Waunakee High School Warrior Weekly
Week of Monday, September 4 through Friday, September 8
Responsibility Release Program
Waunakee High School, in accordance with state statute 118.33 (1)(6), permits a junior or senior student who has demonstrated a high level of maturity and personal responsibility the ability to leave the school premises for ONE study hall. In order to be eligible, students must have parent permission, no F's first semester, a GPA of at least 2.7, must not have been suspended during the previous semester, and not have any attendance concerns. Release privileges can be revoked by administration if the student has an unexcused absence, is suspended, falls below a 2.7 GPA, transports a student not released from the building, is involved in an unlawful activity during release time, or by parent request. Students on release from study hall should not be in the building. Please note that schedule changes regarding study halls will not be granted at this time.
If you would like to enroll your student in the Responsibility Release Program, please fill out this Release Form
Girls' Swim and Touchdown Club FUNDRAISERS
Make it a Pasta Night (x2) and Support our Teams!
Come one-come all to Noodles & Co., for one (or both!) of these fundraisers. Dine in or order online between the hours of 4-8 PM and 25% of qualifying sales will directly benefit the team.
Be sure to mention the team when placing your order each night. When ordering online or with the Noodles app, log into your Noodles Rewards account, add items to your cart, enter offer code GIVING25, and checkout.
Spread the word! Let your friends and family know to calendar:
September 6: Girls' Swim Team Fundraiser
September 7: Football Touchdown Club Fundraiser
Thank you for supporting our teams!
From the Health Office
Does your student need updated immunizations for school? Click here for more details about free back to school vaccine clinics. Contact the health office staff if you have specific immunization questions regarding your student.
Back to School Vaccinations
Back to School Vaccine Clinics
Clínicas de vacunación de vuelta al cole
Food Services Update
We are pleased to continue our partnership with Taher, Inc., as our food service provider.
Taher Food Services has provided a Food Services Update so you are aware of menus, prices, student fund balance, free/ reduced, and contact information. Should you have questions, please contact the Food Service Office at (608) 849-2185 for assistance.
All Freshmen are Cordially Invited!
HOCO Barn Dinner on Saturday, October 14, 2023 from 5:00 pm-8:00 pm at The Barn, 6538 Schumacher Rd, Waunakee
→ 45 minutes of picture time for parents (after which parents are cordially invited to go home)!
→ Insta-Worthy backdrops for photos!
→ Photobooth with souvenir photo strips!
→ Taco Bar from The Lone Girl!
→ Desserts, Desserts, Desserts!
→ DJ to queue up your favorites!
→ Fun by the campfire!
A bus will be available to take you from the dinner to the Homecoming Dance. Please note, a ticket to the Homecoming Dinner does not include entry to the Homecoming Dance. A separate ticket through GoFan (TBD) will be required for entry into the Homecoming Dance. The bus will make several trips to the high school, starting at 7:45 PM. All students to be picked up at the school (whether or not you are going to the dance).
DINNER TICKETS will be available for purchase during LUNCHES on September 28-29 and October 5-6. Cost: $20 per student either Cash or Venmo (@Erin-Larson-83, please include student(s) first and last name)
PARENTS - This wonderful event for our kids is only possible with your help! Please use this link to volunteer and/or donate! Signup Genius.
If your freshman is interested in coming to the dinner but doing so would be a financial hardship, we are collecting donations to be able to include everyone. In confidence, please contact one of the social workers at the high school.
History of the Waunakee Freshman Homecoming Dinner - The idea of having a Freshman Class dinner came about several years ago as a way to reduce the overwhelming task of finding the perfect spot for pictures, going out to dinner, finding rides and all the extra planning that goes into Homecoming. It’s great to have a dinner and gathering place where EVERYONE IS INCLUDED; EVERYONE HAS THE SAME AMAZING EXPERIENCE, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY NO ONE FEELS LEFT OUT! This has been such a success the past few years, we wanted to continue the tradition with the Class of 2027.
