Welcome Back!

Welcome Back to School!
The entire staff of OHDELA is excited to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! The school year begins on August 17 and 18 when students will be with their Success Coach for Orientation. This is a very important component to our school and is a must-attend event! Classes begin on August 21.
At OHDELA, we believe that all students can learn and achieve at high levels. We look forward to partnering with you this year on your student's journey to success. I encourage you to connect with your student's teachers and Success Coach throughout the year with any questions or concerns you might have.
I can't stress enough how important it is for students to attend live sessions with their teachers and to complete off-line time and off-line submissions each day. More information about that will be in Orientation next week.
I hope these last few days of summer are great for your family and we are looking forward to seeing students at Orientation!
All the best,
Dr. Chris Brooks
Head of School
OHDELA Spirit Wear!
OHDELA now has a Spirit Wear store! Orders can be placed on each store's site and the items will ship directly to you!
2023-2024 Student Calendar
Affordable Connectivity Program - See if You Might Be Eligible!
Upcoming Dates
Aug. 17: First Student Day in Orientation Sessions with Success Coaches
Aug. 21: First Day of Classes
Sept. 4: Labor Day - No School
Sept. 29: Professional Learning Day - Student Asynchronous Day
Oct. 9: Columbus Day - No School
Oct. 16 - 20: 3rd Grade State Reading Test
Oct. 20: Quarter 1 Work Due by 11:59pm
Oct. 23: Teacher Work Day: Student Asynchronous Day
Oct. 24: Q2 Begins
TSD: Technology Service Desk
Resource and Support Website
Email: cbrooks@delak12.com
Website: https://ohdela.com
Phone: (330) 253-8680
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OHDELAschool
Twitter: @OHDELAschool