Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Rediscover your Play
We've all seen the happiness on the face of a child while playing in the school yard. Or the blissful abandon of a golden retriever racing across a lawn. This is the joy of play. By definition, play is purposeless, all-consuming, & fun. It is a biological drive as integral to our health as sleep or nutrition. We are designed by nature to flourish through play. Particularly in tough times, play is the very means by which we prepare for the unexpected, search out new solutions, & remain optimistic. From a leading expert, a groundbreaking book on the science of play, describes its essential role in fueling our happiness & intelligence throughout our lives. A fascinating blend of cutting-edge science & inspiring human stories of the transformative power of play, this book proves why play just might be the most important work we can ever do.
Week of July 18th
Tuesday, Social Media (Visit your favorite park)
Wednesday - 10AM - Art in the Park @ Siloam Mountain Park; Farmer's Market; 3PM - Public Safety Sales Tax
Thursday, 5PM - Picnic @ Rainbow Splash Park
This Week
- Completed review of bids on 8-lane swimming pool to be constructed at the Community Center. Looking for dates for groundbreaking.
- Golf Course has replaced fountain in the pond to eliminate the algae
- New ambulance was available for inspection this week, with delivery in 3 weeks. Slow process.
- Good meeting between Police, Fire & Hospital to plan an group exercise in August
- Mayor Powell provided the State of the City report at Clay County EDC luncheon, good development is occurring in Clay County
- Submitted applications to DNR ARPA to fund $6.25M in water line improvements, $5M in storm water & $1.75M in sewer line re-lining.
- Vireo attended DEP Business Mingle to share their discoveries so far & receive more input from business owners to complete their discovery phase for the Fishing River Water Shed study.
City Council Agenda
- City Council public hearings for close of CDBG/EDA grants funding Miller Cabinets roadway improvements ($900K) & Wastewater Treatment Plant 2nd Digester ($750K)
- DEP delivers 2nd quarter Pacer report of visitor attendance at past festivals
- Update on 353 Projects detailing private investment, amount of abatement to measure economic impact
- Consider Zoning Code Amendment represents 18 month review of the ordinance by PZ Commission to suggest new language to provide clarity & eliminate conflicting sections, make changes of interest to the commission or staff
- Rezoning 1403 N. Jesse James Rd. to accommodate a new apparel manufacturer
- Amend purchasing policy to change the limit that requires purchase order from $1000 to $3500.
- Consider ADA Transition Plan, discrimination & grievance policy in compliance with CDBG Grant agreement.
- Considers agreements for Navitas energy improvements at Community Center & accept bids for Community Center Phase 2 (Aquatics Center). Improvements funded by Bond Issue.
- Waive purchasing policy for purchase of Golf cart for Police
To Enhance the Quality for All...
- Joe Spear, Water Maintenance Worker, 41 years
- Barb Eckles, Police Office Manager, 29 years
- Michael Britt, Refuse PT City Laborer, 13 years
- Ronda McQuerrey, Community Center PT Building Monitor, 5 years
Police & Fire rescued a drowning victim this week. The victim is receiving treatment. Appreciate the work of Asst. Fire Chief Brad Smith & Camron White, Paramedic Jason Ortbals & Jessica Martin, EMTs Cody Horky, Jonah McKennon. Police Lt. Jeremiah Renne & Ryan Dowdy & Police Sgt. Kyle Cravens & Officer Andrew Stott. 911 Communications Officer Carol Hunter did a great job facilitating information for FD & PD. Fire Chief Maddick shared his pride for the work of both departments to come together & do their best work for a local family. Thank you!
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752