D93 Family Update
February 2, 2023
Emergency School Closures
Thank you for your patience and support with the cold weather closures this week. In addition to our concerns for student safety, we had a number of equipment malfunctions and breaks from the cold temperatures, including broken water lines, issues with boilers starting up, fresh air vents freezing open, and a number of school buses that would not start. All of those issues would have made it incredibly difficult to keep schools open.
Please note that we departed from our normal practice by canceling school the day before. Normally, we will not be able to do this, especially for forecasted storms. Every year we get forecasted storms that never materialize which is why we rarely cancel school until 6:00 am on the day of school. But with Monday being a teacher collaboration day, we felt comfortable making the decision much earlier than we typically would.
We are asking our parents, employees, and community to give us ratings on four important areas: quality of education, budget management, communication, and performance of my responsibilities as superintendent.
Will you please take a moment to respond to these questions?
Weekly Schedule
D93 News
Watch this week's edition of D93 News to learn how to enter the Rusty "free"
Taco give a way and learn more about what goes into the decision to close schools for inclement weather.
EIRMC Health Minute
Family Events & Resources
Newborn Learning Kits
The Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children has offered to send Newborn Learning Kits to families with newborns to 12 months of age. The kits include two baby books, a cute Future Reader onesie (12-month size), a rhyme book, a magnet, bookmark, and fliers that outline early literacy resources. To get your free kit, please click this link: AEYC Newborn Learning Kit
Free Internet Service for Qualifying Families
Love and Logic Parenting Class
Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (February 2nd - March 9th) at Sandcreek Middle School
We are offering free Parenting the Love and Logic Way classes for parents of children attending D93 schools. Classes will be for parents of children of all ages.
- Making parenting easier and more fun so that the family enjoys being together.
- Setting boundaries in the home so that relationships grow and develop.
- How to help kids be responsible at home and at school.
- Helping parents to respond calmly and rationally with consequences
- Setting limits with children to balance their time with activities such as video games, cell phones, friends, TV, school, chores, dating, toys, etc.
- How to solve defiant behavior.
- Dealing with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vaping, sex, bullying, and aggression
Our facilitator, Steve Dewey has been teaching parenting classes in the community for the past 25 years. He is well known for his ability to use humor and fun stories to make his parenting classes easy to understand so that participants can implement the interventions immediately and successfully. Please click on this link to register for the class.
Utility Assistance Programs
The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program(LIHWAP) helps low-income families in Idaho pay their water and wastewater bills. We can help you restore services if you have been disconnected, prevent getting disconnected if you are having trouble paying your water bills, and reduce rates to make water and wastewater services more affordable. Find out if you are eligible and apply online by visiting
www.capai.org or by dialing 2-1-1 to call the Idaho Care Line.Princess Palooza Daddy-Daughter Dance, Friends of the Iona Library
$20 for one parent and all of their daughters when purchased in advance
$25 at the door (cash or check only)
Please enter the BHS cafeteria through the northeast entrance by the gym or the west entrance into the cafeteria
Call the Iona Library at 208-523-2358 with any questions
Thu, Feb 9, 2023, 06:00 PM
Bonneville High School, East Iona Road, Idaho Falls, ID, USA
Opportunities for Students
The Idaho School Boards Association is hosting a photography contest for K-12 students. Winners of the contest will be featured in the Spring 2023 edition of ISBA's SLATE magazine. The theme for this year's contest is Hometown Idaho. Entries must be submitted via email to ISBA's Mika Milette by March 1, 2023.
D93 Get Help Line
Students, parents, and employees can reach out for help with bullying, harassment, suicidal tendencies, self-harm, threats, or to report weapons at school by going to d93.org/gethelp or sending the text @gethelp to 855-528-0074.
Thank you to our community partners at EIRMC for supporting our D93 Family Update.