Principal Stewart's Weekly Update
Week of August 28 to September 1
Welcome Back, Cocoa Tigers!
Last week was a busy week at Cocoa High! Students and teachers are now settling into the school year and getting to the business of teaching and learning. Our Tardy Policy went into effect last Monday, and we can already see a great improvement in the number of student's getting to class on time. Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure your child is maximizing their time in the classroom in order for them to meet graduation and promotion requirements. Students can't learn if they aren't in class, so it's critical that we encourage them to be on time and present to every class, every day. Families who drop off students in the morning, please remember that our students start 1st period promptly at 8:45 am. If you are dropping your child off at school from 8:40 or later, they will be tardy to first period. We understand how busy our families are, and you adjusting your drop off time to ensure your child gets to first period on time is MUCH APPRECIATED!
Principal Stewart
Reminders and Announcements
FAST Testing Coming September 6th & 7th
Tutoring Starts This Week
Cell Phone Policy & Consequences
Please also be advised that any student caught taking video, audio, or photographs of students or staff on campus without permission of a school administrator may be at risk of being suspended pending investigation with possible placement at the Alternative Learning Center.
This process and rules are outlined in the BPS Student-Parent Discipline Acknowledgement Form. During enrollment, parents and students signed the Wireless Communications Device Agreement, which explains that cell phone privileges can be revoked entirely if a student fails to comply with the BPS Cell Phone policy.
District Policies & Procedures
BPS Consent Forms for Student Nicknames:
Any student who wishes to go by a name other than their legal name (this includes nicknames like Tom for Thomas, or AJ for Anthony James) must submit a parent consent form. Please see the BPS website for additional information and a copy of the form: https://www.brevardschools.org/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=4&ModuleInstanceID=5964&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=98829&PageID=1
Signed forms should be returned to the main office for input into Focus by September 28th.
No Food Deliveries to Campus: Per district and school policy, students may NOT receive outside food deliveries from companies such as GrubHub, DoorDash, or UberEats. This is a security violation and also puts the student out of are from where they should be on campus. Food that is delivered will be turned away by admin and other staff, and students could face disciplinary action.
We're Hiring!
- HS Algebra 1
- HS Geometry
- 8th Grade Science
- MS Reading
If you, or someone you know, are interested in teaching at CHS, please email the school secretary Stephanie Tucker for more information on how to apply: mailto:tucker.stephanie@brevardschools.org
Athletics and Activities Director
Open House THIS WEEK!
Athletics News & Information
- Boys and Girls Golf (available for grades 7-12, season has started)
- Middle School Boys and Girls Basketball (see Coach Darryl Williams for information)
- Volleyball (available for 7-12, season has started)
- JV Football (available for grades 7-12, tryouts are complete)
- Varsity Football (season has started)
If your child is interested in playing a sport, email our Athletic Direction Mark Carstens for information. A completed sports physical must be on file by the first day of practice. mailto:carstens.mark@brevardschools.org
Cocoa Tigers Football Beat Jones High School!
Boys Golf Defeats Merritt Island High School
Fundraising Gala Friday, September 15th
We are looking to invite local businesses and community partners so that they can find out how they can help support Cocoa High students and programs. Please consider sharing this link to our Gala RSVP form on your social media sites or send directly to potential sponsors of Cocoa High: https://forms.gle/9RT5ABDFER1kaHvF6
Tardy Policy Effective August 21
School Counselor Contact Information
Seniors Class of 2024 -- Cathryn Fourtney mailto:fourtney.cathryn@brevardschools.org
Juniors Class of 2025 -- Dr. Homer Brown mailto:brown.homer@brevardschools.org
Sophomores Class of 2026 -- Tracey Asby mailto:asby.tracey@brevardschools.org
Freshmen Class of 2027 -- Dr. Mark Mullins mailto:mullins.mark@brevardschools.org
8th Grade Counselor -- Holli Couch mailto:couch.holli@brevardschools.org
7th Grade Counselor -- Vickie Woods mailto:woods.vickie@brevardschools.org
ESE Counselor 7-12 -- Paul Grant mailto:grant.paul@brevardschools.org
To reach any counselor by phone, please call the main office at 321.632.5300 and press 0
Bell Schedule SY2024
We have made a few changes to the bell schedule for this school year. In order to accommodate FAST testing, we pushed lunches back by a class period. Please note that 1st period begins at 8:45. We have many students being dropped off by parents after 8:45, which makes your student late to first period class. This can have a profound impact on your student's ability to be successful in that class. Please help your child by getting them to school by 8:30 am at the latest so they can eat breakfast, which is free for all students, and get to class on time.
Meet Your Admin Team
Mrs. Lauren Feronti Williams, AP of Curriculum mailto:feronti.williams@brevardschools.org
Mrs. Stephanie Booth, AP of 7th Grade mailto:booth.stephanie@brevardschools.org
Mr. Wayne Lawrence, AP of 8th Grade mailto:lawrence.wayne@brevardschools.org
Ms. Denise Stewart, Principal mailto:stewart.catherine@brevardschools.org
Mr. Ivor Mitchell, AP of Operations, 11th & 12th Grades mailto:mitchell.ivor@brevardschools.org
Dr. Rose Harrison, AP of 9th & 10th Grades mailto:harrison.roseanne@brevardschools.org
9th/JV/V Volleyball vs Cocoa Beach 5:30pm
Boys Golf vs Brevard Heat 4:30pm
After School Tutoring Starts (see website for info: https://www.brevardschools.org/CocoaJRSR
Bowling vs Astronaut 4:30pm Shore Lanes
Bowling vs Rockledge at Shore Lanes 4:30 pm
JV/ Varsity Volleyball vs Rockledge 5:30 pm in GYM
JV/ Varsity Volleyball vs Rockledge 5:30 pm
Open House 6-8 pm
FRIDAY 8/25 Early Release Friday
Varsity Football vs Venice 7 pm HOME
Saturday 8/26
No Events
BPS YouTube Channel Link
Principal Stewart
Email: stewart.catherine@brevardschools.org
Website: https://www.brevardschools.org/CocoaJRSR
Location: 2000 Tiger Trail, Cocoa, FL, USA
Phone: 321.632.5300 22007
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090939510614&sk=about