Resources During School Closure
Notes from the Special Education Department
From the Desk of the Supervisor.....
Special Education
Hot off the Press! From the Learning Disabilities Association of NJ
Audible Is Free!
Audible: Audiobooks Free- Right now, kids everywhere can instantly stream an
incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will
help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids. All stories are free to stream
on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. https://stories.audible.com/start-listen
The Ultimate Resource for All
Join SPAN for an Atlantic County Virtual Roundtable Meeting!
Join parents, educators, school administrators, and other interested parties at this virtual roundtable!
About this Event
The goal of this virtual roundtable meeting is to check in to see how things are going in our school districts and communities, to discuss any concerns and successes with the distance learning, problem solve together to develop next steps, as well as to share information and resources to support family engagement to improve practices, programs, policies, and outcomes for children.
Questions? Contact Tatsiana DaGrosa, Parent Group Specialist Email: tdagrosa@spanadvocacy.org Phone: (609) 401-9423
Click here to register.
Click here to check out SPAN's COVID 19 page.
Ways to Support Remote Learning
Here is a Great Resource to Make your own Brain Breaks at Home
Tips for Parents on Developing Homeschool Routines
Using Visual Supports to Facilitate Homework Completion
Mental Health Resources
What Do Teens Need From Their Parents During COVID-19
Does Your Child Need Help? Or Is This The New Normal?
With everything in our lives changing so suddenly due to the pandemic, it can be difficult to tell if a change in a child's behavior is a problem that requires intervention. Is it a cry for help? Or just a temporary reaction that will resolve on its own with time?
Helping Children Cope with Changes Resulting From COVID-19
Recommendations from the CDC on Managing Stress During COVID-19
Helping Parents Through COVID-19 and Beyond
Atlantic County Mental Health Resources
Behavioral Healthcare for Children
Headspace: Free Mindfulness Activities: meditations, sleep, and movement exercises to
help you out, however you’re feeling. Find some space and kindness for yourself and
those around you: https://www.headspace.com/covid-19
Supports for Students with Autism and Beyond
Coronavirus: Response & Resources from the Autism Society
NJ Medicaid Coverage
Silas: Free Social Skills Resources During the Extended Closure
Autism Focused Resources & Modules
School Closure Toolkit from Easter Seals
Susann Tahsin, Supervisor of Special Education
Email: susanntahsin@linwoodschools.org
Website: linwoodschools.org
Location: 51 Belhaven Avenue, Linwood, NJ, USA
Phone: 609-926-6700
Facebook: facebook.com/LinwoodPublicSchools
Twitter: @LinwoodSchools