St Cecilia's News
May 2022
Sharing God's love - Respecting and valuing each other - Becoming inspired learners for life
A new behaviour policy and awards programme
A lovely week in school, lots of sunshine and hard work as many children complete their national assessments.
As we move forward with our various programmes which support Character education and embed our work on BOUNCEBACK, it's a good time to revisit our behaviour policy.
As we review the policy we will be meeting with children, parents, staff and governors.
As part of the review, we are also looking to identify the key qualities that we want our children to attain as they progress through the school, to check the relevance of our Charter of Values and create a new awards system for each year group.
If you can, please sign up for one of our parent sessions on the days below. As we need to organise the workshop we need accurate numbers so please only attend if you have registered with us and please only register if you can definitely attend. Please use the RSVP form below to register.
Have a good weekend,
Vince Burke
Head Teacher
Behaviour Policy Parent Workshop (Afteroon option)
This one and a half hour session will pose a variety of questions to parents to aid discussion and support governors, school leaders and the staff in developing policy.
We are also consulting with school council and groups of pupils in order to ensure that our policy is meeting their needs.
Monday, Jun 20, 2022, 01:30 PM
School Hall
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Behaviour Policy Parent Workshop (Evening Option)
Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022, 06:30 PM
School Hall
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
First Holy Communion
It was wonderful to see the first group of children receive the sacrament for the first time last week, a lovely Mass with Fr. Rob and beautiful sunshine. I hope that you all had a lovely celebration afterwards. Good luck to all our candidates receiving the sacrament over the next two weekends, please remember the children in your prayers as they start the next step on their faith journey.
Good neighbours
Please help us to support them by not parking so close to their drives that they cannot freely use their own vehicles. Even though parents are only outside on local roads for a short time, it can very much irritate residents if they cannot get out with their own cars.
We all need to be a good neighbour, thanks for your support.
Staffing Update
We say goodbye to Miss Greenaway who has been with us in Year 2 for four years. We've loved having her as part of the teaching team and will greatly miss her. She is off to get married this summer and is returning to work in an international school. We wish her all the very best for her new life in the Middle East and thank her for all her support in our gaining the International School Award.
The Governing Body has recently appointed two new Class Teachers and an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA.) We are currently carrying out our various HR checks, we look forward to introducing them to you in our next newsletter.
Catering system
There will be a change to the menus after half term, we are currently consulting with Schoolgrid on how to make the changes. Mrs Cahill will be in touch with parents once the new menu is available. Any orders already made for after half term will need to be placed again.
If you have any feedback on the system please get in touch with
National Assessments in Years 1,2,4 and 6
In Y6, the children really rose to the challenge in the way in which they undertook the tests with such care and attention, it was lovely to be with them this week as an invigilator.
Children in Year 2 are currently undertaking their SATs, these papers are teacher assessed in school and are subject to local authority moderation.
The Y1 Phonics Screening Check and the brand new Y4 Multiplication Check both start in the week beginning Monday 6th June.
We publish all assessment results to parents as soon as we can via email through the Pupil Asset system.
May Procession
Sports Day - 23rd June
Gates open at 08:30 and the first events start at 9am.
The Sports Day ends with a prizegiving ceremony which should conclude by 3:30pm.
Parents are welcome throughout the day and free parking is available on the field opposite the entrance road to the Sports Centre.
Parents are asked to wear a security bracelet that we will send home before the event.
We ask all families to make their way to the Centre which is located at
David Weir Sports Centre
Middleton Road,
We will provide transport for children in our Childcare provision to and from the centre and childcare will continue as usual.
If your child usually has a school lunch a packed lunch will be provided, make sure to order on Schoolgrid. Parents are welcome to join their child for a family picnic at lunchtime.
Please make sure to prepare for the weather.
- We will have regular times during the day when the children will apply sun lotion, please provide a small bottle for your child to use, labelled with their name.
- Please also apply a good coat of sun lotion on your child before the start of the day.
- Children will need a named water bottle, there is a water station on the field
We will have more information for you nearer to the event.
School budget
All of our fixed costs are continuing to rise, from increasing NI payroll costs for staff to our energy and subscription services. The rise in costs is not met by the small increase in the school's budget. It is likely therefore that we will not be investing as much in our buildings, redecoration or IT as we would have hoped this year, the good news is that we can maintain our current provision and provide some additional functions in some areas including SEND and ELSA.
Dates for your diary
We have seen the number of COVID cases almost disappear over the past few weeks, it's great news that we can truly start getting hack to normal. With this in mind, we will now start to offer our usual range of parent meetings in person.
Monday 16 May - Year 3 Mission Week - Mary and the Rosary
Thursday 19 May - May Procession, donations of flowers welcome.
Monday 23 May - Year 6 residential visit to Dorset, assessment week in school.
Week of Monday 6 June - Y1 phonics check and Y4 multiplication check.
Y6 swimming fortnight begins
Monday 13 June - EYFS Mission Week - Our community and special people
Monday 20 June - World Refugee Week
Monday 20 June - Behaviour Policy Workshop (Parents) 1.30pm.
Wednesday 22 June - Summer Music Concert
Thursday 23 June - Sports Day at David Weir Centre for Years 1-6.
Tuesday 28 June - Behaviour Policy Workshop (Parents) 6.30pm.
Monday 4 July - ECAs end this week. Y5 swimming fortnight begins.
Tuesday 5 July - Parent Teacher Meetings in school
Wednesday 6 July - Artsmark Day
Thursday 7 July - Parent Teacher Meetings in school
Thursday 7 July - Deanery Music Concert at St Philomena's
Friday 8 July - Y6 Campfire and BBQ
Wednesday 13 / Thursday 14 July - Proposed Y6 Performances
Wednesday 20 July - School ends at midday.
We have Mass in the morning and the clapping out ceremony at 11:40.
We return on Friday 2nd September 2022, dates vary for EYFS.
Keep an eye on Class Dojo for updates and reminders.
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Phone: 020 8337 4566