Willow Parent Bulletin # 22
February 19, 2021
Hey Wildcats!
March 1st is coming up quickly and we want to be sure you have all the information you need for the new schedules that EVERYONE will begin.
Don't forget that next week is supply drop off for our in-person learners and material pick up for the remote learners. The days are below for each grade level and all will take place between 3pm and 4pm. The process is attached again as a reminder. With all of the large snow piles and more snow anticipated on Sunday, please drive with caution. There will be many cars and many staff near the roadway.
Monday, Feb 22: 2nd grade
Tuesday, Feb 23: 1st grade
Thursday, Feb 25: Kindergarten
You can also pick up or drop off at the office between 8am and 3pm each day. We are always available to help you navigate the changes. As previously mentioned, any requests for changes between remote and hybrid learning will go onto a wait list. You will be contacted if and when we are able to accommodate your request. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to make student safety a priority.
Safety Information for In-Person, Hybrid Learning
Weekly Announcements starring Mrs. Thirus
Book Blurb: "Violet's Music"
Social Emotional Learning- Being Inclusive
A positive classroom climate is when all students feel accepted and welcomed by everyone. Unfortunately, there can be many reasons why students choose to exclude their peers explicitly or subtly:
· Situational constraints (There is no more room at the table)
· Past peer behavior (She’s bossy when we play together)
· Peer qualifications (He doesn’t know how to play the game we are playing)
· Peer group biases (Only girls would want to play with dolls)
· Peer pressure to exclude (My other friend doesn’t want to play with him)
· Concerns unrelated to the peer (I just need to talk to my other friend for a few minutes)
· The need to be alone or with just one or two peers (When students need a break or aren’t ready to interact with multiple people)
No matter the reason, exclusion or feeling unwelcomed is hurtful. When students consider their reasons for exclusion, they can then take ownership of their actions and become actively involved in finding a solution. Although it is not always possible for all students to play or work together all the time, helping them think of the excluded student’s perspective and feelings can motivate them to figure out alternatives that ensure that no one feels left out or unwelcomed.
We realize that there is much more to inclusion than just what's above... both historically and presently. We also know that it's part of tough, but necessary conversations that need to take place. The SEL curriculum gives us the framework with which to get those discussions started with our little people, with examples they can relate and a vocabulary they can use.
Homewood PTA- Cook's Night Out at Buona Beef
Join us at Buona Beef in Flossmoor, on March 1st, for a Cook’s Night Out! The fundraiser runs all day, from opening to close, so you have time to either grab a delicious lunch or dinner!
Show a physical copy of the flier, or show it on your phone! Either way, Homewood PTA will earn 20% of your sale!
All proceeds earned go right back to the schools, so please consider participating.
Homewood PTA appreciates your help!
Are you looking for information ....
Foundation 153
Homewood Science Center
Homewood Baseball and Softball
The Homewood Flossmoor Junior Vikings Football
Ivy League
Covid 19 Virtual Care
Brookfield Zoo
Willow School
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd153.org
Website: www.hsd153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3720
Facebook: facebook.com/homewoodschooldistrict153