River Valley Academy News
An RVA Family Update
November 3, 2023
This is the last week in Trimester 1!!
It is the last opportunity for students to remain on track and to finish the 5 classes they began in August! Please check on progress with your student! Progress Reports will be emailed today!
As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns, or if there is anything you need!
Take care,
Jenny Thompson
Director of Adult and Alternative Education
Rockford Public Schools
The First Day - DHK Documentary
Discover Manufacturing Week visit to Lear Corporation on November 15!
Arbor Circle Group
Goal Setting and Progress Reporting
Students (and their parents) who didn't meet their goals for two goal setting periods (4 school weeks) will be invited to an Academic Progress Support Plan Meeting. A component of the meeting will be to build a plan to support students in meeting their goals.
Progress Reports for the current two-week goal setting period will be emailed to parents today by 2:20 PM. Please let us know if you are not receiving that email from your student's advisor every two weeks!
Academic Progress Support Plan Meetings
Might your student want to work out before school?
Join us for Zero-hour Weight Lifting class!
Check out our new RVA Weight Room!!
Daily Schedule
How can I make this year successful?
With Rockford's trimester high school system, students are expected to complete 2.5 credits (5 classes) each trimester, for a total of 7.5 credits each year. Students will begin the year with 5 classes, which should be completed by November 10. While November 10 seems like a long way off, trimesters are about 12 weeks long, so each week, students should be completing about 10% of each class, to finish on time. Completing this work will require students to make progress on assignments and activities in every class, every day!
Setting goals and making action plans is a key part of earning credit and graduating on time!
How do I know how my student is doing from day to day?
RVA courses are run through either Schoology or Edgenuity. Schoology courses are RPS teacher created and directed. If you want to know how your student is doing in these classes, log in to Schoology. If you need help getting in to Schoology, use this How to Cheat Sheet. Using a parent log in, parents can see messages and course information. However, if you want to see what your student has completed and what grades they have earned so far in classes, the best way to do that is to log in as your student. Students have access to the course gradebook which includes a list of assignments that need to be completed, showing scores earned on work that has been turned in.
Edgenuity courses offer parent updates. If you would like to be signed up to receive these, please complete this form. When the form has been processed, you will receive directions for signing up for the Parent Portal along with an access code. You will receive daily updates. If you want specific information on how your student is doing in Edgenuity, ask your student for their login information. If you log in as the student, you can see a more detailed report.
Good questions to ask your student include:
1. Are you attending all class sessions?
2. Are you completing at least one assignment in each class session?
3. About how far in each course are you?
4. What are you doing well?
5. What can you do better?
Parents and schools are partners in educating students!
Kent Intermediate School District Career Opportunities
Designed for students in grades 7-12, these free career exploration events are like getting 5 job shadows in one! Students can hear directly from a panel of professionals, ask career questions, and tour the employer’s workspace. Professionals will share their own career path, the inside scoop on what their jobs are really like, along with their perspective on what you can do to prepare for a career that interests you. Parents and Educators are welcome.
Offered each month, from 6-7:30 PM
Check out the current schedule at kentisd.org/talkandtour
Upcoming Sessions:
November 14, 2023 (register here)
Location: Orthopaedic Associates of Michigan (OAM)
Featured Occupations: Medical Assistant, Radiology Technologist, Physical Therapist, Physician Assistant
December 13, 2023 (register here)
Location: Plante Moran
Featured Occupations: Accounting: Audit & Tax, Finance: Wealth Management and Valuations
January 23, 2024 (register here)
Location: Amway Grand Plaza /AHC Hospitality
February 20, 2024 (register here)
Location: Corewell Health - Surgical Services
Career Chats
3:30pm - 4:00pmCareer Chats are designed to provide 7-12 grade students a virtual opportunity to meet real professionals employed in real jobs. This series of 30-40 minute sessions will highlight professions from a variety of career pathways, giving students the opportunity to learn more about a career of interest, or to explore new options.
Click here to register
Upcoming Sessions:
Wednesday, November 8
Tracy Blount, Dentist
Thursday, November 16
Hannah Emerick, Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
Tuesday, November 28
Nate Zichterman, Construction Project Superintendent
The Kent ISD Workforce Development team recently launched a job board to help connect young job seekers with local employers. It is specifically designed to feature entry-level employment opportunities that lead to advanced opportunities. We will be working this fall to populate this resource with local jobs. Check out the Job Board here.
Kent ISD Career Readiness pivoted early in the pandemic and started hosting live virtual career conversations with local employers.
- These events were recorded and are accessible via a search engine tool on our website.
- These 30–60-minute career conversations will help educate students, parents and educators about in-demand careers and also expand their knowledge of opportunities with local employers.
- Search by a variety of criteria including Career Pathway, Program, Age Group and more.
Scholarship Information!
Citizens Scholarship
Citizens wants to honor the dedication of students and families pursuing higher learning. There are no essays, no report cards- just a couple of easy registration steps to enter!
- Fill out the registration form to be entered for a chance to win a Grand Prize of $15,000 to use towards school expenses and one of the $2,500 monthly prizes!
- Additionally, each quarter a student who meets the required criteria for the Minority Scholarship Prize will be eligible to win a $2,500 quarterly prize.
