will run through December 20th. Students are encouraged to bring in new or clean, gently used items such as boots, coats, gloves, hats, etc. Students should turn these items in to a morning supervisor. In return, the supervisor will give the student a raffle ticket that they can put in a drawing to win a pizza lunch with nine of their friends in our Conference Room. Thank you for your generosity!
Kate, Eric and Nicole
Student Government Program 2024
The League of Women Voter-sponsored Student Government Program starts with a kick-off event on January 10 at 7 pm. Students will then spend the next several weeks working on their issue with their group and researching the role of a board member or appointed official, culminating with a mock board meeting that will be taped and televised on Channel 6. Most of the student workshops will occur at school during non-core instructional time. However, there will be an evening commitment on February 13. The final mock board meeting will take place in the evening the week of March 19 at Village Hall.
If your 8th grade student is interested, please fill out this Google Form by Friday, December 22.
SEL News
Once we return from our fall break for Thanksgiving, December becomes a very busy month for our families outside of school, and for our students also while here at school. When it comes to social-emotional well-being, we as adults can often feel stressed with the many items on our to-do lists at this time of year, which can tend to trickle down to a feeling of unease and added stress for our children. With adults and children are both feeling the effects of added stress, it can be a less enjoyable time of year than we hope!
It is important that as caretakers of children we model strategies (see suggestions below) of self-care and well-being (put your oxygen mask on first), and work to include our kids in practicing tools that can help regulate emotions, and reduce stress and anxiety when engaging in school work and extracurricular activities.
Take a Pause or Quiet Moment; This might include a brief walk outside, or even laying down on the couch for five minutes with your eyes closed to just calm your body and re-focus your mind. Taking an intentional pause when things get overwhelming helps not only to calm you down, but also can help you to be more productive when you re-engage in the task at hand.
Paced Breathing: Belly Breathing or Square/Box Breathing can be practiced together to help children (and parents!) control their emotions, de-escalate in periods of stress, or even just before starting a difficult project to prepare to engage fully.
Stretching/Yoga: Choosing a pose or two together can be a quick go-to that interrupts feelings of stress, allows children and parents to breathe, and helps to relax feelings of tension in our bodies. Here are a few poses that you could check out and try at home.
PTO Highlights
Registration for Winter Session After School Clubs is now open on wjhspto.com. Not all clubs are run by the WJHS PTO. See website for details. Questions? Email clubs@wjhspto.com
Monday: ACES Debate Club/Advanced Debate
Wednesday: Skyline Club’s Beauty & The Beast (final performance is on a Monday: 4/29)
Thursday: French Cuisine Club (open to ALL students), ACES Debate Club/Intermediate Debate (held at Highcrest Middle School)
Friday: ACES Debate Club/Intro to Debate (held at Highcrest Middle School)
Thank you to all of the families who contributed to the Teacher/Staff Holiday Gift Fund this year. As the holidays approach, the WJHS PTO organizes a one-time gift during the school year from the WJHS families to all teachers, admins, building staff and crossing guards to be given before Winter Break. We will be delivering the gifts next week! Thank you for your generosity!
Be on the lookout within the next week for your complimentary magnet which will be coming home through “backpack express” (aka given to your student). All families who have contributed to the WJHS iGNITE! Fund will receive a complimentary magnet.
The iGNITE! Fund for Enrichment raises funds to pay for enrichment programs such as field trips, cultural experiences and school assemblies for traveling speakers/exhibits. If you are interested in making a year-end donation, we’d really appreciate it! Donate HERE!
Not sure if you’ve donated to iGNITE? Check your sent emails from notify@membershiptoolkit.com (Wilmette Junior High PTO) or log into your Membership Toolkit account and view ‘Previous Orders’ under My Account. Questions? Email waysandmeans@wjhspto.com.
District News
Health and Safety Reminders
As we move into winter and toward the holiday season, we often see an uptick in cases of colds, influenza, other viruses, and strep. Should your child(ren) experience any symptoms of illness, we ask that you please keep them home from school.
The school nurse will assist with guidance regarding return-to-school protocol; however, students may generally return to school in accordance with the following:
If a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea is present, the student must remain home until those symptoms have been resolved for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
If a student has tested positive for COVID, the student may return to school after a five-day isolation period. When COVID-like symptoms are present, getting tested for COVID is strongly encouraged.
If the student has been diagnosed with any communicable disease (strep, conjunctivitis, pertussis, etc.), please contact your school nurse to discuss isolation length and clearance to return to school.
If symptoms are attributed to another diagnosis, the student may return to school when the symptoms have improved and he/she is feeling well enough to participate in all aspects of the school day.
The health and safety of our learning community are extremely important to us and monitoring health symptoms and staying home when ill helps to protect all of its members. Please contact your school nurse with any health-related questions. Thank you for working with us to ensure the collective health and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff.
District 39 Angel Fund
As we approach the holiday season, I want to remind you all about the wonderful benefits provided by our District 39 Angel Fund. The Angel Fund provides scholarship funds to assist families in need with the costs for school-related needs. Contributions of any size are appreciated and can be made online. Thank you for considering a donation to support local students in need.
Parent Education Events
Thank you to everyone who joined us Wednesday for our Parent Education event, “Skills and Tools to Thrive in a Digital World.” In this session, Julie Smith, author and university professor who teaches media literacy and media related classes, reviews digital skills and tools your child should have in order to thrive in their digital world. This fast and engaging presentation is a source of great questions for you to use when having discussions with your child. If you missed the live presentation, the presentation recording is available. Below are some additional resources highlighted during the presentation.
Our next parent education event is Wednesday, January 17 at 11 am. It is titled “Strengthening Executive Functioning Skills.” Please register online. Our Parent Education webpage has registration links for this school year and recording links from this school year and previous school years.
Board of Education Meeting
The Board of Education will gather on Monday, Dec. 18 at 7 pm at the Mikaelian Education Center. During this meeting, the Board will approve the fee for the optional D39 Kindergarten Enrichment and Enhancement Program (KEEP39) for the 2024-25 academic year, be presented with our five-year financial projection, receive an update on 2024 summer construction project bids, and consider a first draft of the 2024-25 school year calendar. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings will be posted online the Friday prior to the meeting.Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family