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Longhorn's Latest
October 27, 2023
looking ahead
Oct 31 - Halloween Parade
Oct 31 - BT PTA Staff Appreciation event (see below for more details)
Nov 1 - 8 - PTA Scholastic Book Fair
Friday, Nov 3 - School Spirit Mismatch Day
Nov 6, & & 8 - Parent Teacher Conferences (see below for more details)
Parent/Teacher Conferences
This year Thomas B. Conley School will hold in person parent-teacher conferences. Conferences will be held on Monday, November 6 and Tuesday, November 7 from 6:00-8:00pm and Wednesday, November 8th from 1:30-3:30pm. These three days we will be having an early dismissal at 12:30.
If you would like to schedule an appointment with a teacher, please use the conference tab on the Genesis Parent Portal to do so. Each teacher, including special ed. and related arts, will have their own time slots. The online schedule for conferences will be open for you from Friday, October 27 until the following Friday, November 3, 2023. Appointments are available on a first come first serve basis in the Genesis Parent Portal. Please sign up for a time slot to be able to meet with your child’s teachers.
Fourth and Fifth grade parents should sign up for conferences under your child’s homeroom teacher. This will allow for us to have more conference times available for parents/guardians to come in and meet. The homeroom teacher will be providing an information sheet to you from the other grade teacher so you can review it. The homeroom teacher you are not meeting with will be happy to address any questions you have at another time once you review the information sheet. Additionally, if you would like a conference with Mrs. MacQueen, Mrs. Vizian or Mrs. Lazier individually, please schedule an appointment with them on the Parent Portal.
Parent/Guardian Shared Information Permission Form to close Oct 31st
There have been some requests about ways families can exchange information with other families for parties, play dates, cards, and other activities. If you are interested in providing this information, so it can be sent out to other families in your child's homeroom class, please fill out the information below by Friday, October 27. If you are not interested in sharing this information please just fill out question 1, 2 and 3 and you will not be added to the list that goes out. We will only share the information that you provide on the form. So, if you do not fill in the phone number section, we will not provide that information on the list. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Conley Student Council
Cozy Coat Drive
Hosted by Conley Student Council
Drive will run from October 30th - November 17th
Collection boxes will be inside Conley.
Accepting coats for men, women, and children.
Just remember that they have to be in good condition!
Drive to benefit Jersey Cares Coat Drive.
BTSD Clubs - will close October 27th
Longhorn Lowdown - grade 5 a monthly newscast that will be shared with the entire school
Dungeons & Dragons grades 4-5 limit 10
Concert or Orchestra Band
TREP$ - grade 5
You may register for an online payment with Payschoolscentral.com or you may send a check made out to Bethlehem Twp BOE. Be sure to include your child's name on the envelope.
Community Events
The Bethlehem Township School District provides this information as a service to the public. Links to third-party sites do not constitute an endorsement by the Bethlehem Township School District.
Kids Code Amazing Apps - Bricks Bots & Beakers
Holiday Makers Workshop - Bricks Bots & Beakers