HTMS Newsletter
August 11, 2023
Trussville City Schools
Learning Today... Leading Tomorrow...
Mission The Mission of Trussville City Schools is to educate students using high standards in a safe, nurturing environment fostering academics and career competencies that prepare them to be productive citizens.
Thank you to all our students and their families for a great first week at HTMS!! We are looking forward to a great year!!
Updates for HTMS Parent Chat Night - August 22nd
Attention - School Nurse Information
HTMS Spirit Bundle
We are offering an HTMS spirit bundle this year with FOUR t-shirts, a shaker, a husky paw tattoo, and a spirit ribbon that will be delivered throughout the fall on HTMS spirit days to your homeroom teacher. You can get all of these items for the discounted rate of $60 for the HTMS Spirit Bundle. You can turn in your payment or order form to Mrs. Bowman OR you can pay through the registration fees link:
HTMS General Reminders for 2023-2024
Reminders - along with our new TCS Handbook
- Students should bring all school supplies and locker items on the first day of school!!
- Student cell phones should be locked in school lockers throughout the school day. They are not allowed to have them in class. If a student's phone is taken up by a teacher, a parent will have to pick it up from the front office. If smart watches are used as phones, they will be taken up as well.
- Students are not allowed to walk through halls with ear buds in ears.
- Backpacks, tote bags, etc. should be locked in lockers throughout the school day.
- Please review the below TCS Parent and Student Handbook for Dress Code, Code of Conduct, and Additional Updates.
Please Review - TCS Dress Code
Appropriate Handling of Student Related Concerns...
HTMS Administrators, counselors, and teachers are committed to working together to help support the learning and development of students during their middle school years. Please help us by addressing any concerns that arise in the following manner:
- Start with contacting the teacher if the concern is class related. The teacher will be responsive, helpful, and understanding.
- If there are continuing concerns or if the concern is not class related, please contact the grade level counselor or an assistant principal.
- The counselor or assistant principal will consult Mr. Meads, HTMS Principal as needed. However, if for any reason the concern is not resolved by the counselor or assistant principal, please contact Mr. Meads.
Morning Drop Off Reminders
- Do not drop students off in carline before 7:20. This is a huge safety concern! We do not have teachers on morning duty before then.
- Please pull all the way down in front of field house to drop off... do not stop in front of the gym.
- Do not pull around by the baseball fields to drop off.
- Remind your student that food must be eaten before morning drop off. No food is allowed in the gym. Students may go to the lunchroom for breakfast.
- Students should never be dropped off in the parking lot by the lunchroom (where buses drop off).
- If a student arrives at 7:55 or later, they need to report to the front office.
Afternoon Dismissal Reminders
- HTMS is not a walking campus for all students. Some student-athletes might walk with their coach to the stadium or civic center, but they are under the supervision of a coach.
- Please encourage your student to look for their car while they are in carline to help keep it moving.
- Students should be picked up no later than 3:30 in the afternoon.
Absences from School
- A parent excuse or doctor's excuse must be turned in to the MAIN OFFICE within 3 days of your student's absence.
- Students are allowed 6 parent notes for the school year.
- Please email with any parent or doctor's excuses.
- Please review TCS Parent and Student Handbook for all truancy information.
Dates to Remember:
8/22: HTMS Parent Chat Night
9/4: Labor Day
9/7: Pep Rally / Football vs. Mountain Brook
9/25-9/29: HTMS Homecoming Week
Hewitt Trussville Middle School
Phone: 205-228-3700