Werner Weekly
January 26, 2024
Coming Up
- Feb. 7- PTA Meeting, 9-10 am
- Feb. 9- Spirit Day: Super Bowl Fun (wear your favorite football gear)
- Feb. 14- Classroom Valentine's Parties
- Feb. 19- No School, Staff Work Day
- Feb. 22- International Night
Today, our students were treated to a great experience with the Sky Dome Planetarium! Thank you to PTA for providing this inspiring experience for our students.
24-25 Werner Budget Prioritization-PARENTS
Each year, we ask our community for their input on priorities for consideration in planning for the upcoming school year. This upcoming school year, we anticipate declining enrollment and budget. Please take a few minutes to share your input on the 24-25 Werner Budget Prioritization Survey-PARENTS. The survey will be open from Jan. 22-Feb. 2. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
Registration for 2024-25 OPEN
Registration opens online for 2024-25 on November 27 for new students. Please go to the PSD School Registration and our Werner Registration site for more information. For Kindergarten registration, you can find more information on our Werner Kindergarten Information site. If you are interested in learning more about our school, call (970-488-5550) our main office to set up a personal tour with our staff.
2023-2024 Werner Photo Album
Staff Favorites
School Meal Prices 2023-24
Milk- 8 oz. $1.00
Breakfast 2nd Entree $1.50
Adult Breakfast $2.00
Lunch 2nd Entree $3.25
Adult Lunch $4.65
Welcome Back from the PTA
Welcome Back Werner Families!
The PTA has a lot of fun things planned for the school year this year. We can't wait to share it all with you!
- Sign up for the PTA HERE to receive a free Werner yard sign & notifications of upcoming events. You may pay the $10 membership dues via PayPal HERE or Venmo @WernerPTA or drop off cash/check to the main office in a marked envelope.
- The annual Fall Fun(d) Fest on September 29th will be extra special this year with the addition of a Talent Show!! Start Practicing! Volunteer opportunities coming soon.
- ***New this year*** Wildcat stickers available for sale! Stickers are $3 each and available for purchase at our PTA meetings and New Family Orientation.
For any questions please email the PTA at ptawernerelementary@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you all back!
We Need Your Help!
Join the Werner Elementary Parent Teacher Association!
Receive a Wildcat’s Roar yard sign as a FREE GIFT when you register with our PTA! Membership is a $10 donation and does not obligate you to volunteer hours or to attend meetings. We'd love your support any way you can give it. Please fill out this Google form and submit your donation with our PayPal link (you don’t have to have a PayPal account). we'll be handing out the signs on the playground at the School Supply Drop Off, Monday, August 15th. (Registration is per person, not per household)
Did you know there are ways to donate money to the school by doing things you already do?
If you shop at King Soopers with a loyalty card they will donate to Werner when you sign up here.
If you shop on Amazon, you can sign up for Amazon Smile and they will donate 1% of purchases.
If you like to eat out, the PTA hosts Werner Dines Out once a month and the restaurants we partner with will donate back to the school.
Your Werner PTA
Follow us on Facebook to stay engaged with School Events, Werner Families, and see what the PTA is up to.
2023-2024 PTA Board
PTA President | Nicole Kidd
PTA Vice President | Gladys Kanode
PTA Treasurer | Patti Haswell
PTA Secretary | Juliana Schump
PTA VP of Community Programs | Open
PTA VP of Fundraising | Marissa McNulty
Thank you for supporting the Werner Elementary PTA!
LRP update: Committee making recommendations; board to vote on plan
Jan. 24, 2023
Dear Poudre School District community:
Here is the latest update about PSD’s long-range planning work, which involves the placement of educational programs, boundary modifications and, likely, school consolidations to address declining student enrollment. This comes after a presentation to the PSD Board of Education at its Jan. 23 meeting.
Who is doing what?
