Adler Gazette
It's a great day to be a Gator! (November 6, 2023 Edition)
Adler Park School
Location: 1740 N. Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville, IL 60048
Phone: 1-847-362-7275
Twitter: @AdlerD70
From the Principal's Desk
Hello Adler Park Families,
We are so excited to begin the fall season with our students. We have so many great upcoming events and opportunities for students to FALL in love with school :)
Specifically, we have our Veteran's Day assembly coming up on November 9th. We will celebrate those who have made sacrifices for our country by holding a parade, signing a few songs, and 4th and 5th grade students will be interviewing real American Veterans.
Additionally, we have some pretty awesome language arts topics coming up in our classrooms. Our new ELA curriculum has allowed for so much exploration and conversation about the amazing world around us. If you are ever wondering what topic your student is learning about, CLICK HERE! This scope and sequence document can enhance conversations about your student's learning experiences. Feel free to share your own stories and knowledge to build a connection between home and school.
Asking your students about their class work and topics they are covering goes far beyond relationship building. Did you know that there is "one key success factor that transcends nearly all others, such as socioeconomic status, student background, or the kind of school a student attends?" This magic success factor is you! Parental involvement makes all the difference. Accoding to the Annie E. Casey foundation, "Students whose parents stay involved in school have better attendance and behavior, get better grades, demonstrate better social skills and adapt better to school. They also are more likely to develop a life-long love of learning and see school as valuable."
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter and partner with us!
Dates to Remember
A Note from the Nurse
Cold and flu season has quickly arrived! Here is a friendly reminder of the policies of District 70 regarding illnesses:
*If your child has a fever (100.4F or greater), they may return to school once they have been fever-free for a minimum of 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (i.e. Tylenol, Motrin).
*If your child has vomited, they may return to school after a minimum of 24 hours after the last episode.
*If your child is experiencing diarrhea (3 or more episodes in a 24-hour period), they may return to school after a minimum of 24 hours after the last episode.
*If your child is experiencing any symptoms of illness and/or has received a diagnosis from a medical provider, please let me know so I can inform you of our return-to-school guidelines.
Here are some tips to help prevent illness:
*Make hand hygiene a priority~ Washing hands for 20 seconds with soap and water is one of the simplest and most effective ways to stop the spread of germs. Remind your child(ren) that they should wash their hands for as long as it takes to sing their ABCs.
*Give your child’s immunity a boost~ Make sure he/she gets enough sleep at night, eats a well-rounded diet full of fruits and vegetables, stays well hydrated, and gets physical activity every day.
*Follow respiratory etiquette~ Remind your child to cough and sneeze into their elbow instead of their hands and to clean their hands after using tissues.
If you have any questions please call the office or email me.
Thank you for helping to keep our school healthy!
Kathy Panov
Math at Home
If you are like many families, you may feel out of the loop when it comes to how your student is learning about math. You may hear your child say, “but that’s not how my teacher does it!”
Your child is correct– the tools, concepts, and practices have changed significantly since our days in K-5. But, if you’d like to learn more about your child's math curriculum and how you can support them at home, visit the Bridges Family Support page. This page will allow you to select your child's grade level and see what skills they will focus on this year. Additionally, you can get an overview of each unit. These overviews are helpful in terms of using the same vocabulary as their classroom teacher.
If you are looking for a few math applications we are loving lately, check out:
2nd and 3rd Grade Maker Club Lottery is Open!
Maker Monday is back, renamed Maker Club as we’ll meet on both Mondays and Tuesdays this year! During each Maker Club meeting, students will have access to all of the amazing materials available in our STEM collection. Nothing will be off limits as they will let their creativity and innovative ideas take flight! They will have the freedom to design, engineer, fabricate, create and build as they choose. There is no cost to participate.
Please contact Ms. Carr with any questions.
Read this parent letter with more information including the meeting dates.
LEGO in the Library
Monday - 4th and 5th grade
Tuesday - Kindergarten and 2nd grade
Thursday - 1st and 3rd grade
Please let Ms. Carr know if you have any questions.
The Next Event:
Date: November 7, 2023 at 7:00 pm
Location: Highland Middle School
This presentation will cover overall security awareness including what actions that a parent would need to know in a school emergency if you are inside or outside of the school building, and when coming to the reunification site. We will review what is involved in a threat assessment process in schools and explore some of the social media/digital tools that our youth are using. Mr. Randy Braverman will be our presenter.
D70 Families Learning Together Catalog for upcoming events
Staff Highlight
Mrs. Sue Wisek and Mrs. Gena Boehme received our staff “Gator Gotcha!”
Mrs. Wisek is one of our kindergarten superstars! She is patient, flexible, fun and creative.
Mrs. Boehme is our all ⭐️ para educator! It’s no surprise she was awarded the Staff Gator Gotcha. She’s a true team player and always willing to put in the extra time & effort to ensure our classrooms are running smoothly.
Thank you both for all you do and for being a part of the Adler Family!
D70 Foundation for Excellence
Now in its first full year, the Foundation is a recently formed parent-run, non-profit organization dedicated to securing our legacy in D70 by providing additional resources to support our students and staff. As a 501c3 that can collect tax-deductible donations, the Foundation operates as a private fundraising arm that will help the District where tax dollars stop short of meeting our expectations for our children.
The Foundation is different from anything D70 has seen in the past, but foundations have been running very successfully for years in many districts around us. The D70 Foundation's goal is to financially compliment the many resources the District already puts into its amazing schools. Unlike a family association who focuses money on their specific school, the Foundation will benefit all five campuses in the district, and will revolutionize how our students play and learn. Our school district enjoys significant resources, but the D70 Foundation will accomplish things above and beyond what can be funded through taxpayer dollars.
Below are some of the areas the Foundation plans to contribute to:
- Enhanced security measures such as Electronic Door Access for all campuses
- Curriculum Enhancing Educational Opportunities such as Arts, STEM, and STEAM
- More Innovative Classrooms that help put D70 Students at the forefront of Education
- Teacher Mini Grant Program
- Highland Ninja Warrior Style Fitness Course (playground)
We hope that all families in the district will consider contributing to the Foundation, and we are actively seeking corporate sponsors as well! If you can help us connect with your company, please email Holland Burton. Many companies match donations!
Have you made a donation to the D70 Foundation for Excellence yet? If not, do so here.