March Parent Newsletter
Manvel School 2023
A note from Principal Hiltner . . .
Thanks to so many of our families and community members who helped donate over the past month to two great causes. Donations of candy and money to the Middle School for the Valentine bags that were delivered to the Cancer Centers in Grand Forks, and for the Giving Hearts Day "Penny Wars," sponsored by Mr. Twedell's 8th-grade class, which raised $1,440.00 schoolwide to donate to Ethos Home Health Care & Hospice. These are both always great projects and a witness to our students about the power of giving.
Just a reminder that there is NO school on Friday, March 17th (for a short spring break).
There WILL be school on Friday, March 31st, for students and staff. This was originally a day off, but with the storm days we have needed to use, MPS WILL BE in session.
It is hard to believe, but the end of our third quarter is on Friday, March 24th. After that, it leaves only nine weeks left of this school year!
We continue looking for a full-time custodian, bus drivers, and a full-time school counselor for next school year. If you are interested in any of these jobs and want to be a part of a GREAT TEAM, please contact Dr. Wheeler at 696-2212.
If you buy the "Essential Everyday" brand at your local grocery store, please cut out the bar code and turn them into the office. Our school receives money back for this simple act. (*Special thanks to Mary Ellen Balek for overseeing this project).
The Manvel School Board has approved the calendar for the 2023-2024 School Year. I have attached it below in this newsletter. In this month's parent newsletter, you will find information about the PTO Carnival, Preschool Screening, and the 4th Annual MPS Spelling Bee. The North Dakota State Assessment will be administered in a few weeks in grades 3rd - 8th, deemed mandatory by the State of North Dakota. There is more information below in this parent newsletter.
This community continues to be an integral part of what we do, and we appreciate your support as we maneuver through this school year! Please don't hesitate to reach out about any concerns, questions, or ideas you may have to help us make MPS a place where we continue to empower every student every day! Happy March!
Important March Events ~ Save the Dates!
Thursday, March 2nd ~ Books & Braids (See flyer below for details)
Wednesday, March 8th ~ Student Council Meeting @ 7:30 in PreK
Thursday, March 9th ~ PTO School Carnival; 5-7:30 pm (see flyer for details)
Sunday, March 12th ~ 4-H Meeting in the gym; 12-4 pm
Monday, March 13th ~ 4th & 5th Grade Musical, "Let's Eat!" @ 2 & 6:30 pm
Tuesday, March 14th ~ MPS Spelling Bee @ 2:00
Wednesday, March 15th ~ Preschool Screening
Friday, March 17th ~ NO SCHOOL (spring break)
Friday, March 24th ~ Connection Time @ 10:00 am
Friday, March 31st ~ School is IN Session (Storm make-up day)
Save the date:
ND State Assessment Window for 3-8: March 28th - May 5th
Honors Breakfast: Thursday, May 11th @ 8:00 am
Color Fun Run ~ Wednesday, May 17th @ 2:00 (back up day: Thursday, May 18th)
8th Grade Graduation ~ Thursday, May 25th
Last Day of School ~ Friday, May 26th (dismiss at 1:00)
Carnival Volunteers Needed
Congratulations to our 2nd & 3rd grade students, their teachers & paras, and Mrs. Tunseth for a great musical performance last month!
Thanks to all the 2nd, 3rd & 4th grade students who participated in Basketball! Special thanks to Coach Fruetel and Coach Dub for all their knowledge and dedication to the game!
North Dakota State Assessment for Math, English/Language Arts/Writing, and Science for Grades 3-8
Congratulations to Patti Humble for being named March Mustang Staff of the Month!
Manvel Public School
Our Mission: Empower Every Student, Every Day
Our Vision: Inspiring 21st Century Learners to Influence 22nd Century Successes
Email: melissa.hiltner@manvelk8.com
Website: https://www.manvel.k12.nd.us/
Location: 801 Oldham Avenue, Manvel, ND, USA
Phone: 701-696-2212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/manvelmustangs/
Twitter: @melissahiltner
Information on Vaping from our School Nurse, Amber Reimche
Manvel School Website ~ check us out to:
- Access breakfast and lunch menus
- Give a Manvel School staff member a Shout-Out
- Pay your child's lunch bill with MYSCHOOLBUCKS
- See pictures of current activities at school
- Enjoy past school concerts
- and much, much more!