Facilities Planning Steering Committee: Leads this work
Evaluate data and information and engages the community to develop two to three scenarios for change to address the challenges the district faces
Make a recommendation to the Board of Education in June 2024
PSD announces members publicly on Jan. 19. They are volunteers.
Guided by Colorado State University’s Institute for the Built Environment, an outside facilitator hired by PSD
PSD Staff and Superintendent: Participate by invitation only
Support the work of the Facilities Planning Steering Committee by providing information and resources to the committee
Board of Education: Decision makers
Listen to and provide feedback on the recommendations of the Facilities Planning Steering Committee
Vote to approve any changes to be implemented for the 2025-26 school year
What is the committee’s charge?
Begin meeting in February 2024. It is starting with a “blank slate.” This means that that committee is not required to move forward with the scenario initially presented by the district in fall 2023.
Develop two to three scenarios and present these to the PSD Board of Education. The scenarios must address:
Modification to school attendance areas, including consolidation of schools,
Buildings in which PSD should not invest more capital dollars, and
The placement of educational programs.
Provide public updates on its work in Board of Education meetings in March and April 2024.
Make recommendations to the board in May 2024
Board members plan to take action on the committee’s recommendation in June 2024
What is guiding the committee’s work?
At Tuesday’s meeting, the Board of Education established principles to frame the committee’s work, as it develops recommendations.
Start discussion about consolidation with school buildings that have building utilization around 60-70%.
Aim for enrollment optimization to minimize the budget size factor. On average, that is about 400 students in an elementary school and 700 students in a middle school, with an average class size of 25. These enrollment totals do not fit all schools or programs.
Maximize access for all students to schools and academic programs. Consider physical access and proximity to other schools, geographic location, ADA, and curricular demand.
Maximize program continuity K-12 in terms of school location and at each level.
Consider data about current and previous school waitlists and be curious about why those waitlists exist. Keep in mind, the reasons a family chooses a school are vast and varied. Consider whether there is potential for program expansion.
Consider all creative grade configurations (i.e. K-6, K-8 or other school models) to address program demand, create greater building efficiency, and address growing enrollment on the east side of the district.
Using data from the McKinstry studies, PSD, and other sources, consider all aspects and costs associated with continued use of current district facilities (i.e. efficiency score, ADA compliance, overall condition, operations and maintenance needs, cost to install air conditioning, early childhood, flexibility of space inside building).
Consider how existing schools, particularly on the west side of the district, can be used in a way that increases their building utilization.
Consider how boundary modifications could address growing enrollment on the east side of the district, now and in the next five years in lieu of constructing new facilities, which takes time and requires passage of a ballot measure. Ballot measures are outside the scope of this committee.
Keeping you informed: It is vitally important to provide consistent and transparent communication throughout the long-range-planning process. To that end, our community can expect:
Recordings of presentations made at school board meetings. Watch the Jan. 23 presentation on YouTube at the following link: https://youtu.be/9zWxrfyJNVA
Written updates following each meeting of the Facilities Planning Steering Committee, leading up to and following the school board’s decision
Periodic updates to data and information on the Long-Range Planning web section on the PSD website at: www.psdschools.org/long-range-planning
Have questions? Email longrangeplanning@psdschools.org.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to make necessary changes for the long-term sustainability and vitality of our district.
Poudre School District
PSD Now Newsletter
One of many ways information is shared is through the PSD Now community newsletter, which features timely information about the latest happenings in the district. This is emailed to families and interested community members about every other Thursday.
Applications for the 2023-24 School Year are Open
We are now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 Free and Reduced Meals program. Please fill out ALL required information in the application. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. Only one application per household is required. Applications may also be picked up at the Child Nutrition Department, 1502 S. Timberline Road.
PSD Free and Reduced Meals Policies | PSD Free and Reduced Meals Policies (Spanish)
Werner Elementary School
Email: hcamp@psdschools.org
Website: https://wer.psdschools.org/
Location: 5400 Mail Creek Lane, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Phone: (970) 488-5550
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wernerwildcats/
Twitter: @WernerWildcats