Arcola~ The Magic in the Middle
Friday Flyer, 9/17/21
We have completed three weeks of school!
We are continuing to solidify our school-wide organization, routine and structure. We are reminding students of the expectations in the classroom, hallways, bus, lunch and after school activities. We realize that consistency is key and helping to teach them responsibility and how to be accountable for their words and actions. Your support and collaboration is essential.
We appreciate your on-going support.
School Safety
As a follow-up to Dr. Zerbe's message,, we will be monitoring all areas of the building. Please know that we met with all students in grade 7 today and will be meeting with all grade 8 students on Monday to expectations and to review the code of conduct. We want all students to feel safe and receive the high quality instructional time that is deserved for everyone. Respect for our environment, our school and one another is key. If you see something, say something. We appreciate your help and support!
Arrival and Dismissal Update
We are working with Skyview and transportation daily to make improvements. Here are the new changes:
- Cars may enter campus starting at 7:40AM and 2:50PM, this constant flow of cars has helped tremendously!
- Our students know their bus number and are called by waive 1 and 2 accordingly.
Thank you so much for your patience!
Survey Input
Please take a moment to complete the survey as it pertains to bus/car pick-up:
Deadline is 9/22:
Picture Day
Friday, 9/24