News and events
October 7th, 2022
October 7th, 2022
Upcoming events
P.T.O. Meeting: Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 at 6:30PM in our Library.
Picture Day: October 18th - see details below
No School: October 20-21
No School: November 8th - Election Day
School highlights
Spirit Wear and Grade Level T-shirts: The links for the website that were sent home previously are no longer working. Please use this link to access their website now. Thanks for your patience!
Absences may be reported online in ParentVue!
Instructions for reporting absences or the simplified version
Keep Your Information Up to Date
Each fall and then anytime some of your contact information changes, we ask that you keep it up to date. Please follow this link to the instructions for updating/verifying your contact information.
Picture Day October 18th
Order your pictures online!
Picture Day Code: EVTH7WVXX
The picture day flyer was also sent home with each student. If you order online you are ready to go once you order online. If you are sending in the payment in the envelope be sure to send it with your child on October 18th.
Playground Update
The new sections of our playground were ordered/purchased back in March. The Vendor is experiencing some delays. We have been told that it should be delivered by October 21st and then it would be installed very soon after delivery. We thank everyone for the money that was raised to make this purchase and we thank you for your patience as we all wait for it to be installed. THANK YOU!
Volunteer news
We appreciate our volunteers! Hundreds of volunteer hours have already been worked this fall. So many amazing things happen at Jefferson because of volunteers.
This e-newsletter is published by Jefferson Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.