The Core
May 12, 2023, Volume 14, Issue 35
Notes from the Principal
Hello Parents,
Thank you very much for your appreciation! We had a terrific luncheon along with snacks and treats throughout the week. We love Staff Appreciation Week, thank you for your support.
You're coming to our Spring Fling, right? It's always a good time and all the students (K-5) and staff cleaned up today!
FYI - there were five of us at our last PTO meeting of the school year. We know you're "all in" for Orchard School so we're hoping to get you into the planning and prepping for our awesome enrichment activities... we're excited about the possibilities for next year!
Sorry to be such a proud principal, but remember all of the accolades heaping down on Orchard School staff (even a student teacher received a distinguishing award)? Well, here are two more congratulations! First, to our Librarian Donna Sullivan-MacDonald, who won the Vermont Service Award from the Vermont School Library Association! Donna has won so many awards throughout her career and it's always nice to see her win one more. Orchard students continue to benefit from Donna's extensive work.
Also, congratulations to fourth-grade teacher, Sarah Vachereau. Ms. Vermont and Ms. River Falss, stopped by this week to thank her for her great work!
Mark Your Calendar, Spring Concerts are Wednesday, June 7th! The concerts are during the morning and schedule will be posted soon.
Have an awesome weekend; take some time to read with your child.
Mark T & Olivia K
We 💗 our Moms, Happy Mothers Day!!!
A Surprise Visit!
4th Grade Teacher, Ms. Sarah Vachereau, had unexpected visitors on Tuesday. Miss River Falls (and Orchard alumni), Mina Smith and Miss Vermont 2023, Yamuna Turco, stopped by to give her greetings.
Mina made special arrangements for Sarah's current students to create messages of gratitude to one of their favorite teachers, Mrs. Vachereau.
PTO Notes
Fifth Grade Fun Day: Our plan is to spend the day at Smugglers Notch. We are still finalizing details on transportation and ticket cost. To offset some of the cost, the fifth-grade fun day team is planning on hosting a bake sale at the Spring Fling next Friday. We would be very appreciative of any donations to help make this happen. Individually packaged baked goods, single-serve chips/crackers, water, juice boxes and seltzers would all be great donations. Please reach out to Melissa Grealis at mwoj44@hotmail.com with any questions. You can also drop off any donations at her house. Please email for the address.
5th Grade Leadership Team Reading May's Read-Aloud Book, Under My Hajib to 1st Graders
Superintendent Violet Nichols, Communication Director Julia Maguire, and School Board Member Bryan Companion stop by to share snacks and treats with staff!
School Nurse Notes
In addition to celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week, we missed School Nurse Day.
Quick story - I was escorting a student into our Medical Office last Friday and there were seven other students already in with Nurse Cassani! She was swamped but was attending to each student. We looked at each other and then laughed ... but I was the one who got to leave!
Hats Off to our School Nurses!
Here is last week's message:
We can't help but continue to inform you about tick awareness in Vermont!
Deer or black-legged nymph ticks are more active in the spring-summer and they are more likely to transmit Lyme Disease to humans during this stage.
For a very informative piece on Vermont Public, "They're back! Spring tick season is ramping up," can be found HERE.
Natalie Kwit, a public health veterinarian, talks about what to look for and how to protect yourself;
(listen for just over 6 minutes or you can read the transcript).
Be kind, stay well~
Kara Cassani & Sarah Pineda
This Week's 5th Grade Announcers, Apollo & Elijah!
"Free" Summer Camp Opportunity with the South Burlington Dolphins
The 2023 Summer Clinic “Speed School” hosted by the South Burlington Dolphins is a month-long, no-cost, event which is designed to help youth athletes, from Kindergarten to 12th grade, become fitter, faster, and stronger. Our goal is to provide each individual with the skills they need to build a strong foundation in their chosen sport. Register here or attend Registration Night (and meet the coaches!), May 25th from 4pm-6pm at the Pride Complex, 1234 Williston Rd, South Burlington.
SAVE THE DATE : On Thursday, May 25th the 5th grade parent are invited to an information night at FHTMS at 6:30 PM. This is an evening for parents only and not for students at this time. The students will be having other opportunities to transition and visit the middle school prior to June.
Next week, FHTMS will be sending out a parent email to 5th grade families with more info about that evening as well as the transition process.
5th Grade teachers will also be sharing information with you about upcoming visits from FHTMS staff and students, and a visit to FHTMS during the school day!