RES Weekly Buzz

As we head into February Vacation week, we thank you for your support in all we do here at RES. Our faculty and staff work tirelessly to make sure they are providing a school that is welcoming, caring, and inclusive of everyone. Together, we strive to make every day full of wonderful experiences that nurture both the social-emotional side of kids and the academic side. We hope families can take this next week to enjoy some downtime and a lighter schedule for sure and look forward to welcoming the kids back on Monday, February 26th. Our teachers will be ready to kick off the next part of the school year and of course, look forward to warmer weather!
Have a wonderful February Vacation.
P.S. - Our next RES Weekly Buzz will be on Friday, March 1st.
Important Dates
- February 19 - 23: School Vacation
- February 28-March 10: RPS Art Show -See below for more information
- February 29: RPS Art Show Opening Reception,6-8pm-See below for more information
- March 5: Half Day of School for students
- Pre-K Dismissal: 11:30 am
- Grade K-5 Dismissal: 12 pm
- March 29: No School
Before and After School Activities
Winter Session #2 of Before/After School Activities- Follow this link to sign up
Grades 3-5 at RES on Thursdays 8:30-8:45am (RES Cafe)
RES Jump Rope Club: Grades 2-5 at RES on Mondays, 8-8:45am(RES Gym)-8 Mondays beginning January, 8th, ending March 11th
RES Juggling Club: Grades 2-5 at RES on Thursdays, 8-8:45am (RES Gym)
Reminder: Students attending a before school activity
should not be arriving at school before 7:55am unless arriving by bus.
24/25 Enrollment for *NEW* K/1 Students
This is for NEW students only.
Current students do not need to enroll again.
Click on picture above to begin.
Grade 2
Rockport Public Schools Annual Art Show
Rockport Public Schools
Annual Art Show
Coming soon!
Where: Rockport Art Association
When: February 28th - March 10th
(the two weekends after February Break)
Reception Thursday, February 29, 6:00-8:00
(music, refreshments, ART!)
Volunteers needed to donate refreshments
What: Pre-K through High School ART on display!
Check RAA&M website for most up to date hours!
RPS Art Department is looking for volunteers.
Always wanted to help with the RPS Art Show?
Rockport Integrated Preschool Information for 24/25
This is for NEW students only.
Current students do not need to apply again.
Click on picture above to begin.
Community Participation Request - STEM Careers
Attention Parents! Anna Drost, a senior at RHS, is working with Ms. Favazza at the middle school on creating an afterschool STEM Workshop Series for RMS students that will run this winter. We are collecting local career profiles to share with students and hope to include as much of the Rockport community as possible. If any part of your job requires STEM skills, such as tool or technology use, data collection or analysis, or problem-solving and innovation (to name a few!)... please consider completing this form. You never know who you might inspire! STEM Workshop Survey Link Alexandria Favazza Rockport Middle School STEM Teacher WISE Club Advisor Stock Market Game Advisor
Rockport PTO
Upcoming Events
- February 25, 2024- Adult Bowling Night @ Cape Ann Lanes, 4-6pm-Signup here
- February 29, 2024- RPS Art Show Opening Night Reception-Volunteers needed
- March 13, 2024-General membership meeting 6:30pm on Zoom
- Zoom Meeting Link
- Meeting ID: 934 9560 1376
- Passcode: 268547
Notes from Nurse Wagner
Have a wonderful winter break! Please remain diligent about monitoring your child for signs/symptoms of illness. Please see chart below for illness symptoms to monitor for. If your child has COVID symptoms, please test them with an at-home rapid COVID test. Free COVID test kits are available from the Town of Rockport.
Please also monitor your child for symptoms of conjunctivitis (pink eye). Conjunctivitis is contagious and needs to be treated promptly. Symptoms to monitor for include:
- Redness
- Excessive mucus discharge that forms a crust during the night and prevents eye(s) from opening in the morning
- Excessive tearing
- Itchiness
- Gritty feeling
- Pain
- Sensitivity to light
For any questions or to report your child's illness, please call the RES health office at 978-546-1223 or email rwagner@rpk12.org
Upcoming Fundraiser for Educational Foundation for Rockport
Click on flyer to learn more and purchase tickets
February Menus
RPS Employment Opportunities
- Multiple positions have been posted for the elementary, middle, and high schools in Rockport.
- Click here or scan our QR code to see all available positions.
Parent Resources and Local Events
Click the links below to access the various resources:
- RES Staff 2023-2024
- RPS Community Flyers
- Positive Solutions for Families-
Positive Solutions for Families beginning on Tuesday, March 5th at Pathways for Children, 5:00-6:30 pm for six weeks. This popular, FREE parenting program introduces great strategies for coping with the everyday challenging of parenting a little one. Please help us spread the word and see the flyer for all the details. This is offered by Pathways for Children in collaboration with the Gloucester Preschool and is open to all community families.
- K-8 Rockport Youth Basketball
- Money Matters- New Year, new beginnings! Please see the flyer from Action Inc. for the upcoming session of Money Matters beginning this month and offered virtually or in person. This FREE course is a great opportunity to learn strategies to reduce financial stress, manage your money and set future goals. The group begins Monday, 1/22/24.
- January - May 2024 offerings at Cape Ann Museum
- Cape Ann Youth Lacrosse