Oct. 13, 2022

Staff, students show spirit for the Mariners!
SBLSD staff and students cheered on the Mariners today as they continued their run in the playoffs.
Despite today’s loss against the Astros, we’ll continue to cheer them on to victory!
Check out our Mariners spirit across the District for today’s spirit day:
Latino Club celebrates culture, diversity at Sumner High
This year marks the first year that Nohelia Bonet — known as Profe. Bonet to her students — has helped lead the Latino Club at Sumner High School, but it’s been a passion of hers for much longer.
“The passion that I have for bringing the Latino Club together, for bringing the students’ ideas into our community, is very important to me,” said Profe. Bonet.
She added that her goal this year is to make sure that people know this community is diverse.
Wilmer Zuniga, science teacher at SHS, is also an advisor of the club and organized it last year. There’s been a big jump in members, from fewer than 20 last year to more than 60 this year.
Junior Siclaly J. is the president of the Latino Club this year.
“I think now that more people came into this club, it shows how we’re united and how we’re able to express ourselves and the different cultures that we have,” she said.
In the club, students learn about their culture — types of dancing being a big part. They’ll be performing during this month’s Sumner High School Homecoming Parade on Oct. 28. Throughout the year, they will also be part of assemblies and plan to go on field trips to local colleges.
Any student is welcome to join the club.
“The Latino Club is where all students — even those not of Latin background — can come together and share their diversity in our club,” said Profe. Bonet.
Check out the club in the video down below!
Class of 2023 signs Commitment to Graduate wall at BLHS
Seniors at Bonney Lake High School took part in an annual tradition this week by signing the C2G — Commitment to Graduate — wall.
“This is a really big tradition for our school and it’s something we don’t take lightly,” said BLHS Principal Anthony Clarke. “When you sign that wall you’re committing that you’re going to graduate and we’re committing that we’re going to help you get there.”
The wall has about a decade’s worth of signatures and is painted over every year for the next class of graduates.
We can't wait to see you on that graduation stage, Class of 2023!
SHS student helps teach classmates about her cancer
This week, guests from Mary Bridge Children's Hospital visited Sumner High School freshman Claire, who is currently fighting acute lymphoblastic leukemia, at one of her classes.
Her classmates got to learn and ask questions about her leukemia, as well as meet Olaf, a facility dog from Mary Bridge who works often with Claire.
"It helps out my class knowing a little bit more about me and where I might be on days that I'm gone, and I think that it gives them a little bit more understanding," said Claire.
We support you in your fight, Claire!
Watch this video by Fox 13 News on the visit.
Culinary students get up-close look at barbecuing
Culinary students at Sumner High School learned the process for cutting and smoking meat up close last Friday.
Students then sampled some of that barbecue, thanks to meat supplied by Rollin’ Smokehouse BBQ.
Janine Sather teaches Culinary 1, Culinary 2 and Nutrition and Fitness classes at SHS with about 120 students. She said students also learned food safety and kitchen safety risks and prevention.
One Culinary 2 student, Issak, helped with cutting the meat and learned how to cook it to make it tender.
“I learned that when they cooked it low and slow on a lower heat — it took longer, but it makes it way better,” he said.
Sergeant Patrick Dent, a SHS graduate, spoke about his education learning culinary skills at Le Cordon Bleu and his experience joining the National Guard. He now puts those culinary skills to work part time for a restaurant.
We appreciate partnerships with businesses and organizations in our community to help students with real-world experiences!
What does it mean to know, value and support students?
At the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District, our promise is to know, value and support every student, helping them graduate ready to pursue a promising future. We asked staff, parents and community members what that means to them.
Watch the video series on our website here. To read more about our Future Ready strategic plan, visit sumnersd.org/futureready.
Jenn Dery
Emerald Hills mom and PTA president
Cynthia Cuellar
Sumner High counselor
Dione Corsilles
Parent and pastor at Sumner United Methodist Church
Classified Job Fair a success
In the past couple of months, the District held two Classified Job Fairs to recruit qualified individuals to fill dozens of open positions, such as paraprofessionals, child nutrition workers, bus drivers, maintenance staff and substitutes. The most recent hiring event on Oct. 6 was a huge success, where we conducted more than 30 interviews, submitted offers and hired substitutes in all classified areas. We still have job openings — classified and certificated. View a list of open positions at sumnersd.org/jobs.
Sumner HS Expansion Phase 1 construction update
While progress continues on the exterior of the Sumner High School Phase 1 Expansion, even more is happening behind the walls inside the new building, which is slated to open early in 2023. Here’s the latest:
- Concrete paving is underway on the west side of the building and on Mason Street
- The canopy (covered walkway between the current building and new building) is moving along well
- Fencing has been moved to add more parking stalls on the south side of the building
- Kitchen flooring is in progress and equipment will be installed next week
- The commons has been painted and vinyl wall covering is installed
- Acoustic panels are in progress
- Level 1 classrooms are as complete as possible at this stage
- Level 2 cabinets and wall boards being installed with mechanical, electrical and plumbing, acoustic panels and grids all ongoing
- Level 3 casework will continue upon material delivery
- Polishing and sealing of the concrete floors will begin next week
School Board: Highlights, upcoming meeting
The public is invited to attend School Board study sessions and meetings, which are held both virtually and in person. Please note that dates, times and locations are subject to change. Agendas are published a day prior to each meeting.
Special Board Meeting: Oct. 12
Presentation: Future Ready Goal 1— Success in the Early Years
Action: Approved 2022-25 IUOE Child Nutrition Services & Transportation Collective Bargaining Agreement and Salary Schedule
Meeting recording (passcode: aBv&re8J)
Board Meeting: Oct. 19
In person: 6 p.m., Central Office Boardroom (1202 Wood Ave)
Virtual: Meeting link (passcode: 693257)