The Washington Wave
Washington Elementary School PTA Newsletter
Week of August 27, 2023
Catch the Wave!
Introducing the Washington Explorers PTA theme for the 2023-24 school year: Catch the Wave! Our Hands on Art Chair, Lora Ellingson, captures the breezy, sunny coastal life of our community. We get to harness the energy of our solid PTA strength and cruise on that wave. And best of all, have a stupendous ride on that Wave of Washington Explorers students, teachers, and families! Welcome and join the fun! Catch the wave today and be sure to support the PTA with a membership!
Mark Your Calendars!
Thursday, Aug 31: PTA General Association Meeting, 4:30pm, Washington cafeteria
Monday, Sept 11: Running Club starts
Wednesday, Sept 13: Restaurant night fundraiser at Chipotle on PCH
Get Into the Explorer Spirit!
Explorer Spirit Wear
Tee shirts, hoodies and more will be on sale this Thursday, August 31 at Back-to-School night.
Online sales are available as well at our PTA Store.
Parent Support
The secret sauce of the Explorers PTA is our helpful parent volunteers. The pool of talent and skills among our parents is incredible. Here are some positions we are looking to fill:
Movie Night Chair and committee members
Web admin
Spirit Wear committee: inventory, storage, sales, online store
PM pick-up time car valet (1st, 2nd grades)
Time commitments vary. If you're interested in supporting our Explorer community by fulfilling one of these roles, please contact us and we will follow up with details.
Theme: "I am hopeful because..."
The theme for this year’s PTA Reflections Art Program is "I AM HOPEFUL BECAUSE…" Entries will be due October 9th. Get your creativity rolling and share what gives YOU hope. Learn more here.
El tema del programa de arte PTA Reflections para este año es "TENGO ESPERANZA PORQUE…" La fecha límite de entrega será el 9 de octubre. Pon tu creatividad a rodar y dinos qué te da esperanza.
Contact Us
Location: 1100 Lilienthal Lane, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, USA
Instagram: @washington_explorers_pta