Simmons Elementary School
September 20, 2023

October 25, 2023
Mrs. Karen Kanter, Principal kkanter@hhsd.org
Dr. Robert Campman, Assistant Principal rcampman@hhsd.org
Mrs. Jillynn Parsons, Administrative Assistant jparsons@hhsd.org
Mrs. Lynn Doan, Attendance Secretary ldoan@hhsd.org
It's been a busy week at Simmons Elementary School. Last week's inaugural Trunk or Treat was a big success! The costumes and car decorations were very creative. Trunk or Treat set the stage for a fun Halloween season. The Scholastic Book Fair is happening this week and concludes on Friday. The book fair will be open tomorrow night as part of our annual STREAM Family Night. At STREAM night, families can meet Mack, the electronics sniffing canine from the Horsham Police, try a variety of Halloween-themed challenges, compete in the Cup Challenge, visit with the high school robotics team, race marbles in a Lego maze, and so much more! We are collecting gently used coats and gently used books that evening in the lobby.
Halloween activities continue at school on Tuesday, October 31st. Please see the information below regarding Halloween parties and costumes.
Upcoming Events
Today, Oct. 25 - Early Dismissal for students at 1 p.m.
Today through Friday, Oct. 27 - Scholastic Book Fair
Tomorrow, Oct. 26 - STREAM Family Night, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 31 - Halloween Parade (PK, K and 1st) and Parties
Monday, Nov. 6 - Early Dismissal for students at 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 7 - No School for students, Election Day
Wed., Nov. 15 and Thurs., Nov. 16 - Family Breakfasts at 7:30 a.m.
Simmons HSA Happenings
STREAM Family Night
Halloween 2023
On Tuesday, October 31st, Simmons Elementary School students will be having Halloween activities and parties in their classrooms. Your child’s teacher will send home more specific information about their class activities. Please take a moment to review the information below regarding our Halloween plan. Only the designated classroom party volunteers will be admitted for the Halloween parties.
2:15 – 2:30 p.m. Preschool, Kindergarten and Grade 1 Parade in the gym
For the Halloween parade, family members are invited to come to the school gym and sit on the bleachers. Please leave extra time to park in a legal parking space, then enter the gym through the exterior door under the overhang. The students will parade around the gym a few times, then return to their classroom for their parties. The exterior gym doors will be open beginning at 2 p.m.
2:30 p.m. Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades 1, 3, 4, and 5 classroom parties
The Simmons Home and School Association will arrange with each homeroom to provide snacks and festive activities to each classroom. Classroom party volunteers need to wear their valid HHSD volunteer badges.
*** 1:30 p.m. Grade 2 classroom parties***
Please note the earlier time for our grade 2 parties. The students will have their special area classes beginning at 2:15 p.m.
If your child’s class is dressing up for Halloween, please remember that all costumes need to be appropriate for an elementary school setting. No face paint, hair dye or weapons should be brought to school as part of a costume. Thank you for helping us make this event fun and safe for everyone.
American Education Week 2023
American Education Week Family Breakfasts
Holiday Help
Each year, the Simmons staff helps school families in need by collecting holiday gifts. If your family could use assistance with making holiday wishes come true, please click below and fill out the confidential form.
Library Volunteers Needed
We are in need of volunteers to help in the school library. With so many students developing good reading and research habits, we love to have volunteers to help us shelve books and to help students check out books. If you have a few hours to volunteer, it would be greatly appreciated.
Volunteers are asked to work either a morning or afternoon, weekly or every other week. Morning hours are from 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM and afternoon hours are 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our librarian, Mrs. Vagnoni, at tvagnoni@hatboro-horsham.org.
Please note: All school volunteers must have Hatboro-Horsham School District volunteer credentials. Please refer to the volunteer information on the district website here: https://www.hatboro-horsham.org/domain/445