Husky Happenings
November Newsletter 2021
Early Release (12:45 pm) on November 3!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
PTO Fundraiser
The next PTO meeting is November 8th at 7:00 pm.
Kid Sight Vision Screenings
Family Reading Night
Students in 5-8 grades are able to participate in basketball. Students must be committed to the season.
Girls in grades 6 and 7 may try out for cheer. Mrs. Colter is our cheer sponsor. She will be sending home information regarding cheerleading. Cheer may open for 5th graders based on numbers and uniform availability.
Academic Requirements – In order to participate in sports, cheer or clubs, students must:
1. Maintain a C- average in basic subjects.
2. Have a passing grade in all classes.
3. Be present for the last four hours of the day of the game, or have pre-scheduled appointments approved by admin.
4. Not be under any suspension or expulsion.
Failure to meet these requirements on the mid-quarter or quarterly report card will result in ineligibility of extracurricular activities for a period of four weeks upon issuance of the report. After four weeks, if requirements are met, the eligibility is reinstated. If not, ineligibility continues until the next report card. Grade check for ineligible athletes will be November 19th. The student may attend practices, but may not participate in events (games).
Athletes must have a current sports physical and copy of insurance card on file. Forms were sent home with students. Players will not be able to practice until they have their physical. Physicals are good for two years.
Practice Information
A team (7/8 girls and boys) and B team boys: Begins November 1st
Mondays: 4:30-6:30 pm
Thursdays: 4:00-5:30 pm
Students staying for basketball should bring a snack to eat.
Coach: Travis Sadler
Practice Assistant: Brian Groner (when available)
B Team girls: Begins November 11th
Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 -7:30 pm
Coached by: Unger, Liggett and Yates
The basketball schedule will be shared at the November 8th meeting. After that, it will be put on the website under the sports tab. The first scheduled game is December 2nd. Nathan Franks informed me that some schools may have to cancel games because there is a severe shortage of referees.
11/29- 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
12/6 - 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
12/13- 3:00 to 4:30 pm
Due to the popularity of the archery program, we had to limit the number of students that we can safely supervise in the gym. This year, grades 6-8 may participate in the archery club. Grades 4-8 learn archery basics in PE class. Mr. Trentmann is the archery coach. Tentatively , there is an archery tournament scheduled at St. Gertrude's Parish on February 26th. More information will come home at a later date.
Science Olympiad
Filing will not occur on days that the school district's office is closed due to inclement weather or other health related reasons, with the exception of opening and closing days of filing. The district may not open even on the first day and last day if weather conditions make it unsafe for school staff to travel. Filing will not occur on the following days when the school district's office is closed: December 17, 2021 (closes at 12:45 pm) through December 27, 2021. Filing will end on December 28, 2021 at 5:00 pm.
Placements of candidates appear on the ballot in the order they file. Please contact Karen Hoffmann if you have any questions.
Veteran's Day
Mid-quarter for 2nd quarter is November 19th.
Thanksgiving Break
*Our Christmas break will begin at 12:45 pm on December 17th. Students and staff will return on January 3rd.
Christmas Programs
Homework Tips
2. Schedule a routine study time
3. Help your student make a plan- What is due tomorrow? Is anything late? What tests do you have coming up?
4. Minimize distractions (phones, TVs, loud music etc.)
5. Motivate instead of monitor- Ask about assignments, quizzes, RC, and tests. Give encouragement, look over completed work, and make sure you are available to answer questions.
6. Be sure to sign the planner-Your student's planner is a good tool for communication between school and home.
7. Reach out to the teacher before small issues become big issues.
8. "I don't have any homework." Have you heard that? Well, there is typically always something to work on. Students should be reading nightly, studying math facts for fluency, practicing sight words, etc. There is always room for improvement!
Our goal is to help you help your student be successful in school! Remember, students in grades 3-8 can stay for Project Success if they are needing help in specific areas.
Questions or Concerns?
Be sure to visit our website often! You can find lunch menus, photos, and much more!
Franklin County R-II School
Email: koetterer@fcr2.org
Website: www.fcr2.org
Location: 3128 Hwy Y, New Haven, MO, USA
Phone: 573-237-2414