RPI Pulse Newsletter
September 11, 2022
A note from the principal's desk...
As we head into the 3rd week of school and our first full week, we wanted to ask that you help us to continue the conversations we are having with students at school. The staff has been working tirelessly to help set The Rocket Way Expectations in every location of the building (classroom, lunchroom, bathroom, hallways, office, etc). Perhaps having a conversation and setting expectations at home using Respect. Pride. Integrity would be a great framework to help us link home and school!
After school programs start this week so take a look at that section below!
Please reach out if you have any questions!
Have a great week everyone!
Scott Panozzo, Principal
Monday is an A Day for PM Specials! Our week is: A-B-A-B-A
After School Activities
- Mondays: Yoga (mats provided) (Starting 9/19) Pick up 3:45. Offered through June 2023
- Thursdays: Endurance Adventure (bikes/helmets provided) Pick up 3:45. Fall Endurance Adventure last through October. No EA on October 6.
Contact Kelley Peel with questions: peelk@reeths-puffer.org
Calling all 5th and 6th grade girls. We will be offering basketball open gym times for any girls interested in coming to learn more about basketball. This will be on Fridays after school, in the Intermediate gym until 4:30.
Any questions please contact Jessica VanderLaan at jessvanderlaan11@gmail.com or 231-750-7446.
We look forward to seeing your girl after school on Friday, September 16th. It will run through September and October. Bonus it is FREE!!
STATS Parent Information Night TOMORROW!!!
On Monday, September 12th, STATS (Straight Talk About Tough Stuff) will be providing a space for parents to ask questions and learn more about youth substance use. This informational meeting was intentionally scheduled ahead of the Shattering the Myths forum that is being presented to RPMS students the following Thursday. The goal of this initiative is to educate students about the short-term and long-term consequences to negative choices. Additionally, we are hoping to open the door to family conversations around the topic.
When: September 12th at 6:30 pm -8:00 pm
Where: Reeths-Puffer Middle School
Reeths-Puffer Intermediate PTO
Information coming soon about the first meeting!
PowerSchool Parent Portal
CLICK HERE for a link to the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Start and End Times
Daily Start Time: 7:45amDaily End Time: 2:43
***Note: Since we will not have breakfast in the classroom this year, students who need/want to get breakfast will need to enter in door 1 (main entrance) when they are dismissed from the bus.***
Transportation Information
If you have ANY transportation related questions, PLEASE call the transportation office: 231-719-0110
Band Newsletter
Medication At School
Medications which need to be taken in school must be administered by certified school personnel (or designee) in the presence of another adult. Parents must bring medication to the school office in the original container and file a written statement. NO STUDENT MAY BRING ANY MEDICATION TO SCHOOL.
Contact the office if you have any questions.
BREAKFAST and LUNCH Information
IMPORTANT NOTE: Breakfast and Lunch will be served in the cafeteria, but will NOT be free to all students as in the past couple of years. Please go to lunchapp.com to apply for free or reduced breakfast and lunch benefits.
- Breakfast will be offered to any kids that need/want it in the cafeteria at 7:30am. Students will need to enter the building at DOOR 1 to walk to the cafeteria.
- Breakfast: $1.25
- Lunch: $2.90
A message from our food service director
Please complete a school lunch application if your income has changed since you last filled one out or if you have not yet completed one this year. This information is super helpful for R-P funding, but also necessary for food service to have if an additional round of P-EBT cards go out. Complete the form online at lunchapp.com. THANK YOU!
Jackie Blomeke, MBA, RDN
Director of Food Service
A La Carte Snacks at Lunch
Reeths-Puffer Intermediate
Website: www.reeths-puffer.org
Location: 1500 North Getty Street, Muskegon, MI, USA
Phone: 2317449280
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reeths-Puffer-Intermediate-863900696970981/
Twitter: @scottpanozzo