Digital Leadership Driver's License
Informational Module for Parents and Students Using iPads
Beginning the Digital Leadership Driver's License Process
PARENTS ONLY: You will need to sign this agreement as part of their Mid-Prairie e-registration process before their child can receive their school-issued iPad. You DO NOT need to complete the form at the end of this document.
STUDENTS ONLY: When you are done with the learning activities below, be sure to complete and submit the MPHS iPad Agreement Form linked at the end. This MUST be done before you can receive your iPad on the first day of school.
TO SUMMARIZE: BOTH PARENTS and STUDENTS must complete these tasks BEFORE students will receive their iPad.
Module 1: Fill Your Tank
Fill Your Tank - Mission, Purpose and Why iPads?
The Mid-Prairie mission statement states that we are ‘Preparing today’s student for tomorrow’s world in a caring learning environment.’ However, the changing landscape of the world’s information will require today’s student to have a different set of skills than what was required just a few years ago. Students today are preparing to work and live in a connected world that will expect them to be able to gain new information and completely new skill sets every few years. Future graduates must be equipped with not just the three R’s, but also with 21st century skills for problem solving, critical thinking, communication and the skilled, innovative use of technology as a tool for accomplishing these things. Students will need to be able to quickly find, synthesize and communicate information and collaborate with colleagues--not just in their own office, but within the global community of colleagues and customers. The Mid-Prairie Community School District is committed to preparing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to responsibly navigate tomorrow’s world.
The goals of the iPad program are to:
Leverage technology for personalized learning
Promote collaboration
Strengthen the 21st-century skills needed for future student success
The opportunity to use iPads gives students access to anywhere, anytime learning - in classrooms, on the school bus, in schoolyards, at a cyber cafe, and at home.
Module 2: Fill Your Tank ~ Digital Leadership
What is Digital Leadership?
How to Become a Digital Leader:
1. Be Digitally Fluent: A willingness to learn and seek knowledge is crucial to embracing the digital world. Students need to recognize they need to become digitally fluent and ensure they integrate digital thinking into their everyday management.
2. Develop New Capabilities: Encourage others to develop digital competencies included those that are relatively new to technology. The more digitally literate people are around you, the greater their potential to contribute.
3. Willingness to Experiment: Understand how technology is transforming society and translate it to help you manage and be productive within your relationships and your academics/employment.
4. Promote Collaborative Environments: Schools and businesses no longer operate in isolation. The challenge is not the technology, but rather how leaders take advantage of the benefits technology offers. Embrace a more collaborative culture and environment, which facilitates teamwork.
5. Use the Information, Not Just the Technology: How do you use digital tools to produce, innovate, or inspire? Consider how to use technology to boost individual performance. In order to be a Digital Leader you must embrace the digital age to become productive and educated and not just for entertainment and communication. You need to move from Toy to TOOL!
Module 3: Head Check ~ Your Digital Footprint
A digital footprint is all the information online about a person either posted by that person or others. The information in it can become public because it can be searched, copied, and passed on so that it plays to a large invisible audience. It can be difficult or impossible to remove, and it therefore becomes a permanent part of their online image. In order to be a successful digital leader it is our responsibility to create a positive online identity and avoid negatively impacting the digital footprints of others. Your safety, future employability, college admissions, and scholarship opportunities. depend on THINKING before you post ANYTHING.
Module 4: Put on Your Seatbelt ~ Mid-Prairie iPad Acceptable Use Agreement
Yes, YOU NEED TO READ IT... When you submit your MPHS iPad Agreement Form, this is what you are agreeing to.
Mid-Prairie High School
Student iPad Agreement
High School students will be issued a district-owned Apple iPad at no cost to the student/parent/ guardian. Financial obligations will not be issued unless loss or damage of the borrowed device occurs as the result of handling, storage, transport or inappropriate use.
By taking possession of a borrowed device, the student agrees to assume full responsibility for the safety, security, and care of the loaned device. Any loss, theft, or damage to the device should be reported to the administration or technology department within two school days.
In the case of a lost or stolen device, the student agrees to pay the full replacement cost of the device and associated accessories. The student should report the incident to a school administrator within one school day of the occurrence. Device tracking software will be used by the school district to attempt to locate the device. A police report will be filed in the case of theft.
Accidental Damage:
In the case of accidental damage to the device the student has two options:
The Apple Care Warranty purchased by the district allows the student two incidences of accidental damage during the first three years the device is in use. If the device is repairable, the student may elect to pay a $50 service fee and utilize one of those incidents. Repairs needed during the 4th year of device use will be determined on a case-by-case basis, generally for a $50 service fee.
Pay the cost of the repairs as determined at the time of repair
Deliberate Damage:
In the case of deliberate damage, the student will be charged the entire cost of repairs. If the device is not repairable the student will be charged the replacement cost at the time the damage occurs.
Replacement Costs:
Should a student need to pay full replacement cost for a device, the cost will be based on the current replacement cost at the time of the incident.
