Head's Highlights
May 19, 2023
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
One fun week down and one more to go! Fifth grade has Field Day, a Promotion Ceremony, and Activities Day all next week. The entire school is so proud of all their hard work over the years. We will miss them as they embark on a new journey to middle school and hope they come back to visit.
Have a wonderful weekend!
PTA News You Can Use
Please add a quick note:
PTA would like to heartily thank our amazing parents. Your membership and fundraising have funded so many programs that directly impact our students and staff:
- teacher grants for classroom supplies
- 5th grade fun day
- teacher appreciation food and gift cards
- school dances
- K playground improvements
- new soccer goals
- and so much more.
We appreciate your financial contributions and even more, the time that you give to support our school. Enjoy the summer and plan to join PTA again next year as we kick off another amazing school year at Head Elementary.
This is a friendly reminder that our last check out time is 2:45 PM daily. If you arrive after 2:45, your child will have to go home his/her normal way. Thank you in advance for your support.
Students, Staff, and Community...
The Gwinnett County Board of Education invites students, staff, and community members to share their feedback on the 2023 Community Board Governance Survey.
This brief survey opens today, Wednesday, May 3, and closes on May 24. All responses will be shared with the GCPS Board of Education Governance Team at their next Governance Team Training session in June.
Learn more and find the link for the survey here: https://www.gcpsk12.org/Page/35785
We are now into the final days of this school year. Parents, please be mindful of your child’s meal account balance. As of April 30th, no charging of food items is allowed and all students must have funds in their account or cash in hand in order to purchase any food items. All current charges MUST be paid by Monday May 22nd. All meal accounts must have a positive or zero balance on the last day of school. Any funds remaining in the meal account will roll over to next year. When sending payment to school in the form of a check or cash, please place it in an envelope marked with the student’s name and teacher. Payments can also be made online with a debit or credit card at mypaymentsplus.com . If you have any questions or concerns, please call Doris Brewer, Cafeteria Manager at 770-736-4512. Thank You
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
Attention Brookwood High School Seniors - Class of 2023
Come join us at Head Elementary on Monday, May 22nd at 1:30 PM. Please RSVP by using the link below so we may include you in our Bronco Senior Walk. We can't wait to see you all!
Don't forget to wear your cap and gown! Parents are welcome.
Please meet in the Head Elementary Media Center by 1:15 PM.
Connecting With the Community
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
May 22 - 5th Grade Field Day
May 22 - 1:30 Senior Walk for High School Students
May 23 - Step Up Day (no parents permitted)
May 23 - 7:00 PM 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony
May 24 - 5th Grade Activities Day