Parent Memo 11.2.23
St. Helena Primary School
Principal's Message
Thank you all for coming out for our school events! The Second Annual Fiesta de Octubre was a huge success! It was great to see so many parents at our Halloween Parade.
We appreciate all of the costumes that were donated, we were able to ensure that every child who needed/wanted a costume received one.
Stay tuned this month for another way to support our SHPS families. We will be doing a "Giving Tree" in late November, where we will be letting you know of families at our school who need help making sure the holidays are special for children. We will be putting out specific items/toys/etc. that you can purchase for an SHPS student. More to come on this soon!
Halloween Pictures!
View more Halloween pictures on our website
Scroll down to Headlines and News
View more Halloween pictures on Parent Square
November Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Week of 11.6
Thursday, 11.9: Report Cards Sent Home
- Stuart Little Pajama/Trivia Night on Zoom! 6:30pm
Friday, 11.10: Veteran's Day Holiday, No School
One School, One Book!
Next week, we are reading chapters 6 and 7 with Mr. Dave kicking us off!
Here are some recordings of community members reading some of the chapters:
Jeanmarie Wolf, SHUSD Board Trustee, read Chapter 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13iIzUQ75DHmF0pFCb28_d_dkhSJuKz4-/view?scrlybrkr=b67d5c70
Superintendent Aurelio read Chapter 5: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ARphj76w5nWiaBoKWEP8ywYU0k6TqB0Y/view?scrlybrkr=b67d5c70
Mrs. Montelli (our School Librarian) and our classroom teachers have also been reading to students!
Please join Mrs. Rocha next Thursday at 6:30pm for a Pajama Night on Zoom! We'll be doing some Stuart Little Trivia and talking about the book.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8499641680?_ga=2.165729854.1071450705.1698966890-1409672121.1628026821
Meeting ID: 849 964 1680
La Importancia de Leerle a su hijo/a
Have you checked out the calendar feature on Parent Square?
Upcoming Important Dates
11.14: Principal's Coffee Chat, SHPS, 8:30am
11.17 TKK Field Trip to Connolly Ranch
11.17 Rainbow Day
11.20 - 11.24: No School, November Vacation
11.28 2nd Field Trip to Cal Academy of Science