Westy Academy Weekly Newsletter
Week of January 10th-14th 2022
A Message From the Principal...
We truly hope that everyone had an opportunity to recuperate, recharge, and are feeling refreshed for the 2nd half of the school year!
The winter weather has finally made its appearance, and we returned to much colder weather, winds, and snow. Although it can be tough to navigate the mornings with your children in tow, let alone motivate them to get ready for school-- please remember that its critical to their education that they come to school and are in attendance each and every day!
This month is fairly calm in terms of activities, but we do want to be sure that parents take note of a few upcoming meetings that may be of interest to their students. Please check the calendar of events below, as well as some of the other sections of the newsletter for more information on some of these upcoming student activities.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Warwick
"Tis the Season" Food and Supply Drive Classroom Competition WINNERS!
Westy Academy announced a call to help our community by encouraging students and classrooms to participate in a school wide drive---and the results were astronomical!
Over the 4 weeks of competition, students brought in literally, TRUCK LOADS of donations! Everything from pastas, canned goods, diapers, hygiene supplies, baby formula, nonperishable goods, etc., was donated to mulitple locations around the local area.
To recap, Westy Academy Students collectively donated about TEN truck loads of food and supplies to the following organizations/efforts;
- Westminster Have a Heart Program
- Adams County Food Bank
- Marshall Fire Relief Efforts
- Local Community Church Food Bank
Here a the rough numbers of the items that were graciously donated;
2,375—canned goods; vegetables, fruits, beans, canned meats, soups, pasta sauces
1,700—nonperishable items; mac and cheese, stuffing, granola bars, bags of pastas, cereal, peanut butter, ready to make dinners, rice
250--Baby food; canned, pouches or snacks
175--Condiments-mustard, ketchup, mayo, BBQ, pickles
950—Basic Hygiene items; Toothbrushes, hairbrushes, washcloths, loofahs, Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body soap, Toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, lotion
500—rolls of toilet paper
600—feminine hygiene products
550—packages of baby wipes
100- packages of diapers
50—cans of baby formula
20—large laundry detergent
35—toy donations
In the end though, there can only be ONE GRAND PRIZE WINNER! Mrs. Buchanan's 6th grade classroom came out on top with a whopping 6,028 donation points! They will be enjoying their Skate City Party this Tuesday, Jan 11th!
2nd place classroom winner goes to Ms. Rachel's preschool! They will be receiving a pizza party this month as their prize!
and 3rd place classroom winner is 2nd grade, Mr. Moore's kids! They will be enjoying a PAJAMA DAY soon!
We cannot thank you enough for the help, support, and LOVE that was given during this drive! Families really showed up to give back to our community, and the gratitude we felt during this effort was immeasurable. THANK YOU, WESTY ACADEMY FAMILY!
Adams County Food Bank Donations
Have A Heart
More Donations!
Important Dates and Events
January 10th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm for K-8th; 1:30pm for Pre-K
January 11th: Mrs. Buchanan's Winning Class Field Trip to Skate City
January 12th:
Costa Rica Travel, class of 2024--Informational Meeting @ 5:30p-6:30p; Mrs. Buchanan's room. ONLY FOR CURRENT 6th graders!
January 12th:
Informational Meeting for US National Student Travel @ 5:30p-6:30p; Ms. Ka's room. ONLY FOR STUDENTS WHO WILL BE 11yrs old or turning 11 yrs old in 2023-24 school year!
January 13th: Why Westy? Informational Night for current 7th and 8th graders at 5:00pm at WHS
January 17th: MLK Jr. Day; NO SCHOOL
January 18th: PTO meeting at 5:15pm in Library--Interested Parents encouraged to attend!
January 24th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm for K-8th; 1:30pm for Pre-K
January 31st: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm for K-8th; 1:30pm for Pre-K
February 7th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm for K-8th; 1:30pm for Pre-K
February 14th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm for K-8th; 1:30pm for Pre-K
Late February: Spring Parent Teacher Conferences
After School Club Available! Math Counts! With Mr. Viglione
Math Counts-
Who: Levels 5-8
When: 3:45-4:45 on Wednesdays
January 12th-February 9th, 2022
Students have the opportunity to work in small groups or one-on-one with their math teacher. They can work on missing assignments, homework, or work ahead.
Click the link below to register your student today!
Student Travel Opportunities!
Eligible students MUST be 11 yrs old or turning 11 yrs old during the 2023-24 school year.
Possible destinations could be anywhere in the US! Imagine the possibilities! If you or your student is interested in this opportunity, please join us on January 12th from 5:30p-6:30p in classroom # 3, Ms. Ka's room.
DON'T MISS! International Travel to Costa Rica! Current 6th graders ONLY!!
Please make sure to attend the informational meeting regarding the 2023-24 International Trip to Costa Rica!
This opportunity is open to all CURRENT 6th GRADERS!
It is very important that students who are interested in traveling abroad are in attendance! Please ask Mrs. Buchanan if you have questions!
January 12th
Mrs. Buchanan's classroom
Why Westy? Informational Night
Dear Future Westy High Wolves (current 7th and 8th grade students),
We are excited to invite you to our “Why Westy” night at 5:00pm on January 13, 2022!
This will be an opportunity for you to tour our building to see our programs that include IB, CTE, PLTW and Creative Arts. During this time you will have an opportunity talk to our students and teachers about them! You will also be able to visit with our Future Center staff to see what great things are in store for you at Westy!
Make sure you bring your appetite because you and your family will be served dinner from our brand new food truck, Wolf Bites!!! Also you will have free entry into our Westy Boys Basketball game as we invite you to come and support our Wolves in the gym at 7pm as they take on Lakewood High School. During the game we will have door prizes and giveaways to load you up on Westy Gear! It will be a night to learn about Westy and what our family is all about!
Kiffany Kiewiet
Principal, Westminster High School
About Us
Email: mellerd@westminsterpublicschools.org
Website: westminsterpublicschools.org/wais
Location: 7482 Irving St, Westminster, CO, USA
Phone: 3034282494
Facebook: facebook.com/waiscolorado