Principal's Welcome to Ochoa
Back to School Newsletter; July 2, 2023
Welcome from Principal Rowe-Andrews
Dear Ochoa Families,
I am excited to welcome you all to Ochoa for the 2023-24 school year. Please make a note that the first day of school is August 17th. I’m sure you have been eagerly awaiting details around registration dates, schedules, PE Clothing, locks etc. That information is all here for you.
Student registration will be held as follows:
August 2nd ~ Day 1==> 7th grade ~ by lastname A-M 9:30-11:30 & N-Z 12:30-2:30PM
August 3rd ~ Day 2 ==> 8th grade ~ by lastname A-M 9:30-11:30 & N-Z 12:30-2:30PM
To avoid lines at registration and get a jump start on the process you may complete many of the forms online. *Please follow the linked steps (in blue) below to ensure we have the most current information for your student(s); also you will be asked to review and sign off on related links to school and district policies and procedures.
Thank you all for your anticipated cooperation and I sincerely look forward to meeting new students and families and re-connecting with our returning students and families in August.
Warmly submitted,
~Mrs. Rowe-Andrews, Principal
Begin the registration process below:
Step #1: Annual Student Update: update emergency contact & other information.
Annual Update (English & Español) Parents and students can obtain information about their student’s attendance, assignments (due, completed, missing), teacher email addresses, and student schedules at the start of the school year. Note: If there have not been any changes to your phone, email, home address, emergency contacts, etc., you must still access this form and validate the information as accurate for the 2023-24 school year.
CLICK HERE==> In Person Support at the Hub Flier (English/Español)
Step #2: TDAP Proof of Vaccination
All students are required to have the Tdap immunization prior to attending as a 7th grader. If your 7th or 8th grade student has not yet had their tdap, please note this must be done prior to attending the first day of school. UPLOAD IMMUNIZATION RECORD
Here are a few clinics offering immunizations for students:
Step #3: Lunch Application
Free and Reduced Application - Click Here!
The lunch application provides students with free lunch, and the more families who complete it, whether eligible or not allows us to gain funding for various programs that we are able to provide to our students. *All families are asked to complete.
Step #4: Acceptable Use of Technology (AUP)
Acceptable Use of Technology Form
Preparing students for college and career in a global society, requires the integration of technology in the classroom. Students will receive CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) Training to ensure they are aware of safety measures when using technology. Please read and sign this form to show that you understand and have explained to your student the most appropriate ways to use school technology.
Step 5: Other Required Forms
Ochoa Student Handbook 2023-24 (Read and Sign with your student)
Ochoa Discipline Policy_2023-24 (Read and Sign with your student)
Ochoa Parent Involvement Form (Read and Sign)
Student Transit Pass Application (AC Transit bus pass/ Optional)
Step #6: Y.E.P~ After School Program Sign Up
Our Youth Enrichment Program also known as Y.E.P. is our after school program, run by our Site Coordinator Mr. Ryan Edmonson. Please click the link to sign up/register (English/Español)
PE Clothing
PE clothing will be on site for sizing and can be purchased on the day of registration. All items purchased later, will be delivered through the PE classes.
Attendance Policy
Frequently Asked Questions
Enter your questions below.
Bell Schedules Schedule 2023-24
HUSD Traditional School Calendar
District Updates
HUSD Board Meetings
1. July 27, 2023
2. August 23, 2023
3. September 13, 2023
4. September 27, 2023
5. October 11, 2023
6. October 25, 2023
7. November 8, 2023
8. December 13, 2023
Smore ❤️ Back-to-School
Location: 2121 Depot Road, Hayward, CA