The Olive Branch 1.27.23
What's Up At The Nest...
In this Branch
Total Read Time - About 5 minutes!
Principal's Message
Lunch Shift Switch
Family Reading Night: Wild About Books!
One Book One School
5 Essentials Survey <--- Click Here
Important Dates
Principal's Message
Good Afternoon,
What a great way to end the week with packing snow! The students were so excited to be outside building snowmen and forts. We were so proud of how they played together cooperatively. Students of all grade levels collaborated, planned, and shared ideas on what and how to build. Students in second shift recess modified and added on to already created snow objects!
With the snow, we did have several students who had wet shoes, socks, and pant legs. Please send your child with extra shoes, socks, and pants in case they get wet.
Erin, Julia, and the OMS Staff
Lunch Shift Switch
Halfway through the year, we switch which grade levels eat first. Beginning Monday, February 6th, our lunch shifts will be as follows:
1st Shift - 12:10-12:40
2nd, 5th
3rd (Tingalia, Bagg)
2nd Shift - 12:40 - 1:10
1st, 4th
3rd (Helmann, Molnar, Yarbrough)
Family Reading Night: Wild About Books!
Students and families really were wild about books at last night’s Family Reading Night! Families enjoyed sharing books together by flashlight in the coziness of reading tents. Officer O'Leary joined us to read aloud favorite picture books. Family members imagined the dialogue in wordless picture books, learned about the techniques of illustrator, Christian Robinson, built with legos, and made crafts. In some sessions, working with technology entertained family members as they completed digital puzzles. All attendees had an opportunity to learn about beavers from our guest presenter, Brian Winters, of the River Trails Nature Center. The LMC staff would like to thank families for sponsoring books at the fundraiser. The funds earned will help us purchase more books for the library. A big thank you goes out to all of the teachers who ran sessions, administrators, and parent volunteers who helped prepare for the event!
One Book One School
Students and families have been enjoying sharing Rescue At Lake Wild together. During library media center classes this week, students participated in an interactive learning platform called Nearpod to learn about topics related to the book. Some of these were beavers, Jane Goodall, as well as story elements such as setting and character development. Families are invited to check out the LMC One Book One School webpage for ideas and activities connected to the book.
5Essentials Survey
If you have not already, please take a few minutes to complete the 5Essentials Survey. Your participation in the parent portion of the survey will help us understand the conditions at our school and guide improvement. A report will be generated only if we have at least 20 percent parent participation.
Survey Link:
*Your identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child.*
Student Survey (Grades 4-8 ONLY)
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey will be administered at OMS in the near future. Classroom teachers will share the specific date their class will be taking the survey. For a copy of the questions, click here (survey content hasn't changed since 2022).
If you do not want your child to participate, fill out the information at the bottom of this form (linked here) and ask your child to return this sheet to their teacher.
Important Dates
2.2.23 - PTA Meeting w/ Dr. Bein @ 7:00pm
2.7.23 - 23-24 Kindergarten Parent Night @ 6:15pm
2.8.23 - Multilingual Family Night @ 6:00pm
2.14.23 - Classroom Valentine's Parties
2.15.23 - 3rd Grade Clay Night w/ Mr. DeMarco @ 6:30pm
2.16 - 2.17 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - no school for students
2.20.23 - No School - Presidents' Day
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive