ALCS June newsletter
May 2023
Superintendent's message
The June Avon Lake City Schools newsletter is another last Avon Lake “last” for me as my July retirement date quickly approaches. As the 2022-2023 school year has progressed, my days and evenings have been filled with last, “lasts.” Last athletic event, last school building visit, last concert, last play, the event list is long and it culminated June 2 with my last Commencement ceremony.
Each "last" event brought back memories of events from years past. Each and every memory is to be cherished now and in the future. Every event has been special because of the people involved. Whether organizing, supervising or participating, it has always been about the young men and women, their parents, their families, and our supportive community. Each group has brought a uniqueness to our schools and has been part of building the great legacy that is Avon Lake City School District.
No place or person is perfect. There have always been and always will be struggles in school systems because we are human beings. What makes Avon Lake special is the ability of all stakeholders to work together to solve issues. That attitude is not always normal and I have been blessed to be able to work in such a place.
Many, many, many people have expressed their gratitude for my leadership the past 18 plus years. I appreciate the sentiments of each and every person and thank them for their belief in me and for their support. I also appreciate the grace I have been given when I have made tough or unpopular decisions that were in the best interest of our kids.
Cliché, or not, it does take a village to raise kids. I have been blessed to be part of this village for 18 years. Together we have persevered and the graduates from 2005 through 2023 have had amazing opportunities that have given them the opportunity to be engaged, kind, and productive citizens. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to be the Superintendent of Avon Lake City School District, it has truly been an honor and a privilege.
Bob Scott
Upcoming important dates
Aug. 22: First day of school (grades 1-12)
Aug. 24: First day of school (PreK-K)
Please check the district calendar throughout the summer for important upcoming dates, i.e. open houses, schedule pick-ups, etc. Specific information will be communicated from each building later this summer. For a complete list of upcoming events, please check our district calendar online.
New administrators join ALCS
The Avon Lake City School District (ALCS) will have several new administrators for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.
The ALCS Board of Education (BOE) recently voted to award a three-year administrative contract to Theresa Lengel to become the new principal at Troy Intermediate School (grades 5-6). Lengel replaces Mackenzie Hall who was recently named the new director of curriculum for the Amherst Exempted Village School district.
Lengel is currently serving as principal at Westwood Middle School in Elyria, a position she has held since 2013. Previously, she was the assistant principal at Northwood Middle School in Elyria. She has also worked at Northwood Middle School as a Language Arts teacher and intervention specialist.
“I am excited and honored to come to Avon Lake and look forward to continuing the strong commitment to student success,” said Lengel. “As a resident of Avon Lake, I recognize the expectation and look forward to the opportunity to work with the students, staff and community.”
She holds a master’s degree in educational administration/curriculum instruction from Cleveland State University, and a bachelor’s degree in education (elementary/special education) from Mercyhurst College.
“We are very excited to bring Theresa to Avon Lake as the principal at Troy,” said Dr. Jack Dibee, assistant superintendent. “Her previous experience as a principal, combined with her knowledge of the community as a parent and resident of our school district, will be a great asset.”
Lengel and her husband, Jack, have three daughters. Hannah just completed her freshman year at Xavier University and is an Avon Lake High School (ALHS) graduate (Class of 2022), Olivia is an incoming junior at ALHS, and Callie is an incoming seventh-grader at Learwood Middle School.
Also at Troy Intermediate School, Julie Scanlan will be the new assistant principal. She is currently the director of pupil services at Holy Trinity Parish School in Avon.
The BOE also recently approved a three-year administrative contract for Maria Gingo to serve as an assistant principal at ALHS. She is currently an assistant principal at Parma Senior High School, a position she has held for the last four years. She has previously taught English at Normandy and Valley Forge high schools in Parma.
The district’s pupil services department also announced administrative changes. The LEAPS preschool program will have a new supervisor as Stacey Vince was recently hired by the district. She comes to Avon Lake from the State Support Team (SST) Region 2 team serving as an early literacy consultant. Katrina Muzingo was also recently hired as the new special education supervisor.
Welcome to Avon Lake!
Images from around our schools
Learwood's Jazz Ensemble performs at Independence Village
Troy students present inventions
Redwood students trying their hand at Jackson Pollack painting
Back-to-school forms
Over the summer months you will receive an email notifying you to complete your student’s back-to-school forms via your PowerSchool Parent Account. All forms are to be completed prior to the first day of school (Aug. 22). This is a one-stop shop for reviewing and updating your child’s emergency and medical information, as well as signing off on the annual permission forms for school district policies.
If you have any questions about your PowerSchool Parent Account, please contact:
· Maria Szarek – (440) 933-4829
· Theresa Martin – (440) 933-0984
Avon Lake Productions
We invite you to subscribe and follow Avon Lake Productions on YouTube and Facebook. Under the direction of Scott Herrick at Avon Lake High School, Avon Lake Productions features videos and live streams produced by Avon Lake High School students. Past videos include concerts, sporting events, and general school news.
Building ALegacy
If you missed the previous Community Forums, all of the information is posted on the district website including the slide presentation, recorded link, and FAQ. Click here.
Please take the time to review the information. Also please share the information with your friends and neighbors.
Homeowners can now calculate the financial impact the bond issue will have on an individual basis. To calculate, click here.
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback on the project, please email them to