- This Sweepstakes is open to high school seniors, undergrad and graduate students as well as parents or sponsors of high school, undergrad or graduate students. Students must plan on attending college, or be currently enrolled at least half-time in an eligible, accredited undergrad/grad post-secondary institution.
- Multiple $1,000 scholarships every month for individuals pursuing technical/vocational training in construction, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, transportation and other fields
- Application deadline is the last day of every month and a minimum of 2 winners will be notified approximately 6 weeks from entry.
- Exclusively for individuals wishing to gain a certificate, credential or 2 year degree.
- For more information and to apply, click here
View scholarships and sign up for their newsletter to stay up-to-date
How are you doing? People care and want to help!
Hand 2 Hand can help with food and toiletry needs.
RVA has an amazing staff, social worker, and mental health liaison who can listen and connect you to resources! Visit the RPS Mental Wellness Community Resource Guide for important information and contact information.
Ele's Place is a community-based organization with the mission to create awareness of and support for grieving children and their families. Please find a very helpful guide for parents - how to support teens, as well as a handout titled, How to Help Yourself: For Teens below.
Also, North Kent Connect (NKC) is a hub of help for families who could use some help with food, utilities, counseling, and support. Please check out the flyers below!
Free Covid-19 tests are coming back. Starting Monday (Sept 25), households can receive 4 free rapid tests through USPS again. Order here: COVIDtests.gov. Shipments will start Oct. 2.
Opportunities for Rockford RAMS!
Ram's Tale Yearbook 2023-2024
Ram’s Tale—also known as OUR yearbook! Notes on Book Sales and Senior Photos
Yearbook Advisor: John Feeley — jfeeley@rockfordschools.org
Book Cost:
$70 October 1st through Friday, December 16th
$75 December 17th through Wednesday, May 31st!
Books can be ordered at yearbookforever.com
● Select Rockford High School for ALL 9-12 students
● Ensure to select Rockford, Michigan as there are Rockford schools in other states!
Senior Pictures— The Requirements / must be wallet size & in color!
Before submitting your senior picture, please consider the following guidelines and requirements.
⮚ Be a wallet sized photo (2X3)
⮚ Formatted vertically
⮚ Appropriately dressed
⮚ Not full length
⮚ Full color image
⮚ No sepia or other toned images
*Digital images 300 DPI or greater
*Digital images over hard copy phones, especially in the case of shooting one’s own photo
*Turn in early!!
Email Pictures to jfeeley@rockfordschools.org
Please Email Pictures: DO NOT send links!
Senior Photos Due By Friday, December 9th, 2023
—1 week before Christmas Break
RVA/RPS Calendar Highlights
November 10: End of Trimester 1 Early Release Day- Students should have a minimum of 5 classes completed by this day!
November 13: Goal setting for weeks 1 and 2 of trimester 2
November 14: DHK Documentary: The First Day
November 15: Discover Manufacturing Field Trip/ Early Release Day
November 17: Arbor Circle Group/Progress Reports sent home
November 22-24: Thanksgiving break!!
November 27: Goal setting for weeks 3 and 4 of Trimester 2
November 29: Early Release Day - students dismissed at 12:18!
December 1: Arbor Circle Group/ Progress Reports emailed
December 8: Arbor Circle Group
December 11: Goal setting for weeks 5 and 6 of Trimester 2
December 13: Early Release Day - Students dismissed at 12:18!
December 15: Arbor Circle Group/ Progress Reports emailed
December 22: Arbor Circle Group
December 25-January 5 Christmas Break
January 8: School resumes/ Goal setting for weeks 7 and 8 of Trimester 2
January 10: Early Release Day - Students dismissed at 12:18!
January 12: Arbor Circle Group/ Progress Reports emailed
January 19: Arbor Circle Group
January 22: Goal setting for weeks 9 and 10 of Trimester 2
January 24: Early Release Day - Students dismissed at 12:18!
January 26: Arbor Circle Group/Progress Reports emailed
February 2: Arbor Circle Group
February 5: Goal setting for weeks 11 and 12 of Trimester 2
February 9: Arbor Circle Group/ Progress Reports emailed
February 14: Early Release Day - Students dismissed at 12:18!
February 20: Goal setting for weeks 13 and 14 of Trimester 2
February 23: Arbor Circle Group/ Progress Reports emailed
February 28: Early Release Day - Students dismissed at 12:18!
March 1: END OF TRIMESTER 2 - Early Release Day - Students dismissed at 12:18!
Area Resources
North Kent CONNECT: Clients | North Kent Connect (nkconnect.org)
Mobile Food Pantries: https://www.feedwm.org/findfood/
Assistance with housing, food, utilities:
contact 211 by phone or text (800-877-1107), text your zip code to 898211
Youth in need of shelter: The Bridge 616-451-3001 or 877-275-7792 the bridge - Arbor Circle
Please reach out with any questions you have or if there is anything you need!
Email: jthompson@rockfordschools.org
Website: http://www.rockfordschools.org
Location: 350 North Main Street, Rockford, MI, USA
Phone: 616-863-6324
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rivervalleyacademy
Twitter: @academy_river