All information will also be posted on the CLASS OF 2027 Facebook Page.
We are looking forward to seeing all of you at The Barn! The Freshman Homecoming Dinner Committee
Families and Athletes
Thank you for your support of the Waunakee Community High School’s athletic activities. We highly encourage you to purchase passes and/or tickets prior to the games being held at the Waunakee Community High School. Tickets and Activity Passes are now available on the GoFan website.
The GOFAN App is FREE to download on your mobile device (iOS and Android) and also allows you to purchase single game tickets for $5 + processing fees at any Home Varsity/Junior Varsity events we charge admission to.
Purchase of Single Game Tickets are available only during the season for the following events:
Fall: Football, Boys Soccer, and Volleyball
Winter: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Gymnastics, Boys Hockey, and Wrestling
Spring: Girls and Boys Lacrosse, and Girls Soccer
Items to Note:
Family Passes are available to purchase for $150.
High School students can purchase a Student Activities Pass for $50.
Families that have more than 6 immediate family members will need to contact the Athletics Department for a special code to purchase.
If families need assistance with ticket prices or student passes, please consider reaching out to the Student Financial Assistance Fund.
If the app is not loading your ticket at the gate, we can look up the name of the ticket holder for you on our system. If you are using a family pass, we will need to know the name of the person in the family that bought the passes.
Click on the following videos to learn more about GoFan:
As a reminder, we will not accept cash for ticket sales. Cash is accepted at concession stands. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any questions, please contact the High School Athletic Office at 608-849-2103 or 608-849-2100 or visit our Waunakee Athletic website.
For athletic activities and registration fees, please visit https://whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us/athleticsactivities/registration-fees
Online Store is Open!
We are excited to launch a back to school online Warrior Corner School Store option for you! As the district launched a new brand for both the school district and the high school/spirit last school year, we want you to be able to sport the newest gear. There are many options for men, women, youth, spirit, and accessories.
Click here to access our online store: https://waunakeespiritapparel23.itemorder.com/shop/home/
All items can be shipped directly to your home (shipping rates apply) or picked up at Trending Now Promotions (1120 Uniek Drive, Waunakee) at no extra cost to you. The deadline to order is Monday, September 11, at which time all orders will be processed.
Thank you for your support of our Warrior Corner Store and the Marketing Education program by shopping locally.
SEPTEMBER 6: Girls' Swim Team Fundraiser from 4:00-8:00 PM
Visit Noodles & Co. at 2800 Sarah Ln Suite F.
SEPTEMBER 7: Touchdown Club and Football Fundraiser
(players in Grades 4-12). Visit Noodles & Co. at 2800 Sarah Ln between 4-8 PM.
SEPTEMBER 18: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting will be held via Zoom at 6:00 PM. Request the meeting link at cindyrichardson@waunakee.k12.wi.us. The meeting agenda and link will be shared a week prior to the meeting.
OCTOBER 2: Student/Staff Picture Day from 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM. Order pictures at https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/ For picture assistance, please contact the Help Center at lifetouch.com/support-us.
2022-23 YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION: Pre-ordered yearbooks will be distributed when school is back in session. Complete details on distribution dates and times will be shared at a later date. Please direct yearbook questions to Mr. Willauer at jeffwillauer@waunakee.k12.wi.us
ATTENTION SENIORS: The Waunakee Tribune is planning its 2024 graduation edition and is asking school district families to submit photos of their senior student/s. Email picture to tribnews@hngnews.com, send by U.S. Mail or drop it off at Tribune Office by January 12, 2024. The graduation section will be featured in color, so color pictures are preferred. The Tribune will need the name of the graduating senior, as well. It will be published the Friday before graduation. Contact Roberta Baumann, Waunakee Tribune Managing Editor with questions.
Address: 301 Community Drive, Waunakee, Wisconsin, USA
Phone: (608) 849-2100, Ext. 2046