GT Services Identification Guide
for parents
The Gifted & Talented Program is designed for students who demonstrate significantly above-average achievement or potential in the areas of general intellectual ability, specific subject matter aptitude, and creative/productive thinking skills. Clear Creek ISD screens for qualified Gifted and Talented students using a variety of sources including performance on qualitative and quantitative screening instruments, teacher recommendations, authentic assessments, classroom performance, and selection procedures. Parents may refer their children for testing.
Gifted & Talented Services
The Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students
Need for Gifted Services?
Every school district is tasked with educating students. Gifted services are provided to students with instructional needs beyond the scope of the general education classroom. Those gifted services offered and how they are identified for those specific services may vary from district to district.
The term gifted is used in various settings and contexts. However, in our identification process, we focus on identifying students who exhibit a need for the specific gifted services we provide in CCISD.
High Achievers & Gifted Learners
There are clear differences between high achievers and gifted learners (Davis & Rimm, 2004; Juntune, 2013):
- They develop differently. Although a high achiever’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional domains may seem to develop more quickly than an average student, those domains still move in sync with one another. Gifted learners, however, show asynchronous development, as both the cognitive and emotional domains develop faster.
- They are motivated differently. High achievers are motivated extrinsically. They make good grades, please their teachers, show interest in assignments, understand and memorize easily, and thrive on knowing the answer. Gifted learners are motivated intrinsically. They typically show interest and perform well if the activity is meaningful, individualized, and related to their passions. Instead of memorizing and practicing already-mastered skills, gifted learners prefer to pondering ideas, looking at multiple perspectives, and asking—rather than answering—the questions.
- They perceive and react to the world differently. While both high achievers and gifted learners may be intuitive and sensitive individuals, children who are gifted tend to exhibit even more awareness, sensitivity, and emotional intensity than their non-gifted peers. The difference lies in the degree. Generally, gifted students seem to intuitively understand situations, people, and behaviors more completely than their peers and react to situations more intensely.
- They replenish their energy differently. Both average and high-achieving youth typically recharge and thrive when spending time with others: studying in groups, calling friends, and “hanging out.” Children who are gifted tend to exhibit more introverted behaviors and find groups—especially of the same age—distracting.
What We Assess
- Verbal - measures a child’s ability to remember and transform sequences of words, to understand them, and to make inferences and judgments about them.
- Quantitative - measures a child’s understanding of basic quantitative concepts and relationships.
- Non-Verbal - measures reasoning using pictures and geometric shapes.
Capacity can vary by person, topic, subject, or skill. We all have different capacities to learn. For example, someone may have a larger capacity to grasp complex concepts in math than they do in other areas like English or art.
CCISD Identification Process
Screening - This process is done during the kindergarten and 2nd grade years for students not receiving GT services. Because we do universal screening all students will be considered for GT services.
Referrals - This process is for all students in K-12. Parents, students, and staff can make a referral. Students who are referred for evaluation after October 1st will be assessed in the next testing cycle in the Fall of the following year.
Kindergarten Screening
Second Grade Screening
Referral Deadlines
October 1st
Deadline for students in grades 1 - 12
December 1st
Deadline for students in kindergarten
To Make A Referral Click On The Link Below
What kind of information is important to share in the referral?
For a list of characteristics that may help you determine if your child has a need for gifted services please click below on General Characteristics of Gifted Learners. Most importantly, sharing examples of the observed characteristics is most helpful for the selection committee to determine if the student has an instructional need for gifted services.
Frequently Asked Questions
We will schedule makeup testing as time is available. Contact your campus Advanced Academics Specialist.
Does my child need to be retested if they are already receiving services?
Your child does not need to be retested once they have qualified for services in CCISD.
My child did not qualify last time they were tested. Can they be tested again?
Yes, students have annual opportunities to be referred for gifted services. In deciding if you should refer your child multiple times, consider the child's instructional needs and their response to potentially testing and not qualifying. Sometimes students internalize this as a failure because they do not understand the nature of this kind of assessment and process.
Additional Questions?
For a list of campus specialists and contact information, please use the link below.