Repair Costs:
Repairs will be made to a loaned device if the nature of the damage makes the device inoperable, but repairs can be made. Actual repair costs will be determined at the time of repair.
Summer Collection of Devices:
Students will return their assigned devices and accessories at the end of each school year to allow technology staff time to clean and update the devices. Failure to return the assigned device will be considered loss of the device and the student will be charged full cost for replacement of the device.
Handling, Care, and Use:
Do NOT plug in or sync your assigned iPad with any computer. This will result in a loss of the district-loaded applications and tools necessary for educational purposes.
Under NO circumstances should your school-issued device be removed from its case.
The student is responsible for all media, internet usage, downloads, file creation, file deletion, file sharing, file storage, and other actions that involve the use of the device. Do NOT allow other users to use the device assigned to you.
The device is only for creation of, storage of, access to, and consumption of school- related and school appropriate content. Do NOT access, store, create, consume, or share unauthorized or inappropriate content on your device.
The student is expected to start each school day with a fully charged battery.
Make sure nothing is ever connected to, or inserted into, any of the ports and/or connectors on the device that are not intended for that particular port or connector.
Make sure the device is never exposed to liquids or other foreign substances, including beverages, paint, ink, glue, cleaners, polishes, or any type of health/beauty product (lotion, nail polish, perfume, soap, shampoo, etc. )
Never turn on a device that has been exposed to liquids. Bring the device to the High School office to determine possible damage IMMEDIATELY.
Make sure the surface of your device is not altered or defaced. Do NOT decorate your assigned device OR case or remove labels, stickers, or tags from the device that are affixed by school district personnel. Choir students MAY attach their attendance QR code to the OUTSIDE of their device case.
Only school district personnel shall troubleshoot, diagnose, or repair your loaned device. Do NOT allow 3rd party service people to handle your assigned device.
Security, Storage, and Transport:
Keep the device powered off and in the protective carrying case when not in use.
Keep and transport the device within the protective carrying case at all times.
Handle the device with caution. Do not throw, slide, drop, etc. the device, even while in the carrying case.
Take the device home every day for nightly storage. Do NOT leave it in a school locker for overnight storage.
Keep the device at home out of reach of younger siblings, family pets, or anyone else capable of careless handling or inadvertent damage.
Do not share or switch devices, power charger, or other accessories with other students.
Bringing your power charger to school for daily use is allowed, but not recommended. You are responsible for any loss or damage that may occur to it, regardless of whether loss/damage occurs at school or away and regardless of who is using it at the time of loss/damage.
Secure the device out of view from anyone outside of a vehicle if being temporarily stored in a parked vehicle. Never leave the device in an unlocked and/or unattended parked vehicle, even when the parked vehicle is at your residence.
Communicate with teachers, coaches, sponsors, supervisors, etc. about ensuring that your iPad will be in a secure storage location if you have school-related activities, performances, sporting events, etc.
Do NOT leave the device unsecured in a locker room setting.
Do NOT leave the device in an extremely hot or cold environment.
Wireless Internet Access:
Students should observe all Mid-Prairie School District Acceptable Use Policies on home and public Wi-Fi networks just as they do at school.
When on the school wireless network the district content filter will appropriately filter the Internet content. Because of the nature of the internet, no content filter is capable of preventing all access to all online content that is not school-related. Although the content filter will provide a degree of protection to the user and the device, the user assumes responsibility for not accessing content that is not school-related, whether blocked by the filter or not.
Any access to unapproved content online, whether through a district-owned device, or other personal electronic devices, while at school is a violation of the usage policy.
Although the district filter will not be in effect when the device is not on the school wireless network, the student will be expected to maintain the same level of ethical use in their home environment.
Ethical Online Behavior:
By accepting the use of this device the student agrees:
Not to use these tools to bully, harass, or threaten other students or individuals.
That the technology is provided by the district and is district property.
Not to publish personal information about or images of others or themselves without expressed permission.
That the district has the right at any time to investigate, monitor, or review the contents of the device.
That all Mid-Prairie Acceptable Use Policies apply to the use of the device in all locations.
Not to install non-school related apps or files.
That the district has the right to remove any non-school-related apps or files.
That the device and accessories shall be returned in acceptable working order by the last day of school each spring, upon graduation, withdrawal or exit from the school district, and whenever requested by school staff.
Not to use the device to access, upload, download, store, print, post, receive, transmit, or distribute:
Pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit material
Obscene, abusive, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, disrespectful, or sexually explicit language
Materials or information that includes language or images that are inappropriate in or disruptive to the educational setting or process
Materials that use language or images that advocate violence or discrimination toward other people (hate literature) or that may constitute harassment or discrimination
If you have questions, contact your Learning Design Coach ~ Mrs. Seward
Location: Mid-Prairie Senior High School, Wellman, IA, United States
Phone: 319 646-6091
Twitter: @glenda_seward