D93 Family Update
February 9, 2023
Weekly Schedule
D93 News
D93 schools were recently spotlighted in both Idaho Education News and East Idaho News for our teachers' and support staff's outstanding work in designing success for student groups who are at most at-risk of failing in school.
While the article focused on the Monday intervention and support time for students in middle school and high school, our elementary teachers and staff also provide intentional support for struggling students throughout the week. The teamwork that our teachers engage in during collaboration time also plays a key role in helping them to identify our students who are struggling and plan ways to support all students. The hard work they put in and the care they have for each one of their students makes all the difference. They make our District outstanding.
Join us on Monday, February 13, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. on the District's Facebook page for D93 Live with the Superintendent and his Team.
This week’s D93 News features a close look at Collaboration Mondays, a preview of Technical Careers High School Tech Wars and an EIRMC health minute on mental health.
School Board News
Open Enrollment Policy was approved for final adoption. The form already reflects the changes we had proposed.
Lyndon Oswald, principal at Technical Careers High School, gave a great presentation on TCHS and CTE programs.
I presented on our 2021-2022 graduation rates, which continued to significantly outperform the state average rate by about 10% overall and among our subgroups. Our slight dip from the previous year also mirrors a similar dip statewide. Great work on working to ensure all students graduate.
Jason Lords, Executive Director of Learning & Instruction, presented proposed new courses which were approved by the Board.
The Board reviewed a draft resolution for a May bond to build a new elementary school. The Board will consider a final draft of the resolution in their March meeting
EIRMC Health Minute
Family Events & Resources
Newborn Learning Kits
The Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children has offered to send Newborn Learning Kits to families with newborns to 12 months of age. The kits include two baby books, a cute Future Reader onesie (12-month size), a rhyme book, a magnet, bookmark, and fliers that outline early literacy resources. To get your free kit, please click this link: AEYC Newborn Learning Kit
Opportunities for Students
The Idaho School Boards Association is hosting a photography contest for K-12 students. Winners of the contest will be featured in the Spring 2023 edition of ISBA's SLATE magazine. The theme for this year's contest is Hometown Idaho. Entries must be submitted via email to ISBA's Mika Milette by March 1, 2023.
D93 Get Help Line
Students, parents, and employees can reach out for help with bullying, harassment, suicidal tendencies, self-harm, threats, or to report weapons at school by going to d93.org/gethelp or sending the text @gethelp to 855-528-0074.
Thank you to our community partners at EIRMC for supporting our D93 Family Update.