Talon Talk
Volume 4 Issue 7
➡️ Principal's Update ⬅️
Good morning, I thought I’d mix it up and provide a written update this week. The most pressing news is students now have the option to return at the end of 1st quarter, with the return date on October 26th. This is good news for some of you, and especially for those who have been struggling with virtual learning. HMS goal is to get those struggling students back into the classroom and recover the progress needing to be made. Remember, the pandemic caused district grading to end in March, so if students haven’t completed work during this school year, for some there is a seven month learning gap. If too much progress is lost, there comes a point where students are set up for failure. Parents, if your child is struggling, the time is now to make the adjustment and enroll your child for in-person learning. It’s as simple as calling the school at 816-732-4125, and we take care of the rest.
Also, Parent Teacher Conferences are October 19th and 22nd, from 4-8pm, and the conferences will be virtual this year. Teachers are reaching out with scheduled times and you can either do a phone or Zoom conference. Teachers have been teaching both in-person and to virtual students and deserve a medal for their hard work. Please check with your child’s teachers to ensure all communication supports are in place.
⭐️ Students of the Week ⭐️
🔷 Counselor’s Corner 🔷
School Based Counseling Services
This year, Holden Schools is partnering with Country Crossroads Counseling, LLC. to provide school based counseling services during the school day. By doing so, students and parents have more convenient access to mental health counseling.
Most people find themselves overwhelmed or anxious at some time during their lives. Country Crossroads Counseling (CCC) is a private practice that will provide a school based therapist once a week to work with students by appointment as needed. CCC also provides counseling to individuals, couples, and families in Warrensburg, Lee’s Summit, and surrounding Missouri communities. Most major insurance and health care plans are accepted. Check out their website for the latest list of insurances accepted. Tele-Health appointments are also available.
If you are interested in having your child work with CCC’s school based therapist, please contact your child’s middle school counselor to get him/her started. Call (816) 732-4125 or email Kerri Hanneken, 6th grade, khanneken@holdenschools.org or Dan Conner, 7th & 8th grade dconner@holdenschools.org
If you would like to schedule an appointment at one of CCC’s offices, call or text (816) 308-0246.
✨ Bright Futures ✨
What is Bright Futures?
Bright Futures is a program that helps connect community resources. faith-based organizations, human service agencies, businesses, parent groups, and other organizations or individuals work together to help meet the needs of children and their families living in the Holden School District.
What Type of Services Are Provided and How Can I Get Help?
in our Hub storage area, the school has resources to directly help with socks, underwear, shoes, clothing, coats/hats/gloves/scarves, hygiene items, school supplies, and snacks. If your student(s) could benefit from some help with any of these items, or you have other concerns, please contact your student’s school counselor or the bright futures coordinator. The Bright Futures program will work with you directly or help provide community resources to assist with your needs. Many families could use a Hand Up from time to time. we’re here to help.
📣 Staff Spotlight 📣
Holden Middle School
Website: holdenschools.org
Location: 301 Eagle Drive, Holden, MO, USA
Phone: 816-732-4125
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holdenmiddleschool