LODL "WAVES" Newsletter
el 28 octubre , 2022
Message from Sr. Kucinski, Principal
It is so hard to believe that we are moving into November! We have several community events coming up in the upcoming weeks. I'd like to highlight a few:
PTC Meeting - Tuesday, 11/1 @ 6:00PM - PTC meeting in the media center! Come be part of an amazing group!
Prior Lake Heritage and Cultural Festival - Saturday 11/5 10:00am - 3:00pm: Our AMAZING Amity interns (Lucia, Irene, Santiago & Geovanny) will have a booth sharing information about their culture. This event is hosted by the PL Rotary Club.
Family Engineering Night - Thursday, 11/10 6:00pm at LODL! More information is below in this S'MORE.
Don't forget to vote! Finally, I can't stress the importance of voting for the 4 open PLSAS School Board Directors on Tuesday, November 8. Residents may choose to vote early or go to the polls on Tuesday, November 8. For information on the PLSAS School Board Election, and to find your polling location, click here.
Our first quarter of the school year is almost complete! Thank you for all you do to continue to support our teachers and staff. As we say numerous times, it takes a village.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sr. Kucinski, Principal
**Please note all PLSAS emails have changed to @plsas.org. I can be reached at rkucinski@plsas.org or 952-226-0303.
Conferences Coming up
Make sure to sign up for a conference time with your child's teacher/s. The link to sign up is below:
* Specialists will be available during your conferences
Attendance: Matters
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school, and themselves. If children don’t show up for school regularly, they miss out on fundamental skills for learning, including reading and math. Missing 10%, or about 2 days each month over the course of a school year, can significantly impact learning. Research has shown that children who were chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade were less likely to read proficiently at the end of 3rd grade. Review the graphic below for tips on how to create good attendance habits.
WAVES Announcers!
Veterans Day Coming up Nov 11th- Do you have a photo to share?
Veteran's Day is November 11th .
Veterans Day: This federal holiday is designated as a day to honor all of our veterans in the 5 military branches of the United States.
(Marine Corps; Navy; Air force; Coast Guard and Army)
We will be setting up the "Honor our veterans" bulletin board as we've have been doing for 8 years now already! at LODL.
This is a great opportunity to honor those who have served our Country both abroad and stateside- If you have a loved one, friend who is a veteran and you would like to honor them on our bulletin board -please follow these instructions:
** Please turn into office: In an envelope with your name on the outside:
- 1. picture of veteran (3x5 or 4x6 )
- 2. on a 3x5 card the rank (private first class; captain etc) first and last name of veteran, military branch/platoon (if known) dates of service.
- 3. relation to the person submitting picture.
- See example below:
SGT. Daniel L. Ransom
United States Marine Corps.
Radio Battalion
served: 2013-2018
Son of Veronica (Phillip) Ransom (LODL 3rd grade teacher)
We love learning Spanish everyday! Thank you interns for helping with our reading groups!
See you at lunch!
Dear Families,
Thank you for sharing your children with us. We are so grateful for the trust you put in us everyday and the partnership we continue to grow to support our students.
After two years of starting the school year with various COVID safety measures in place it has been wonderful to start a year in a less restrictive environment and more in line with how we started the school year pre-COVID. Now the year is up and running, we would like to begin having families in the school on a more regular basis. There have already been opportunities to volunteer in classrooms. Families are welcome to have lunch with their child(ren). We miss having families in our cafeteria and hope this is something that can work a couple times for your family this year.
That being said, please be cognizant that seating is limited during lunch.
There is no need to call ahead.
Lunch Schedule.
If you are able to join your child for lunch we ask you to remember:
This is a time to be with your child and their classmates
It is not a time to talk with other students on issues that may or may not be happening in class
Food should not be shared with students other than your child.
Confidentiality and data privacy should be honored. Talking about students other than your own is disrespectful and should be avoided.
Your driver’s license to check in in the office and get a visitors’ badge.
Again, we are excited to welcome families in for lunch. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Sr. Kucinski
Unity Day and All School Meeting at LODL!
Unity Day and All School Meeting at LODL!
At LODL we had a great Unity Day and All School Meeting on 10/18.
We reviewed our WAVES expectations (Worker, Accountable, Value Everyone and Safe), did the Pledge of Allegiance, class shout outs, School Song and had a message about Unity/Anti bullying with Latinx Heritage Month.
All our classes also made an orange chain to talk about anti bullying within our school. At the end of our All-School meeting, we had an exciting “Guess how many” orange items. All the classes participated and the class with the closest guess won the items for their classroom to share.
We love sharing our Unity and diversity at LODL everyday!
Picture Retakes coming up
A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at LODL on 11/8/2022 to photograph your Fall Retake pictures. Pictures have not been sent to us yet, but will be distributed to students when we receive them back from Strawbridge.
Picture Retakes coming up at LODL. Please use this attached link to order. https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/clients/la-ola-del-lago-school/fall-retake-pictures-11-8-2022-64/optIn
This link will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.
Thank you! LODL Office
Family Engineering Night coming up at LODL!
Join the PTC for Family Engineering Night at La ola del lago! This event is for the whole family! Tickets are $10 per family so bring everyone to this event! Please accompany your child at the event. Students will need an adult with them to participate in the activities.
The Works Museum will set up and offer TEN activities for families to enjoy together. KING TeC will also have a robotics room with activities for the family to enjoy!
Givebutter for tickets and more information on activities is here: https://givebutter.com/LODLFamilyEngineeringNight22
We also need volunteers to run the activities to make this event successful! Sign up here to help:
Officer Beau is always popular at LODL!
Thank you Volunteers and our AMAZING PTC!
Community Ed Classes Coming up
November 1st- PTC meeting 6:00p.m.
November 2- LODL Davanni's Fundraiser Night from 4-8p.m.
November 8th- Picture Retake Day
November 10th- Family Engineering Night
November 11th- No school - Veteran's Day
November 15,17 and 21st Conferences
November 18th- 1st grade Habitat Exhibition
November 23-27th -No School- Thanksgiving break
December 5th-9th-LODL 5th graders to Wolf Ridge
December 7th- Early Release- 2 hours early
December 13th- 4th grade field trip to Bakken Museum
May 4th, 2023- LODL ESTEM DAY
LODL Phone Numbers
Attendance Line: 952-226-0301
LODL Health Office: 952-226-0306
Richie Kucinski, principal office: 952-226-0303