Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - August 6, 2023
School Office is Open Daily
Office hours are 7:30am-3:30pm starting August 1st
First Day of School
- ONLY Parents of TK and Kinder students will be allowed to walk their child to their classroom door on the first day of school ONLY, Tuesday 8/8. We ask that you please clear campus after you drop-off your child.
- Staff and Husky Student LEAD-ers will be circulating to help direct students to their classroom door. Classrooms can be located on the school map.
- Please do NOT park in Staff Parking spaces. It is crucial for safety that staff are situated before school starts. Public parking is available near the tennis courts, near the pavilion and along Casuda Canyon Drive.
- The Pat Carroll Way Valet will be in effect. Please be patient as you make your way through the valet line and allow ample time for drop-off. If you would like to volunteer to staff the valet, please click here!
- The first day of school is a Minimum Day, dismissal is at 12:09 (TK/K), 12:10 (1st-3rd), 12:30 (4th-8th)
Valet Reminders
- There are two lanes of traffic for the valet and we merge 3-4 cars at a time from each lane to the curb for drop-off. Security will direct you. There is no fast lane.
- We unload on the right side at the curb. Please pop your trunk if we need to grab any backpacks. Please stay in your vehicle.
- Never leave your car unattended in the valet. For everyone's safety, there is absolutely no parking in the valet.
- The front of the school is a bus drop-off zone. Please do not park or unload your child in front of Gate 1.
- Blue handicap stalls are ONLY for vehicles with a valid placard. Please make sure it's visible.
PTA News
- Our PTA is nationally recognized and has an exciting year planned!
- Your membership ($11) helps fund a huge variety of events this year!
- We’re competing with our neighbor to the south, Brightwood, for new members. When we get more members, Brightwood Principal Mrs. Griego will wear Husky Spirit gear and pose with our mascot! Deadline is September 7th
- Helpful PTA links are available here.
Popsicles & Play Date - 8/12/23 11am-1pm
Please join PTA for Popsicles and a Play Date on Saturday, August 12 from 11 am to 1 pm at the Pavilion park near the end of Pat Carroll Way. Pack a picnic and bring a blanket and meet and greet other families in our community. Popsicles, pizza and water provided on a first come, first served basis.
Please Update Family Portal!
Please update information in Family Portal today!
Please bookmark the NEW link, as the old link will expire soon: ausd.powerschool.com/public/
We can only release your child to individuals on your emergency contacts with a valid government ID.
School communication is primarily through BlackBoard Connect via email.
If your address or phone numbers have changed, please update this info.
Coffee Talk w/Mr. B & the AP
- Click here to learn about our new AP, Mrs. Saldivar!
- Click to view the recording of this meeting.
PBIS Kickoff
On Monday, August 14, we will have a schoolwide PBIS kickoff to reinforce our LEAD expectations at school. Teachers will lead students around campus to review expectations for restrooms, classrooms, hallways, cafetorium and recess areas. Staff has prepared a fun video to teach students about how to LEAD! As part of this kickoff, you will notice a variety of signage across campus to reinforce expectations.
School Policies
Technology Policy
Attention 7th Grade Parents!
We are so grateful to families for volunteering their time at Highlands!
- All returning volunteers must renew their volunteer status at the start of each school year
- New volunteers are always welcome!
- Volunteer registration information is available on our website (CLICK HERE).
To renew your volunteer status or register as a new volunteer, please contact our School Community Coordinator, Ana LeBlanc, in our main office: (626) 570-6220.
School Uniforms
- Please refer to the school uniform standards. Click this link to read uniform information.
- Wednesdays are College Day and Fridays are School Spirit Day.
- Spirit wear can always be worn in place of the uniform.
- If you are interested in a uniform waiver, please call our office to schedule an appointment to discuss this request with administration. A uniform waiver is NOT a waiver from the AUSD dress code (BP 5132 and AR 5132).
School Lunch Program
- School breakfast and lunch are free for ALL students.
- Breakfast is served from 7:30am-8am and at first recess daily. Students may only eat breakfast at one of these times.
- Students will be provided an ID# barcode to scan for every meal. They should keep the barcode safe and notify their teacher if it is lost. Older students (Grades 1 and up) may key-in their ID# if they have memorized it.
- Please fill out the Alternative Income Form (AIF) to help ensure Highlands receives maximum federal funding for our school.
Classroom Assignments
- You will be able to see your child’s classroom assignments by logging into the Family Portal starting on Monday, August 7, 2023, at 4:00 pm. Click the link to access the Family Portal.
- Please be aware that it may be necessary to change some students’ class placements in the next few weeks due to fluctuating enrollment numbers, even after school starts. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
- Parent requests to change to a particular teacher/classroom will NOT be granted.
Solar Construction Update
2 Large Solar Panels are being built above our Lower Blacktop.
Construction will close Gate 4 until the project is over (~10 weeks).
Security and privacy fencing are in place.
Some parking near tennis courts may be impacted.
The service gate near the Marquee will replace Gate 4 during construction.
Privacy Fencing
Security and privacy fencing has completely sealed the Lower Blacktop from campus. Contractors will access the worksite from an external entrance off school property.
Craning Work on 8/5
Steel posts for the solar panels were craned in on 8/5 and wrapped up ahead of schedule. No further closures on Casuda Canyon are anticipated during this project.
Steel Assembly starts 8/7
Upcoming Dates
- 8/8 - First Day of School (minimum day)
- 8/8 - Board of Education Meeting
- 8/11 - Husky Spirit Store closes
- 8/12 - PTA Popsicles and Play Date from 11am-1pm @ Highlands Park Pavilion
- 8/14 - PBIS Kickoff Day at Husky Nation
- 8/16 - Fire Drill
- 8/21-8/25 - PTA Fall Book Fair
- 8/22 - Anticipated beginning of solar array assembly
- 8/23 - Back to School Night featuring Kona Ice food truck!
- 8/24 - Safety Committee (Zoom)
- 8/28 - First Day of VAPA/STEM Classes
- 8/29 - Board of Education Meeting
- 9/5 - Expected delivery of Husky Spirit Orders
- 9/8 - Lockdown Drill
Monterey Highlands School
Email: highlands@ausd.us
Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
Phone: (626) 570-6220