Stonybrook School Weekly Update #18
January 21st, 2024
Congratulations to Stonybrook Staff Members
Congratulations go out to the following Stonybrook Teachers for being recognized in the following areas:
Mrs. Susan Giuliano - Governor's Educator of the Year
Mrs. Heather Cornett - Educational Services Professional of the Year
Mr. Sean Pasieka - Recipient of the 2024 Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year by the New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
School Spirit Week is here!
We will be celebrating School Spirit Week during the week of January 22nd. Please see the flyer below for the activities for each day. We will close out the week with a 5th-grade student vs. staff volleyball game.
Species on the Edge Contest for 5th Grade Students
Species on the Edge Contest 2024
Fifth Grade is invited to take part in the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ: Species on the Edge Art & Essay Contest.
ALL fifth grade students will be selecting and researching about a NJ threatened or endangered species in Library media class, but students who choose to can do the additional art and essay to be entered into the contest. Information will be posted in their Library Media Google Classroom.
PEEC Parent Letter
Attached is the PEEC Parent Letter with the initial deposit information. Thank you.
5th Grade Snowflake Soiree Information is coming!
Stonybrook School and KEHSA presents the Snowflake Soiree! A 5th Grade Dance including DJ Tedesco will be held at Stonybrook Elementary in the gym on Friday, February 2, from 6 pm - 8 pm. Doors open at 5:45 pm. The invitation including all Information to purchase tickets will be sent out this week. Thank you.
Stonybrook Student Council Valentine's Day Bagel Fundraiser
Our Stonybrook Student Council will be holding a Valentine's Day bagel sale on February 14th. Bagels with a choice of toppings will cost $5.00. The order form will be sent home this week with your child/ren.
Important Upcoming Dates
January 22nd to January 26th: School Spirit Week
January 24th: Board of Education Meeting at KHS
January 25th Strategic Planning Meeting #3
January 26th: 2-hour Delayed Opening for all students/Staff Professional Development Time
February 2nd: 5th-Grade Business Club Field Trip with Mr. Shechtman
February 14th: Valentine's Day
February 16th and 19th: School Closed for President's Day Weekend
Important Reminders
As the weather becomes colder, please make sure that your child has a coat/heavy sweatshirt to wear while outside at recess.
Please make sure to label your child's coat or sweatshirt with their name/grade.
As long as the temperature outdoors remains at 32 degrees and above, students will have outdoor recess.
Please label your child's water bottle with their name/grade.
Please make sure that your child has their Chromebook with them when they come to school each day and that it is fully charged.
Thank you.
Lost and Found
If your child/ren has misplaced a coat or sweatshirt, please remind them to check the lost and found in the cafeteria. There are several coats and sweatshirts that have yet to be claimed. Thank you.